Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 297: Pay attention to people

Andrew Clinton is a very trustworthy man.

After all, you are eating the news industry. If you are not trustworthy, it will be difficult to get along.

Besides, he got paid. If you don\'t do anything after receiving the money, what will others think? Is anyone still sending money?

In this circle, it is full of all kinds of private transactions.

Gossip hype, causing heat is just the most basic operation.

Therefore, he took the money with a clear conscience.

He could also guess who was looking for him.

He is also preparing to do so, and even when he is happy, he intends to end the game himself.

Back then, even the editor-in-chief of his copywriting in the Los Angeles Times said it was good.

Hence, an article titled "Shocking! Unspoken rules again: What is the director of a female star\'s private meeting? The Story Behind Hollywood Glamour" is freshly released.

It was also hung on the home page of Yahoo\'s "USA Today" entertainment section, showing that he was paying attention and that he was at ease in receiving money.

One of the things that makes the internet better than print is that the photo is clearer.

"On the afternoon of March 26, it was seen that Monica Bellucci, the heroine of the popular "Passion of the Christ", and Mel Gibson, the film\'s director, met privately. They not only shared a dinner together, but also behaved intimately. Afterwards, they took a car back to Mel Gibson\'s mansion in Beverly Hills...

It is reported that the crew of the filming revealed that as early as during the filming, the two of them had been chatting, laughing and frolicking many times without scruples...

As early as in Marilyn Monroe\'s autobiography, she told the helplessness under this rule. Is it possible that Monica Bellucci promised something in order to get the role? Under the glories of Hollywood, how do actresses earn their rights..."

Citing ancient classics, citing other sources, and talking a lot of nonsense, the meaning is almost like a stone hammer, and the relationship between the two is not right. It even introduced the idea of ​​feminism that has a rising trend, which is not a careless thing.

With the gradual development of the Internet, the daily traffic of Yahoo\'s website is not large, and the news push is also powerful.

At this moment, the article has just been released, and a bunch of hits appear immediately.

Colleagues, including some paper media, have also reprinted or released more exciting news.

For a while, it was quite loud.

It\'s too much to expect the unscrupulous media to point out something.

Some people are also happy to eat melons.

Why don\'t you do what you want?

Early in the morning, many people who like to subscribe to newspapers, if they are willing to look at the entertainment section, they can basically see reports about Mel Gibson and Monica Bellucci, and even the husband of the parties, Vincent Card. Soo\'s news - well, if it weren\'t for a married couple, maybe it wouldn\'t have that much attention.

People, they all like to watch jokes, just be entertained, and even satisfy the desire to peek into the lives of private celebrities, which is why lace news always occupies the heat.

"At the beginning, Vincent Caso and Monica Bellucci met on the set of the filming of "Very Apartment". Later, the two worked together on several works, and finally entered the palace of marriage. But now, come out this file It\'s hard to doubt whether the two of them will be able to go on..." - The New York Daily.

This secretly poking words pierced someone\'s heart. Although Vincent Caso knows the troubles in the entertainment industry and understands his wife\'s cooperation, he is still a little unhappy.

Of course, let\'s not mention it here, the audience is free to eat melons.

In my spare time, this news topic is also a good source of gossip.

What is green, what is green grassland, what actress, what unspoken rules, in short, you can take out the melons you have eaten in the past and chat together.

Moreover, "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily" is extremely popular in the video disc market.

Many people know Monica Bellucci, and they even watched that "beautiful" scene repeatedly.

Some of her privacy will undoubtedly give people a very inquiring mind and a curious attitude.

In other words, the value of lace news is because the audience loves to watch it, is it a culture other than entertainment and star chasing?

"Is it her? Filming again? I have to go see it."

Many viewers who have seen the works but don\'t know the stars well even became interested in the upcoming "Passion of the Christ" after knowing the news - this is the positive effect brought by the announcement.

A wave of offensive went out, and the box office of "The Passion of the Christ" steadily increased.

Of course, after watching it, the one who should be scolded will still scold.

Excessive show of blood is the biggest flaw of this movie.


The only victim of the whole incident is Vincent Caso?

Yes and no.

Just when the news was flying all over the sky, the reporters would definitely not let such a valuable interviewee go, and all of a sudden, sharks who smelled blood surrounded them one after another.

It\'s basically an exclusive interview.

Maybe everyone wants to ask what is the sad psychological history of the person who is estimated to be green?

For men, it must have been a huge insult.

Since he could be interviewed, in addition to the advance notice of Twentieth Century Fox and his wife and Mel Gibson, and by doing so, he can also make a small splash, and there are a lot of benefits.

Anyway, according to his words, he can\'t refuse such planned hype, so why not cooperate well?

Furthermore, after a period of time, they also promised to clarify the facts specifically, and by that time, those bad impressions will be eliminated, and there will be no burden.

Well, the above is all bullshit.

Since Vincent Caso married Monica Bellucci, he has basically not interfered with Monica\'s private life.

You must know that when "Irrevocable" was filmed, this guy was still the producer of that movie, and the large-scale shots in it were even stronger than "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily", and he himself participated in it.

In other words, foreigners are very light on this aspect~www.novelhall.com~ As long as the feelings between each other are still right, it doesn\'t matter if they gossip or something, and the same goes for nudity?

Freedom and space are what foreigners pay most attention to.

The two basically lived their own ways. Apart from living together, there seemed to be nothing to say.

Even because Monica Bellucci often runs to Hollywood, they don\'t spend much time together.

Vincent Caso also read it very openly. Even when he knew the news, he believed his wife very much and was not very suspicious-well, even if it was the truth, he probably could accept it.

The so-called "open relationship" is a testament to their relationship.

That is, I allow you to have a bed partner or a lover, but our life can go on. Do not disturb each other, the feelings are still sincere.

In this case, he did not appear to be interviewed very much.

First, it\'s not suitable for him to start out, so it\'s unnecessary; second, it\'s more imaginative and topical because it\'s specious, isn\'t it?