Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 343: Issue copyright

Firefly Pictures, in the president\'s office.

Lyman first thought of a storyboard for "Daydream" for a while.

Then I took a look at the filming progress of "New York Row".

If it goes well, this play will be the work promoted by the owners of Firefly Movies this Christmas.

The directing ability is still good. There was no major problem on the set, and everything was going according to the established shooting plan.

After a while, Lyman received a call from Nolan, saying that they would get together tomorrow.

According to him, it is the plot setting of the script that needs to be well grasped.

Lyman certainly has no problem.

Ryman has been busy with work all morning, and has approved Joseph to fire two marketing employees.

In the past, the old people of the former Rodrian Films were used to a relaxed and leisurely rhythm, but now they are suddenly full of vitality, and the project size is constantly changing, but it is slowly unable to keep up.

Some people can\'t adapt, and some people have insufficient ability and can\'t make progress. Such people will naturally be eliminated by the company.

In Hollywood, there is no shortage of talents in the film and television industry.

In the afternoon, Lionsgate executive Jon Fleming came to visit with someone from the distribution department.

For the release of Hellboy.

It took two days for the top guy to get the credits for the credits at the beginning and end of the film, and the people from Lionsgate couldn\'t wait, and immediately came over to discuss it.

Lionsgate is still very ambitious, and not lacking in action.

The two sides met, politely said a few words, but also entered the topic and negotiated directly.

"Our condition is that your company will take half of the advertising and distribution costs, and take 90% of the producer\'s revenue. We will be responsible for the distribution, and will also send out half of the advertising and distribution costs and take the revenue of the distributor, and the rest such as various screenings. Taxes incurred during the period must be deducted first.”

What does this mean.

In fact, it is: everyone pays out the money from the announcement, and each share half of it. Excluding the cinema, tax, and box office profits, Lionsgate will account for all the distribution revenue, plus Firefly Pictures will give Lionsgate 10% of the producer\'s profit. .

It sounds like it is more conscientious than Paramount and Warner, after all, both of them basically take 15% of the release conditions. But don\'t forget that Lionsgate doesn\'t have such a powerful publicity channel as others, and it is inherently disadvantaged in terms of media resources.

Of course, Lehmann should not jump into this kind of pit.

If it is only a little discount, he might as well cooperate with Paramount and Warner. If the announcement is strong, the total box office will be higher, and maybe the more part will be more than the saved part, and it will make more money.

Furthermore, although "Hellboy" is not a work after the top has matured, it lacks a taste for humanistic thinking, but the unique art style is definitely not bad, and it still has great profit potential.

Lionsgate\'s sincerity is not enough.

Lehman said in a very targeted manner: "On Xuanfa, you are not rivals of the Big Six in Hollywood at all. Since I did not choose them and intend to cooperate with Lionsgate, what do you think I am looking for?"

Jon Feilermei smiled awkwardly.

Isn\'t this obvious, knowing that Lionsgate can be more favorable and profitable, and the relationship between supply and demand is more unequal. You are not fools.

If you can\'t make Firefly more beneficial in it, why bother to join forces with Lionsgate?

Does Lionsgate have a unique distribution advantage?

Of course, negotiation does not happen overnight.

Just this time, I just tried to test the bottom line of cooperation. After all, if I really want to promise, Lionsgate can earn a little more.

This is also a negotiation strategy, lowering the other party\'s psychological expectations, don\'t really treat Lionsgate as a fool and bully.

Jon Feilermei asked with a smile, "Mr. Lehmann, on what terms do you want to cooperate?"

Lehman said calmly: "We can agree to share half of it, but only 5% of the producer\'s profit, and Lionsgate does not have any film rights, only the entrusted distribution rights."

Turning his head, Jon discussed it with the person from the distribution department next to him and muttered.

"No, "Hellboy" has a small audience, and its distribution potential is not as high as that of ordinary commercial films. Moreover, 10% is already a very kind distribution condition. We cooperated with other people and got a maximum of 30%. .5 percent is so unreasonable."

"Then cooperate with others."

"How about 8 percent? We Lionsgate don\'t want the copyright of the film, we just need to be able to participate in the offline and home entertainment market."

"Joseph, talk to them."

Lyman turned away.

It\'s still up to professionals. He doesn\'t have that much patience.

Joseph nodded and continued the discussion with Lionsgate.

Ryman went to another office.

Close the door and continue the preparatory work for Daydreamer.

About an hour later, Joseph ran over.

"They killed 7% of the distribution revenue, and in the offline market such as DVDs and videotapes, they had a market share of 20% in the first three years. Of course, the copyright is still ours, whether it is a sequel or a sale, it will be It has nothing to do with Lionsgate."

Although "Hellboy" has little market potential, the copyright still has to be held in hand.

For a normal film and television company, with enough copyrights, it is a small treasury that continuously generates income.

Take Disney for example.

"The Lion King", "Snow White", "Donald Duck" and other classic animation works, they have enjoyed dividends for decades, and as long as there are TV stations or the more developed Internet in the future to continue to broadcast, they can get to a portion of the copyright fee.

And then, there are third-party marketplaces, licensed for profit.

Clothing, dolls, pillows and other peripherals are also great wealth.

Although "Hellboy" is definitely not comparable to these classic productions, no matter how small the mosquitoes are, they have meat. Why should they let out their own projects.

While the two were discussing here, Jon Feilermei was also talking with the subordinates of the distribution department in the office just negotiated.

"This film is our best small cost. If it works properly, there is no problem with profitability."

"Yeah, but Firefly Pictures wants too much."

Jon Feilermei shrugged~www.novelhall.com~ said: "No way, they don\'t lack collaborators, but we really want the distribution rights of the movie. If we have nothing to fear, Lionsgate can only be slaughtered. It can also be bigger, but the rules of distribution are not set by us. Look at Warners and Paramount, they are rarely passive.”

While the two were talking, Lyman and Joseph also knocked on the door and came in.

"We agreed that 7 per cent was a very suitable condition."

Jon breathed a sigh of relief, this is almost the bottom line of Lionsgate.

"Then wish us a happy cooperation."

"It\'s a pleasure to work together." Then, Lyman asked again, "When do you want to schedule "Hellboy" to be released?"

"In July, it happens that there are no strong opponents."

Well, the summer season is over, and of course there are no strong opponents.

However, "Hellboy" is not a big production, and it is also suitable for such a deserted schedule.

Several people chatted for a while, and under the review of the company\'s legal department, the two sides formally signed the issuance contract.


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