Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 357: settled

The two exchanged for a while, in front of Lyman.

After the conditions were set, Barry Mayer still agreed, but Joshua Bloomer seemed to have some ideas.

"In terms of casting, do you really want to give in?"

"Hey, didn\'t you say that everyone is negotiating? What is a concession?" Lehmann was a little dissatisfied.

"You directors are always selfish, which is never a good thing for normal movie shooting." Joshua also has his own reasons, "We will not be biased, we will screen out the most suitable ones."

"Everyone has their own considerations. For casting, it is impossible to be selfless. Anyway, it needs everyone\'s consent, doesn\'t it? We won\'t mess around, and I hope you will too."

Joshua was about to say something, but was interrupted by Barry Mayer, "That\'s it, you can ask your team of lawyers to come over and check the contract for the last time."

"You take this kid too seriously." Joshua was still complaining.

"Don\'t make things too complicated, okay?" Barry Mayer said: "We\'ve been putting off the adaptation of the Superhero project for too long. And the Superman return plan you\'re in charge of, can it work? Just because the directors have withdrawn one after another, two directors have already been replaced. Can we negotiate the third one? We have no time to delay, we must first open the situation, otherwise I will not be able to explain it to the board of directors."

Speaking of this, Barry Mayer was also a little unhappy.

Just because some people\'s desire to control is too strong, the films that have been approved cannot even find a suitable director.

Every time he just joined the group, he was immediately forced to explode and left the field in anger.

Of course, Joshua is not something he can decide. For such executives, as long as there is no big mistake, the board will not take any action against him, at most it is a warning.

"I understand I understand..." Joshua assured immediately.

Barry Mayer spread his hands, "Some shareholders have already had some opinions on us, and I\'m running out of patience. In short, whether the DC Comics project will be successful or not, when it\'s time to flop, I don\'t want to. Keep Columbia and Twentieth Century Fox free, okay?"

Joshua\'s face was a little ugly, but he nodded and left the office.

All of this, Lehmann sees it.

Presumably Joshua\'s strength also caused Barry Mayer\'s dissatisfaction.

Batman\'s project was driven by him, and he wouldn\'t allow it to be delayed any longer.

"Where did we just say?"


"Yes, let your team sign as soon as possible, I hope to see this movie in the summer of next year, can you?"

"Yes, there is plenty of time."

"That\'s good."


Taking advantage of the time for the legal team\'s review, Lehmann carefully stroked it.

Joshua is the head of production, yes, he\'s strong, but Barry Mayer is the one who speaks volumes about this project.

The responsibilities of the two are not on the same order of magnitude at all, even if Barry Mayer rarely gets involved in production.

But as things stand, Barry Mayer is far more determined and more positive than Joshua.

In his spare time, he also kept on the phone and asked the senior management of CAA, William Morris, ICM and other brokerage companies to communicate the news of the project shooting.

He was a little urgency, but for Lehmann, the two men mostly had the same interests.

Develop projects, launch the market, and make money back.

It\'s nothing more than a little right to speak, and he can\'t compete.

But Joshua\'s approach is very uncomfortable. Although he agrees with the general direction, he always thinks about everything and always wants to take care of his own department in the project team.

It can\'t be said that it is wrong, but the way of doing it is unpleasant.

Barry Mayer is more tactful and willing to take care of other people\'s emotions.

In terms of contracts, there are no major problems.

The two sides are still the same as before.

The copyright and distribution rights belong to Warner, and Firefly Pictures is responsible for the funds. Warner has an investment share of 20 million yuan.

As for Nolan, as a director, he also quickly signed a directing contract.

In this contract, he can get about 5 million basic remuneration and box office incentives similar to gambling.

For example, if North America breaks 300 million, he can get an additional bonus of 2 million, breaking 400 million is 3.5 million, and 400 million is the upper limit.

Since Spielberg made more than 200 million in "Jurassic Park" with box-office incentives, many production companies have learned their lesson and will add an incentive box-office cap to prevent such things from happening again.

After the negotiation, there was a wine bureau inside.

"Hey." Lyman raised the cup and took the initiative to show his favor to Joshua.

The boat is done, and the head of the production department is no longer so strong. It may also be that Barry Mayer had a showdown with him, which made him have a clearer understanding of the collaborative shooting of the entire project. "Cheers." He took the lead. drink up.

The relationship between the two is a bit delicate. He is the first producer, and Joshua will definitely find someone to insert it into the crew. Who will listen to it then?

Whoever has the most power on the set is the one who has the final say. But at this moment, everyone knew in their hearts that it was time for the calculation to end.

Joshua can\'t just focus on one project, he\'s not that busy yet.

"Cheers." Barry Mayer, who has worked hard for Warner Bros. for most of his life, resumed his smile, as if all the previous disputes had never happened, and his communication skills were still online, "I hope we can cooperate happily."

"Cheers." Joshua also said.

The wine is just a small taste, it is still working time, and the few people present have no intention to drink it openly~www.novelhall.com~ After drinking two glasses, and after being polite, Barry Mayer prepares another drink. A contract with words to sign.

This is a commissioned filming for Batman\'s copyright, and it also shows that the project can be invested in the shooting budget at a price of 20 million, but it is an agreement paid by Firefly Pictures.

Anyway, Ryman can\'t covet any copyright use of Batman.

This is not something that can be settled simply by using ability or some kind of favor, human affection, or the like.

After confirmation, Lehmann signed the contract.

In duplicate, keep them separately.

After everything was done, Lehman left the Warner Building with the legal team, and after paying the due remuneration, he called his agent Johnson, "You must help me screen out the right distribution company as soon as possible, and establish a North American channel. The matter is imminent, and I don\'t want to be so passive anymore."

"I\'ve been paying attention, and I\'ve got some goals. I\'m approaching their management, hoping to get a distribution company with good equity and personnel channels, which is what you want the most. Isn\'t it?"

"Well, help me keep an eye on it."


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