Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 359: martial arts

Hollywood, a commercial building near Warner Studios.

In the simply decorated office, Yuan Xiangren was painting when suddenly an employee knocked on the door and came in, "Boss, there is a ghost looking for you below, saying that there is an invitation."

"Is that the boss of Firefly Pictures?"

Yuan Xiangren paused, then remembered that someone had just called and said he wanted to meet.

"Yes, he said his name is Lyman." The employee added.

"Please come up." Yuan Xiangren said, tidying up the things on the table.

After a while, the employee led the individual into the house.

"Sorry to interrupt. Who are you?"

"My brother is not here. I am his younger brother Yuan Xiangren. Just call me by my name. Please take a seat."

Yuan Xiangren was polite while guessing his purpose.

The boss of a film company, what will be the intersection of finding a martial arts team?

Born in the 1940s, he practiced martial arts with several brothers since he was a child.

Later, he was named an assistant martial arts instructor, and followed his senior brother Tang Jia to design movements for Zhang Che.

In the entire Yuan family class, Yuan Ba ​​Ye is the most famous, but Yuan Xiangren is the most powerful. As early as the mid-1970s, he was well-known at Shaw Brothers.

The more well-known cameo performances include the old beggar who sold to Ah Xing\'s "Tathagata\'s Palm" in "Kung Fu", and the beggar who taught Su Chahar Can Sleeping Arhat Boxing in "Wu Zhuangyuan Su Qi\'er". But that was all later.

Since the decline of Hong Kong films and Yuan Jiaban\'s development in Hollywood, he has more to help his eldest brother Yuan Ba ​​Ye and assume the responsibility of martial arts.

Anyway, they rely on technology to eat, so they are not affected by the rise and fall of the market in one place.

Leiman sat down and asked, "Where did Mr. Yuan go, is it convenient to say?"

"Oh, he took Quentin Tarantino\'s Kill Bill 2 and took part of the team to Chicago."

This is not a coincidence.

Lehman thought to himself, and then caught a glimpse of a stack of manuscript papers on the table, and asked, "This is?"

"Oh, just draw casually, it\'s about motion design," Yuan Xiangren explained.

"Can you take a look?" Laiman was a little embarrassed, "I originally wanted to ask Yuan Ba ​​Ye to work with us on a movie."

Hearing that there was business coming, Yuan Xiangren quickly said: "Yes, but the painting is not very good."

After a while, after reading the manuscript paper, Lehmann gave a thumbs up and praised: "Awesome, just looking at it, I have a sense of the picture in my mind. But the above is mainly the leg work of the painting, and the hand on the hand. , will you also design?"

"What do you mean?" Yuan Xiangren asked, "What kind of style do you want? Be more masculine, or be more watchable, or focus on feint skills."

"It looks smooth and fast, and it will pay more attention to viewing."

"Okay, we\'re good at this."

"Well, I know that. I came to you because of this. But if Yuan Ba ​​Ye doesn\'t have time, can you do it? After all, in terms of schedule, we also need to let the actors practice as soon as possible."

"No problem, we also allocated the "Charlie\'s Angels" and "The Matrix" that we participated in the production of."

Such suggestive words quickly got into Yuan Xiangren\'s heart.

Their Yuan family class is quite a mixed bag in Hollywood, but in the past two years, they have quite the feeling of a church apprentice and a starved master.

In the early years, foreigners had rough action designs, basically you made one move and I made one move. Just like boxing, since the martial arts teams of Hong Kong films have entered Hollywood one after another, many action designs have been stolen by others. .

For example, in "The Matrix Series", Yuan Jiaban was in charge of motion design in the first part. In the second and third parts, some foreign action directors can also participate, and their opinions are even more recognized by the management.

No way, don\'t use one\'s own people, can\'t you still use outsiders all the time.

Foreigners are not stupid.

As a result, Yuanjiaban is not as popular as before, and many foreign teams have also risen.

In the next few years, Yuan Jiaban put his work focus back on Hong Kong Island, Taiwan and the gradually emerging mainland entertainment circle.

Yuan Xiangren believes that his team is not bad at all. In terms of style, maturity, and experience, they are all the top ones. The only thing is that they charge a lot, and some small crews can\'t afford it at all.

However, although Yuan Jiaban is running around, Yuan Xiangren still knows a little bit of Hollywood news, and also knows that the person in front of him is famous as a director.

But he was very shrewd, and he didn\'t speak in this regard. He only smiled: "They are not slow to shoot, I can also take time to go there, and it is no problem to exchange ideas."

Leiman thought about it for a while, and felt that it was not bad. Anyway, he definitely didn\'t have the professional understanding of Yuan Jiaban in this aspect of motion design.

As long as Director Nolan submits the desired effect, it is another matter whether it can be done or not.

So, Lehmann stopped going around in circles, and simply said: "I\'m here today to talk to you about cooperation. My film company will make a superhero movie with Warner. If it is convenient, I would like to ask you to be responsible. The motion design part."

"Superhero movie?"

"Oh, it\'s the adaptation of Batman, and the approximate shooting budget will be around 150 million."


Yuan Xiangren\'s heart beat faster in an instant.

A big production of 150 million is higher than a simple "The Matrix", not to mention that "Kill Bill" can only be regarded as a medium production.

Which is lighter and which is heavier, is there no number yet?

"I watched a bit of the movie you designed the action, and thought that smooth punching would suit Batman. I don\'t know what you mean?"


Yuan Xiangren had already tended to agree, but Yuan Jiaban was his elder brother who had the final say, and his cautious personality prevented him from answering all at once. In case, his brother takes on the drama again, which is also uncertain. I had to smile and said, "I still need to think about it, and I\'ll give you an answer tomorrow, okay?"

"Well, this is my business card. If you have any news, just call me."

Lehmann took out a sheet from his bag, the design was quite simple, just wrote his name and a string of his personal phone number~www.novelhall.com~ If it is public, his other is the company\'s front desk number , which is also the name of the president of Firefly Pictures.

"Then don\'t bother, let\'s talk again when we have a chance."

Lyman got up and left.

He has never made a movie that requires martial arts before. The "Bad Guy" is also a foreign team. He is very good at weapons and close combat, but in terms of skill or fluency, it does not rely on fragmentation. Editing {"The Bourne" is a fragmented editing of playing, in fact, the action design in it is rough, and it is all about editing to make it a little more enjoyable, but this kind of consumes energy and time, because a shot takes countless times. Disrupting, cutting, and combining}, Lehman thought of the Chinese/Chinese martial arts.

Uncle Long\'s team basically revolves around his personal service, and the Hong family class doesn\'t develop in Hollywood.

Then the only suitable one is Yuan Jiaban.

They also often deal with Hollywood crews and are more accustomed to the way of doing things here.