Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 375: eagerly follow

"Kate Beckinsale shawl short hair, new Batman heroine debut"

A copy of "Los Angeles Daily" was thrown on the table, and the headline of the entertainment page was Kate Beckinsale\'s new look for the character - the original beautiful long hair was not only cut off, but also slightly curled at the end.

And further down the report, it is to start to brag about Warner\'s restart of Batman\'s behavior.

What a budget of 100 million, real shooting, trying to restore the truth... blah blah blah.

The general meaning can be classified as, we made this film to repay the fans and bring Batman to the big screen again.

A very normal publicity operation.

In another "San Francisco Times", the content of the report is not too much, but the focus is on director Nolan, and the title is taken, "Nolan? A director with a strong narrative style. 》

This article is full of positives about media people getting paid for their pens.

It begins with the personal background of Christopher Nolan, such as British nationality, graduated from a certain college, who are his parents, and what is the family situation.

Then he began to count down the various works Nolan has shot since he stepped into the line of directing.

Finally, after calculating the shooting cost and total box office of each film, I came to a conclusion: the films produced by director Nolan have never lost money, and the rate of return is very considerable.

This also proves that Warner Bros. has a reason to choose him as the director of the Batman project. His record is really impressive, and he is a talented director.

At the end, the conversation changed, and he said that the Batman project was well funded. I doubted that Nolan had ever shot a first-line project with such a large shooting budget, and I questioned his directing experience a little bit. Possibly burying the rhetoric.

Even entertainment newspapers, you can\'t expect people to be particularly impartial and maintain judgment.

In case this blows too much and slaps the face, shouldn\'t we leave some way out?

Think about it, if the movie is successful, it means it is right; the failure of the movie can also be attributed to the reason of Nolan\'s lack of experience in blockbusters.

How perfect.

Therefore, in this article in the "San Francisco Times", director Nolan is a very enterprising, talented, meticulous, and has not yet failed as a future director.

Why do you say you are aggressive?

It\'s not enough to take a risk on Batman\'s reboot plan, clean up the legacy of Joe Schumacher, bet his career on the Batman who already has a screen image, and rejuvenate Bruce Wayne. To prove his courage and enterprising spirit?

You know, the last failed director, Joe Schumacher, completely disappeared from the sight of Hollywood.

Until now, there are still DC fans who spray him.

As for Bruce Wayne\'s actor Christian Bale and another successful French director, Lehmann, the general producer of the new project is also a hot topic in many newspapers.

In the final analysis, since yesterday Warner\'s launch conference, the biggest traffic topic in Hollywood has been about Batman\'s reboot plan.

Warner\'s campaign is also beginning to pay off.

However, the time to exert force has not yet come, it is just warming up, and when the film is finished, there will be more publicity means.


"Dong, dong, dong..."

In the president\'s office of Firefly Pictures, Lyman was sitting on the boss chair with a newspaper. Hearing a knock on the door, he raised his head and greeted, "Come in."

But it was the head of the administrative department, and Benjamin Joseph took some financial statements for him to sign.

Lehmann checked a little, then said, "Have the filming funds been credited into the account?"

"Well, the second batch of 30 million has already been credited. About half of the filming is done, and the remaining 50 million will be transferred to the Batman crew." Joseph replied casually.

"Pay more attention to this aspect, and don\'t make any mistakes."

Ryman instructed, and then handed the signed report to Joseph.

After three o\'clock in the afternoon, Lehman finished dealing with some affairs at hand, so he thought about going to the studio of Warner Studios to see it.

After renting there, in addition to setting the scene, I have been preparing props for shooting.

After waiting for a while for the company\'s elevator, when the elevator door opened, Lehmann found that the top guy was inside.

He walked in and asked with a smile, "What are you busy with recently?"

Gyro raised his head and smiled at Lyman, "Hellboy. Lionsgate has been confirmed to be released on July 3. I\'m going to take the crew to promote it."

Lyman nodded thoughtfully.

To be honest, he is now more and more famous, and has more and more money in his hands, so he has not so much thought to take charge of the overall situation.

For example, in this film of Top, I didn\'t pay much attention to it except when I started filming, and when I asked about it during post-production.

He thought about it and said, "I will let Joseph cooperate with you. We can still provide some media resources."

The spinning top was a little happy, "Thank you."

The Mexican director didn\'t care about Lehmann\'s "cold" at all.

For him, Firefly Pictures can provide such good production conditions and does not like to interfere with his own creation. It is simply the best film company in Hollywood.

Even if it doesn\'t have the status of the Big Six or DreamWorks, it is the most pleasing to him.

Lehmann chuckled, "You\'re welcome, we\'re collaborators, aren\'t we. You\'ve always been busy with the movie, so I\'m actually a little sorry."

"No, no, I like it like this." Top thought that Lehmann wanted to further intervene in his films in addition to taking a stake in his studio, so he quickly said, "Liongate is also helping, it\'s alright."


Lehmann was speechless, people didn\'t need his excessive attention~www.novelhall.com~ Top, really a director with personality. He could only sigh.

The two went downstairs to the parking lot.

Lehman started the car and walked away in a hurry, but Gyro had more appreciation for Lehman.

With his obsession with movies, if he encounters a certain film company that likes to intervene, he might have to go back to Mexico.

Although no one interferes in my hometown, the film industry is underdeveloped.

Otherwise, he wouldn\'t come to Hollywood.

When Lehmann drove to the Warners set, he could still see some paparazzi squatting near the door.

Seeing him getting out of the car, I wanted to block him. Fortunately, the security team on the set was still strong, and the paparazzi couldn\'t get in at all.

It is estimated that these people are also because the popularity of Batman is too high, come and rub it.

Nolan and a group of film crews were inside discussing the filming. After Lehmann came, he greeted him and visited the preparations.

It can be roughly seen that the interior scene is almost completed, and the Batmobile has also been designed to the second version.

Now everything is going smoothly, and Blake Cole is watching, and Lyman is also preparing to shoot his own movie.

It was said that the filming was planned in mid-June, but if you count the days, it has already been delayed for more than a week.


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