Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 305: New York Line

The script idea conceived by Lehman naturally came from the later Korean movie "Train to Busan".

This film is a work in 2016. On the first day of its release, it broke the record for the highest number of viewers on the first day of Korean film and television with more than 870,000 viewers.

In the end, the market accumulated 11.56 million person-times and 93.1 billion won, becoming the holder of the highest box office record in South Korea in 2016.

In addition, the screenings in other countries and regions are also good.

In terms of Hong Kong Island, the box office received a total of more than 66.3 million Hong Kong dollars, making it the 16th highest-grossing film in film history and the first Asian film box office in history.

In the Bay Province, the box office grossed NT$340 million, making it the highest-grossing Korean film in film history.

The most outstanding feature of "Train to Busan" is that it has designed a disintegrating and pre-apocalyptic social environment, focusing on the excavation of human nature.

The reason why people are human is to protect the weak, to help people of the same kind, to trust strangers, and even to be disappointed in the dark side of human beings, and some people\'s ugly face in the face of danger, all of which constitute this film. A depiction of the human being itself.

The spicy black satire is the biggest feature of this work: the incompetence of the government. Although there was a warning, they chose to conceal the truth to avoid panic in the society. It is precisely this concealment that caused the sudden outbreak of the accident and the instantaneous paralysis of the transportation system, which finally led to a series of tragedies.

Social problems and ugliness of human nature are put on the table together, and the delicate meaning presented is the most different point between "Train to Busan" and other zombie movies.

The admirable setting of the closed space of the train puts a limit on the movement of the zombies, and also brings a sublimation to the conflict between the survivors and the zombies in the movie. Such a plot will undoubtedly make the story even more. It is authentic and credible, and it also makes the sudden conflict of the drama more reasonable.

The setting of the means of confrontation is also the same, because it is on the train, and everyone has no firearms. Otherwise, it will happen in other places. Maybe many Americans will take out firearms from the ammunition depot at home, and they will kill the zombies.

Such a solid basic setting will bring a better visual experience to the direction of the story, and also render the atmosphere for the subsequent plot.

Of course, so many goodies are now "Row to New York".

I don\'t know if the Koreans will be able to make similar masterpieces in the future, but this is what Lehmann has to do.

Anyway, in consultation with Eric Newman, the design of these plots became the idea of ​​"New York Row".

The ending is also that the protagonist gave himself up and jumped off the train with the zombies to save the lives of his daughter and a pregnant woman, and finally successfully reached the encirclement of the troops.

"Would it be better if the male protagonist didn\'t die? Is it really okay to abuse like this?" Eric Newman couldn\'t help asking after he wrote down the plot.

"It makes the theme even more shocking, understand. He didn\'t die in vain, but for his daughter. Will the audience blame anything for this?"

Eric wanted to say yes, but after thinking about it, there are not many happy endings in this movie, and it is more common for the protagonist to be abused. For example, Paul in "Buried Alive" died directly underground, and no one of the protagonists of "Fury" survived. In "Bad Guy", several died, and the protagonist was completely blackened, and he lived the last time he wanted to live. The appearance is not a kind of torture.

Since there is a precedent, Laiman is also the father of the gold master, he is not good to say anything, just abuse it. Anyway, his task is to fill in the plot and lines and dialogues that the story needs as much as possible. How to shoot, that is the director matter.

As for Zha Dao, who was on the side, he was still immersed in the plot he conceived, thinking about what kind of lens to use to express it.

This fellow is also lucky.

In the previous life, Zach Snyder successfully tested the water with "Dawn of the Living Dead" and took his first step out. To be honest, the film failed to exert his talents at all, so it was quite satisfactory.

In this life, it\'s hard to say. Anyway, Lehmann intends to dig out his use of color. This guy may not be the most storyteller in Hollywood, but he will definitely be the director with the most style of film color.

"New York Row" is a natural fit for Zha Dao\'s play. The first film is so appropriate, the image style of this product must be sharper and richer than the previous life.

Thinking of this, Lehman couldn\'t help but look forward to it.

After two days, Dior\'s commercial was officially completed.

In addition to the rest of the pay into Lehmann\'s account, Eva Green also rushed to the set of "The Day After Tomorrow".

Lehmann stayed at the company, and in addition to handling some daily affairs, was to confirm projects with Zach Schneider.

In terms of the script, Eric Newman is still writing, but the theme of the film is very clear. Director Zha is the first debut film in his life. He is very motivated. After knowing that the investment is no problem, he took the lead in preparing the preliminary work of the film.

However, for a little stunt, Lyman also bought the copyright of "Dawn of the Living Dead", and let the owner of the copyright, Abraham, participate in the project - there is no way, the condition of this guy\'s willingness to sell the copyright is to obtain "New York Tour" part of the investment share.

Moreover, he had already discussed with Zach Snyder and Eric Newman and joined Firefly Pictures directly in the name of the studio.

So far, the approximate shooting budget of the entire project is 70 million US dollars, of which 10 million is invested by the studios of several of them, only the income is distributed, and they do not participate in the follow-up operation of the copyright.

In addition, in the name of the company, Lehmann invested 5 million in the studio established by several people, accounting for 51% of the shares.

In this way ~www.novelhall.com~ everyone is happy, and the project of "New York Tour" is officially approved.

For such a debut work, Zach Snyder never thought that it could attract so much investment. Besides happiness, it was more pressure.

Every project prepared for the film is basically controlled by myself.

Equipment, venues, labor, props, costumes, film, and actors.

Of course, don\'t look at a lot of 70 million US dollars, but for such a big scene and a movie that requires special effects and a large number of group performances, there is not much wasted space.

Not to mention the first-line stars, there are so many main creators, it is impossible for a group movie to spend all the money on one or two main actors.

Originally Zach - Snyder also wanted to invite Lehman to be the producer of "New York Row" and handed over the casting power to him, but Lehman refused on the grounds that he was busy with company affairs.

It\'s just a matter of being an associate producer, so leave the chief producer to Abraham. Well, this guy was originally a producer, and he also worked on the scene.