Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 299: Mutual exchange

Under the expectations of people with a heart, the entertainment section of the United States began to secretly cheer.

The next day, the bombing came down overwhelmingly.

"Surprise! Monica Bellucci appeared and said that she was very fond of Mel Gibson. The suspected romance is completely public?" - "Chicago Journal".

""Micro Love" received another 28.83 million US dollars, a total of 166.52 million, and the North American market is about to break 200 million." - "Los Angeles Times".

"The Passion of the Christ is vulgar and **** and should be resolutely resisted." --The New York Daily.

"Freedom of belief or perversion? What does the Passion of the Christ mean?" -- The San Francisco Journal.

As soon as the rest day came, Paramount and 20th Century Fox took advantage of the holiday of the student group and the expansion of the market, and set off this propaganda war at the right time.

The two companies have tried their best. One side focuses on scandals and freedom of belief, and Mel Gibson frequently brings Monica Bellucci in private meetings in public. Focus on on-site research and interviews with fans.

In the middle of smearing each other, you expose my bottom material, and I should not pull your underwear too much.

True and false, false and true, who can tell the difference.

Not to mention the fact that film critics are a two-sided camp, blow today, black tomorrow, as long as there is enough money, any pose is fine, from the film structure to the shooting technique, from the character analysis to the shooting concept, in short, none of them is black. No.

The momentum of the two sides is loud. Here, 20th Century Fox reported $13 million, ranking second in the weekly box office list, while "Micro Love" over there won $25.32 million, firmly defending its title.


Sony Columbia Pictures, Office of the Director of Distribution.

"What the **** are the two of them doing?" a middle-aged white man who was slightly bald complained with a dissatisfied expression, "I\'ve lost so much publicity money, I\'m not afraid that I won\'t be able to get it back."

"Afraid? Why should you be afraid. This is a really good plan." Another middle-aged man sat on an office chair with a helpless expression on his face, "Fox just took the initiative to create momentum so that he could sell the box office overseas. Domestically The market is about to become misfired, and if we don’t fight for it, do we really give up the market? As for Paramount, it is a smooth sailing, and it deliberately cooperates with Fox to create momentum, which is not only to attract attention, but also to expand the audience, and both movies are easy Profits are already there.”

On the desk, a data about the North American box office release for the past two days is clearly visible.

Such a large-scale publicity is also a favorite competitor, which naturally drives the audience\'s choice.

You come and go, it\'s so lively, the movie market that was still sluggish suddenly became hot again.

Even some small film companies are afraid of pinch attack and take the initiative to change gears, but this follows the wishes of the two.

Paramount seems to be blocking Fox\'s actions, and the fight is called a tragic, but constantly clear appearance.

It\'s really a good use of resources.

"Then what do we do?"

asked the middle-aged white man who had previously complained.

"We? Do you still have the capital to compete?"

Why is helpless, not because even if you know, you can\'t break the game.

"Fifty First Loves" was originally not on the same level as its opponents. No matter how "Passion of the Christ" is questioned, it still has an audience, and even controversy can sometimes be converted into box office. And what do they have? The market performance is not outstanding, the audience\'s reputation is not good, and the most fearful thing is that there is no point of being controversial. What kind of publicity? What hype? When the gains outweigh the losses, can you still spend money in vain?

In the heat of this period of publicity, coupled with the fans of various works that Lehmann had accumulated before, "Micro Love" finally broke through the 200 million mark in the second week of its screening, with a total North American box office of 213.2 million US dollars. .

Such achievements have shocked many people in the industry.

Although as early as the beginning of the release, many people can expect this new play to be not bad. But who would have thought that "Micro Love" could be so smooth - breaking 200 million in two weeks and breaking 200 million in three weeks, can it be the same?

Moreover, March is still a low season, and it is not a summer vacation or a Christmas season. It is really surprising to have such an excellent performance.

But then again, the reason why "Micro Love" is able to arouse the popularity of the movie is that it is easy to analyze it in detail.

First, it must be announced properly. There is no doubt about the strong support of Paramount and the inclination of the resources behind it. A good movie does not have a good channel, and it may not be popular.

Second, Lehman himself has a good reputation, and fans are happy to support him. This is the advantage of the director or the main creator. Just like Tom Cruise is to "Mission Impossible", he is willing to contribute a movie ticket when he sees the name.

Third, the schedule is well chosen. There were no noteworthy movies in the whole of March. Warners, Universal, MGM, etc. did not have any works that were willing to make great efforts to release them.

Fourth, that is the quality of "Micro Love" itself. Whether it is the lens aspect, the story, the characters and the overall rhythm control, they are all excellent in the love theme. The film is excellent and has a good reputation. In subsequent screenings, the advantages will become more prominent.

After getting the specific results, in addition to Paramount secretly having fun, other film companies have their own advantages and disadvantages, Barry Mayer is also in a good mood.

Although the chaotic battle between "Micro Love" and "The Passion of the Christ" directly pulled the audience away, the "Police Heroes" released by Warner Bros. did not make any splash at all, but he was not very angry at all.

Warner releases dozens of films every year, but not all of them are produced by themselves. It is precisely "The Two Heroes of the Police" that they are only the distributors. No matter what the final income is, there will definitely be Warner\'s share, and it will definitely not lose money.

Furthermore, now Lehmann is working with Warner on a movie.

The more prosperous he is now, isn\'t it also good news.

Also, he has more ideas.

He knows that there is a gap between Paramount and Lyman~www.novelhall.com~ Shirley Lansing, he also knows it very well, and he will definitely not want Lyman\'s Firefly Pictures to be independent from her. control.

It\'s no secret that DreamWorks and Paramount have been in frequent contact lately. At that time, Lehman will definitely not get too close to Paramount even if he doesn\'t want to.

In this way, doesn\'t Warner have a chance?

Not to mention holding and acquisitions, at least there are more intimate contacts, which are also very helpful to his plan.

Barry Mayer thought to himself.

However, he can only continue to wait now.

After the film he collaborated on is released, he will thoroughly prove the value of Lehman to the board of directors, and then he can use the follow-up film project to win everything that is beneficial to him.

Warner, it\'s not a piece of iron.

When the company is big, the team is not easy to lead, isn\'t it?