Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 364: The right to speak

The crew is a delicate place.


Some people\'s words have weight, and some people\'s words will be light.


The so-called weak trunks are still the weak trunks, and all the things in it involve some kind of human heart.


What\'s more, it is still produced by two different film companies.


To put it nicely, it\'s called co-production, but co-production is also worth it.


In case of disagreements, who should I listen to? Lyman, as the first producer, couldn\'t possibly have everything under his control.


Coincidentally, after Director Nolan showed such a hand, his authority rose steadily.


The film crew also has a lot of people from Warner. If the imaging style is to be unified, it has to listen to director Nolan.


Firefly Pictures definitely won\'t say anything, but some of Warner\'s production staff gathered together and whispered, and the topic of discussion could not leave the film - maybe they were afraid of being heard by outsiders, and they did not shy away from talking in a group.


No matter what the crew, as long as they are not all directors, there will always be factions.


The other faction\'s high-profile performance, seeing the increase in the right to speak, has a lot to do with it.


Especially as a director, you express your opinion in the producer-centered Hollywood Boom, which everyone recognizes. Such a capable gesture will stab some people\'s hearts.




Lyman yawned, not paying attention to the movements of some people.


Anyway, he was the number one producer who was striving to support Director Nolan. No matter how careful he was, he would be embarrassed if he didn\'t have that strength.


"You don\'t have to do a lot of things yourself. Our funds have just entered the group, and it\'s still the first stage. Warner will also worry about our sudden withdrawal of capital and leave. You can rest assured that even if the people sent by Warner want to do something, they have to do it in the right direction. It\'s good for the filming, otherwise they won\'t be able to get past Warner Bros." Lyman said to Nolan with a smile.


During this time, he was the busiest. He came early every day and went back late every day, and he had to take time to complete the storyboard script, which made people worry about whether his body could handle it.


"I know, I only ask the film crew, and I rarely ask about other aspects." Nolan knew exactly what he was doing.


It seems to be right. He has worked with Warner before, and it seems that he is not the kind of authoritarian person. Even if he is very successful, he does not do it.


"That\'s good......"


Lehman tilted his head and thought for a while, then persuaded again, "I\'d better pay more attention to rest."


"I will."


He said so, but he still looked like a workaholic, "Have you selected the location?"


The filming location that can be used for the whole movie is roughly a classical castle, street, theater, ice lake, bat cave and so on.


Lehmann had already sent people to see the scene, and after a while, people had prepared the materials and photos and brought them over.


"Because the main location is in England, the most suitable castle is only this one that can be used as Wayne Manor." Blake Cole introduced, "This estate was owned by the Rothschild family in the 1850s. The building, located in north London, is very suitable for the selection of Wayne Manor in terms of the area, the interior decoration and the well-maintained castle.”


"Is there an underground cave?" Lyman asked, flipping through the photos.


"No, it fits the bat cave described in the script. It\'s still hard to find such a big natural cave, and it\'s definitely troublesome to shoot. I suggest setting the scene outside."


Lehman didn\'t speak and looked at Nolan.


"Well, let\'s set the scene."


Although he likes live shooting the most, it is not that he does not know how to be flexible.


"There are a lot of scenes needed for street scenes and fighting scenes, and we couldn\'t maintain such a large shooting length, so I took apart a few parts." Blake Cole picked out a few street buildings from a pile of photos, "Part of it was shot in New York, part of it was shot in London, England, and when they were edited together, it became the streets of Gotham City."


"Well, through editing, the audience thinks that these scenes are all happening on the same street, without affecting the complaints and troubles caused by the long road closure. You did the right thing." Lehmann praised.


"What about the ice lake?"


"There are many suitable places in Iceland, but the most suitable one is Vatnajokull Glacier in southeastern Iceland."


The scene crews sent out are very professional, and the architectural styles of all the photos picked out and sent back are very uniform and in line with the scene in the script.


"Just decide on these places, and the rest can be done in the studio." Nolan nodded with satisfaction.


"Yes." Lyman nodded, "What about the initial location budget?"


"Don\'t worry, these are the most cost-effective, probably no more than $8 million." Then, Blake Cole added, "It\'s under the condition of smooth shooting, and within the estimated time of the scene rental."


After he finished speaking, he took out two more bills, "If it\'s set, just sign it. I\'ll let the people from the location team go to communicate with the local department first to see if they can get some subsidies back, and that. When you are in the manor, you have to discuss the shooting cycle in advance. As for the up-front cost of scene selection, the bill is also here, the travel expenses of a few people, and my executive producer... Hey, the result of personal labor. Approve first. Check it out."


There is nothing to say in this regard. After Lehman signed the signature, he added: "As for the costumes and props, you should also pay more attention to it. Don\'t make any mistakes."


"Isn\'t one of Warner\'s production managers in charge of this? There are only five people in my location team, and all four have been transferred out. How many people are there?" Blake Cole said.


"That\'s why you need to keep an eye on it, and don\'t want you to do anything, just see if the final result meets expectations. If you have anything, just come to me or Director Nolan, understand?"


"That\'s good, I promise to complete the task."




Blake Cole was overjoyed.


In addition to the selection of scenes, even the costumes and props let me intervene.


What does this mean?


Leadership values.


There is nothing to be dissatisfied with an old Rodrien who can do this job.


Now the company is getting on the right track, and there are more and more people.


The new employees are likely to be very experienced from outside, and the competition is much greater.


As for him, he can\'t afford to show his qualifications~www.novelhall.com~ Besides, Lehmann is a person who values ​​ability very much.


Can I have the opportunity to show more performance and return to the company, how can I have less qualifications?


What the heck, you have to work hard and seize this opportunity.


Blake Cole cheered himself hard.


"Okay, let\'s go get busy."




After this meeting, the hearts of the crew were a little fluctuated, but most of them had to cooperate to complete their respective work.


Fighting is fighting, but no one is willing to bear the burden of film failure.




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