Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 379: Jim Carrey's Confusion

The first day of construction went smoothly, all the expected scenes were filmed, and the progress was even accelerated.

At 7:00 p.m., it got dark, and after another shot, Lyman announced that he was off work.

Thomas brought people to pack up the equipment and props and stuffed them into the car; Ryan sealed the film material.

After a tiring day, everyone worked hard.

"Director Lyman."

After returning to the hotel, they dispersed in twos and threes, but Jim Carrey stopped him.

She frowned, and it looked like something was up, "Well, are you free at night?"

"I\'m fine." Lyman smiled, "Let\'s talk?"


Positive Alloy - Kerry\'s Heart.

So the two of them went back to Lyman\'s room and found a chair to sit on.

Lehman handed over a cigarette and took a few puffs.

Lehmann said, "It\'s been a day of filming today, and you\'ve got a good mood for your performance. Keep up the good work."


Jim Carrey rubbed his hands, "I have some questions I want to ask you."

"Talking about drama?" Lehmann guessed.

"No, this role is not difficult, it\'s in other aspects."

"What?" Lyman asked with interest.

"I don\'t want people to think that I can only act in comedy."

Speaking of this matter, Jim Carrey was a little silent, "My business, you should also know. I tried many times, but I still can\'t. After going around for so many years, it has been like walking in the same place. It\'s like a cage, trapped me."

"Then why do you think you can\'t transform?"

"The role is not in place, the audience\'s impression of me has been fixed, and I can\'t accept my non-comedy work... Therefore, more breakthroughs are needed."

"You all know, why can\'t you do it?"

"It\'s too difficult." Jim Carrey frowned, "I thought I would be able to transform if I played a more in-depth work and stopped laughing and laughing. But, it seems useless, neither the judges nor the audience will accept it. "

"Oscar?" Lyman teased.

"Winning the Oscar proves that I\'m more than just funny." Jim Carrey took it for granted.

Many actors think this way. Xiao Lizi wants to make people feel that he is not relying on his face to eat, but is also striving for Oscar\'s favor.

"Why do you think an award can change the audience\'s inherent impression?" Lehmann was a little puzzled.

"Isn\'t it right? The golden statue is an affirmation of performance and represents authority."

"It\'s man-made."

"But it\'s the most correct. Getting it at least proves the level of an actor\'s performance."

"Theoretically yes, but performance is a very complicated thing, not something that can be recognized by awards, and you don\'t need it that much. Of course, this is my personal understanding, and we can talk about it."

Lehmann organized the language and continued: "Do you think for a movie, is the box office success more important, or is the judge\'s word of mouth more important?"

"The box office."

"Then do you want the audience\'s approval, or the judges\' approval?"


"Then it\'s over. I understand your desire to transform. It\'s nothing more than acting in the same type of movie all the time, making you tired, tired, and wanting to make a breakthrough, right?"

"Yes, I\'ve been acting in comedies for more than 20 years, and I\'ve always made people laugh, but it\'s actually a very boring thing. I\'ve never been able to laugh when I watch my own movies, and now, it\'s even more inexplicably disgusting. No." He rubbed his head, smoking a cigarette, and his thoughts were blurred, "I used to be in order to make money, and I used to be ugly, offbeat, and exaggerated on TV shows, and I kept practicing to make people laugh.

But I\'ve been on this road for too long, and I\'ve always been treated like a clown. The clown, you know, the one who wants to laugh when he sees it. I don\'t want to be laughed at all the time. Walking on the road, people\'s admiration has always been: You are so funny, you are so funny. It\'s like a nightmare, you can\'t laugh, but you have to keep laughing. "


Lyman listened carefully.

You can even imagine the way Jim Carrey smiles in front of the mirror day in and day out.

Constantly creating joy, the days of laughing for the sake of laughter must be pitiful.

Actors are never acting themselves, so there is a saying of acting skills.

It is to inject certain emotions through certain techniques to achieve the desired effect.

To amuse others, you must first abandon your own feelings, and be happy if you are not happy.

When there is no performance, he is himself, and when the performance starts, he pretends to be happy to make people laugh.

This is a very false feeling, and it also makes people numb.

He clearly knows that this is life, it\'s fake, it\'s a performance, but he can\'t change it, a very entangled self mentality.

The actor\'s perception of the role always deviates from the audience\'s.

They also always like to put some kind of label on the actor, but in reality, who cares about the appearance of the actor himself.

The audience only hopes that the actors can show the side they need on the screen and in their lives.

Jim Carrey\'s attempt to change is a revolt against this obsession.

It\'s a pity that he failed, and in the future, he suffered from depression.

Mental and emotional depression, coupled with the troubles and anguish in life, make comedians become the hardest hit areas for depression.

Chaplin, Rowan Atkinson, Robin Williams... all suffered from this.

Comedians need to have a delicate mind and rich emotions. If the heart is weaker~www.novelhall.com~, the possibility of causing mental obstacles is too great.

In other words: Jim Carrey\'s talent for comedy was enough for him to travel the skies, but he couldn\'t find a way to get back to himself.

I fell into a daze, thinking that winning the Oscar would end all this and have a new life, but in the end, I fell deeper and deeper and couldn\'t extricate myself.

In the final analysis, this product lacks a way to release self-emotion and pressure.

"Your basic understanding is wrong." Lyman interrupted after listening for a long time.

"What\'s wrong?" Jim Carrey hasn\'t reached that point in the future. At this moment, he simply thinks that he needs to broaden his acting career and can\'t keep acting in the same type of movies.

Alas, God is rewarding you with food, but people are not willing to eat it.

"What is acting? Acting is your understanding of the character. How do you see Hilary Swank\'s performance today?"

"It\'s a little bit worse, but the progress is very fast."

"She won the Oscar for Best Actress, but what\'s the matter? She can\'t grasp the comedy effect of the scene, so she can\'t act well. A person\'s life experience must first reach a certain level in order to perform well, otherwise you can\'t even play a role. If you can’t understand anything, can you still perform?”

"Then how do I transform?"

"It\'s simple. Take more shows, try different roles, and even travel more to see the world. Don\'t stick to one Oscar, it doesn\'t mean anything. You\'ve been involved in this, so what are you afraid of?"

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