Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 347: Revisit the crew

New York, on the railroad near Boston.

A sign with a warning sign stands far away in the middle of the railway.

Looking inside, a large group of people are busy, not repairing the rails, but filming.

The crew of "Travel to New York" led by Zha\'s director, hurry up and hurry, and it\'s almost time for the end.

The scene in front of him is also the scene where the male protagonist falls from the train while holding the bitten deputy director of the railway company. The most tear-jerking scene in the entire film.

As for Lehman, there was nothing to do, and he made a special trip from Los Angeles to come here.

Zha Dao and Wen Ziren both showed great enthusiasm for his arrival.

Of course, the most enthusiastic is Eva.

Thinking about it, the two haven\'t seen each other for several months, and they usually make phone calls to comfort them.

"Hey, did you miss me?"

On the set, while everyone was still on set and carrying props, Lyman found Eva in the RV who was reciting her lines.

Eva didn\'t say anything, she just wrapped her arms around Lyman\'s neck and kissed her.

I haven\'t seen you for a few months, but I feel at ease when I see you again.

After the kiss.

Eva\'s lung capacity was not good, and she was still panting.

But Lehmann took out a box from behind him, "I bought you a necklace, see if you like it."

Saying that, Lyman opened the box, stood behind her, and put it on by himself.

"It\'s expensive, isn\'t it?"

Eva held the mirror and looked at the huge ruby ​​with a white diamond border. so pretty.

This shiny product can be described as a woman killer.

Lehmann smiled and said, "I passed by a jewelry store and picked it out for you. It\'s good if you like it."

A style like this was bought for more than 2 million US dollars.

But there\'s no need to say the price, it\'s all you want. If you really want to say it, Eva is very proud, and maybe she will buy a very expensive item for him.

After wearing it for a while, Eva asked Lyman to help take it off and put it back in the box.

She will be filming later, but she can\'t wear jewelry.

But she was still as happy as she had eaten honey.

I feel that Lyman has always thought of her in his heart.

After feeling it for a while, Wen Ziren ran over.

He is now the art and assistant director of the crew.

"Get ready, the shooting will start later."

After the notification, he said hello to Layman again, and ran back to the set with a whimper.

"I\'m going to do my makeup." After that, Eva also walked towards the makeshift dressing room.

On the railway at this time, a leased freight locomotive has already driven over.

Christian Bale put on makeup and stood on the train with Eva, Dakota Fanning, and the zombie-infested Kemet.

Lehman stood next to Zha Dao and asked worriedly, "Is it all right? Your safety measures must be well arranged."

Zha Dao is very confident, "Don\'t worry, nothing will happen. We have been filming for so long, and we haven\'t had any accidents."

After another two minutes, seeing that the actors were all ready, Director Zha shouted with a loudspeaker, "Attention, let\'s try it out first. Everyone keep an eye on it, and if you have any questions, speak up."

Dao Zha has obviously made great progress. When filming important scenes, he can learn to walk twice first to find his feelings.

When it feels right, turn on the camera.

Although it was a bit of a waste of time, there was no way. The film was so expensive, and it was still such a climax. You can\'t go wrong with being careful.

"Okay, Kemet, go into the cab." Zha waved his hand and shouted, "Start."

The train didn\'t start, Bell clutched the handrail in a daze, was chatting with Eva and her daughter, and suddenly noticed that something was wrong in the cab.

Opening the door, just as he was about to check the situation, he noticed that the former executive of the railway company walked out slowly.

He shook his head, his body twitched from time to time, and his eyes were dull.

He took a step forward, and Bell took a step back, and soon came to the side of his daughter and Eva.

Bell stopped them in front of them with his arm...

"Stop. Okay, yes, let\'s do it again."

Several actors reset again, and when they were ready, they made a gesture to the director.

"Everyone is in place, the filming is about to begin."


With a slap on the board, the train finally started moving.

This is a real shot. The photographer is lying on the roof of the car, hanging a safety cable, showing half of his body, and controlling the camera position.

As soon as the train moved, the group behind them also started to move, chasing after the train.

In fact, there were not many people, only a dozen or so people were chasing them, with very penetrating zombie makeup painted on their faces, and their clothes were tattered and bloodstained.

This car chase scene will be rendered with special effects to highlight the tension and the momentum.

This scene was filmed one after another, because it was really difficult and cumbersome to film.

After filming the previous literary drama, when it comes to the fighting scene, you will definitely have to be a stand-in.

You can\'t ask Bell to get off the train himself.

This is something that requires a lot of experience, even if it is a specialized martial artist, it has been rehearsed many times.

So, this last tearjerking scene comes from paragraph to paragraph.

If you need to use Bell\'s frontal face, let him take pictures, if you don\'t need it, let a stand-in take pictures, and change back and forth.

In the first stage, fighting with infected zombies is easy. Bell has been filming for so long, and he has also entered the role.

Seeing that the zombie\'s strength was too great, he pressed him to the edge of the guardrail, and half of his body was squeezed out. He immediately put his palm into the zombie\'s mouth~www.novelhall.com~ Of course, Kemet didn\'t really bite hard. He just pretended to be very hard, and then he took the lunch. He was pushed down by Bell.

In the second stage, it was Bell\'s disease, and he jumped off on his own initiative.

This latter part is the hard part.

After repainting her makeup, Bell asked Eva to enter the cab with her crying daughter, Fanning.

Then, standing at the guardrail, feeling the erosion of the virus.

Before his will was completely blurred, he jumped down—the speed of the train was reduced to the lowest level, and Wu on the side was replaced with a costume similar to Bell\'s, with ropes tied under his feet, and there were people on the side who kept checking.

"Ok." The inspector made a gesture, and Zha Dao immediately shouted, "Start."

Wudi didn\'t hesitate. What they do in their business is to exchange their lives for money.

If you say you want to jump, you have to jump.

As he jumped down, the rope suddenly tightened.

Except for a knock on his head, he was able to hang on the outside of the train smoothly.

Of course, in the camera, he was completely gone, shooting blind spots.

With just such an action, once it is not done properly, it really falls to the ground, and it is still a moving train. It is estimated that everyone will be gone.

Even with protection, it is a life-threatening job.

Beforehand, the crew had to take out a lot of insurance.

Fortunately, it passed smoothly, and all the dangerous scenes were filmed.

After Bell received the lunch box, the role of the protagonist was finished. The play is almost over.