Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 369: audition

After Morgan Freeman also confirmed the role of Lucius Fox, among the remaining supporting roles, only the butler Alfred remains.

This time, there are no actors who are too pompous to come here because of favor.

In the third round, three actors with suitable images auditioned.

During the short wait, a producer from Warners first asked: "Do you have any candidates you are satisfied with?"

"It\'s all quite appropriate." Lehmann took the lead.

He never thought of fighting for this role.

Then Nolan, who also shook his head.

He can be said to be the least involved person here. For him, as long as the actor is suitable, it doesn\'t matter who he chooses.

"Then let\'s see." The person who just spoke said again.

He waved his hand, and the staff immediately brought the recorded casting video.

Anthony Hopkins, Dennis Quaid, plus Michael Caine.

All of them are older and have rich acting experience, but they are all veteran actors who play supporting roles all year round.

In the end, it was the first producer to speak up that Michael Caine was cast as the butler Alfred.

As for why?

Will he say that he has dealt with this actor and has some friendship? Well, both are British. With this relationship, is it too much to help your fellow countryman?

Of course, the reason the producer said is that the images of the three are not bad, but Michael Caine has played roles such as housekeepers and has more role experience.

Is it persuasive? have.

Anyway, no one is arguing with him.

Then, it was time to audition for the heroine.

Several of them sat upright.

The staff handed everyone the information about the female lead audition candidates, which had been reduced to five copies.

"Let\'s start." Nolan said bluntly.

The first to appear was an Italian actress named Giovanna Marzagino.

Acted in "The Last Kiss", "For Lost Love"...

Does it look good? It\'s still pretty, mainly because of the good figure and big boobs.

As soon as the girl came in, she began to smile, a little to please, "Hi, everyone, my name is Giovanna Martha Gino..."

Saying so, but his eyes frequently swept to a producer from Warner, who was second to Lehman\'s left.

There is no need to say more about who goes.

That person was also very supportive of her, and said directly: "It\'s a sweet smile, the audience loves such actresses, doesn\'t it?"

Lehman pouted, "Maybe she is indeed suitable for development in Hollywood. In some movies, she will have more opportunities to play beautiful roles such as a new wife."

What are you implying?

The man stopped talking.

Anyway, I didn\'t say that if I wanted to help her, I would definitely compete for the role. I have already given my voice to help, and that\'s enough.

Besides, he is actually not optimistic about a TV actress who is quite good in Italy and came to Hollywood to develop. Here, there is never a shortage of beautiful women, and how many years of youth can women guarantee?

Perhaps it was the success of Monica Bellucci that caused a shock in the Italian entertainment industry. In recent years, there have been many Italian actresses seeking opportunities to enter Hollywood. Giovanna is not the first, and certainly not the last.

But you must know that over the years, so many people have only produced one Monica Bellucci.

"No popularity, no audience, if it weren\'t for her resume, I wouldn\'t even know where she came from. It\'s really just beautiful."

The first level has not been passed. Nolan said that he was already eliminated when he was waiting for the audition news.

The second person who came in was Rachel Weisz.

Played "The Mummy", British actor.

The latter\'s nationality caught Nolando\'s attention.

But that\'s it, the actress\'s biggest attention to the audience may be her **** scenes and **** scenes.

Well, you can read the news that has caused a lot of momentum.

"Rachel Weisz plays "The Mummy" in a vacuum..."

But this is actually an unscrupulous operation of the filmmakers, saying that this scene will be cut off, but not a single frame was cut. Instead, it was used as a hot spot for publicity, which made this girl very unable to step down...

However, she is actually an actress who dares to take off and reveal herself, as long as you make it clear to her before shooting. She agrees.

Rachel Weisz is 34 years old and still very attractive.

Not beautiful and impossible to enter the third round, she also had an ambiguous affair with Keanu Reeves. I don\'t know if it\'s true or not.

The first level is over. It is popular and beautiful.

Nolan said, "You got the audition lines, right?"

"Yes, director."

"Then let\'s start, give you a minute to prepare and try this scene."


She immediately took off her coat. Inside was a white shirt, revealing her thin but well-built figure, which was very attractive.

She put on a pose, and after a minute, she slowly took a few steps forward, imitating someone in front of her, and reciting the lines she had memorized into the air...

Overall, he looks like a prosecutor, and his expressiveness is okay, at least he doesn\'t have stage fright and is very calm.

A producer said, "I think it\'s pretty good."

Lyman pretended not to hear, wanting to see what Nolan had to say.

The people present were thinking separately, only Nolan judged from a very fair stand, "Everything is okay, let\'s look at the others first."

He knew that Lyman also had an actor behind him.

In other words, he doesn\'t care much about these small thoughts. Everyone has personal relationships. If he admires an actor very much, he is willing to give him a hand if he can. No one is fair enough to be impartial, not even God.

Of course, the premise of everything is that it is suitable, and only when it is suitable can there be room for selection.

"Hi~www.novelhall.com~ Hello everyone, my name is Paz Vega."

A beautiful woman with a Latin face appears in front of the camera.

Speaking of which, this one is also in a similar opening situation to Eva. As soon as she debuted, she became popular internationally with "Lucia\'s Lover", and her native Spain even won her back the "Best New Actress" in the Elegant Film Awards. .

It is also possible to say that it is another typical example of "getting off to become famous".

It seems that some literary directors always like to fool newcomers into their works.

Giuseppe Tonadore, Julio Mitan, Bernardo Bertolucci... Their movies always find new stars, is it a common hobby?

Finding the beauty of the screen or something is just like the bad taste of men who like **** big girls and persuade women who go astray to be good.

Speaking of which, Bernardo Bertolucci, a great literary director, played the role of Melanie Roland, who did not know how to fool after missing Eva Green\'s "Dream of Paris".

It is also "getting famous".

However, the situation was worse than that of Eva. She didn\'t break into Hollywood.

In other words, the threshold for Hollywood is too high, and outsiders have to pay more to enter.

Unsurprisingly, Paz Vega was defeated, and her performance was still too jerky, even Rachel Weisz couldn\'t compare, let alone anything else.



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