Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 259: strict requirements

There are three candidates for the heroine "Maggie".

In addition to Hillary Swank, Sandra Bullock and Ashley Judd.

The former is an artist signed by a small brokerage company. If Johnson is not well-connected, it is difficult to even find the company name. The latter two are signed artists of caa.

Of course, caa is the most resourceful brokerage company in the Hollywood industry, and it has a lot of actors. The two of them are just like that.

I\'ve been in the industry for so long, and I haven\'t been popular yet, but compared to those pure newcomers who haven\'t realized their actor dreams, it\'s a lot better.

This person needs to be compared. If you don\'t compare, how can you know that you are actually okay?

For the sake of a star dream, there are so many people who follow one after the other, and a few of them get out of the way.

Now that I finally got the opportunity, it was said that the new film directed by Lehman was going to choose a heroine. This kind of good thing fell on these three heads inexplicably. Apart from joy, I also went all out to treat it.

It was just after noon, not even one o\'clock, let alone the audition time was scheduled for three o\'clock in the afternoon, and the crowd was full.

Three actresses, you look at me, I look at you, sitting in the lounge with big eyes.

They all knew in their hearts that there was only one chance, and the rest were all competitors.

Unfortunately, it\'s not that simple.


It is the first time that Rodrien Pictures has been so lively since it changed its name to Firefly Pictures.

Early in the morning, Johnson came to the company with a few boxing coaches and nutritional care, and then a few actresses who were about to audition, each with their agent.

It was not until three o\'clock in the afternoon that Lehmann stepped into the company on time.

Last night, he stayed up late to conceive the split shot, so he also got up very late.

"How is it? Is everyone here?" Lyman asked.

"It\'s all in the lounge," Johnson replied.

Lyman nodded and took Thomas and Johnson to the actor\'s place.

His eyes swept across the three of them, not to mention anything else, the images are all in line.

The lines of the face are firm.

The actors Johnson was looking for are not bad.

"Hello everyone, I\'m Lyman." He said first.

"Hello director."

The three actresses got up one after another and responded politely.

"That\'s it, you all get ready, and you\'ll have a separate audition later."

After speaking, he went out to the booth and sat again.

A few minutes later, Hilary Swank was the first to enter.

Instead of rushing her to perform, Lyman asked a few questions.

"Have you ever touched boxing?"

"No." The girl shook her head subconsciously.

"How much do you weigh now?"

"57 kilograms."

"Would you like to gain muscle?"


"An increase of ten kilograms?"

"Yes, I can accept it."

Lightweight is only 61.29 kg, but Lehman wants to make the boxer look like a welterweight body, so that it will look more intuitive and the effect of punching will be better.

"Then go out first."

Hilary Swank pushed open the door to the audition booth in confusion.

The other two who were waiting for the audition saw her coming out so quickly, and their expressions were not good-looking. They thought that there was one less competitor, and they almost didn\'t make a sound.


The staff of Firefly said.

Sandra Bullock took a few deep breaths, adjusted her state, opened the door of the lounge, and strode to the side.

In the temporary audition room, Lyman, Johnson, and Thomas were discussing the candidates just now, and there was a representative of the Screen Actors Guild listening next to them, daring to interrupt at all. He just came here to play a witness role, and his right to speak is almost zero. Unless someone is treated unfairly, he is qualified to manage those actors who have paid dues.

"The image is good, but it\'s a little thinner." Lehmann said first.

"According to the union information, she has won the Oscar," Thomas flipped through the document and continued: "And she is willing to build muscle, there is still a few days before shooting, you can try."

"Johnson, what do you think?" Lyman asked.

"I have the basics of acting, but I have no experience with boxing, and I have no acting experience in related roles. Let\'s take a look." As a caa person, of course he wanted to choose a caa actor, but he didn\'t interfere much with this. In terms of decision-making, he is a smart man, and Lehman is very assertive. What he says is the same as what he doesn\'t say.

Next, it\'s Sandra Bullock\'s turn.

Lyman also asked a similar question, but this man is too good, that thing is a bit prominent, he doesn\'t always feel like a boxer, I can\'t say those who have been trained for a long time, that place seems to be free from bondage, not to mention, Boxing with the ball, I always feel that the picture is too unconventional.

The weight barely reached the light weight level, and it was enough to gain a little muscle, but it was a lot worse than the previous one. However, Lyman was willing to give her another chance.

In the same way, Ashley Judd is similar. The three of them are not too bad in terms of body and image.

Lyman called the three girls together again and made a direct request, "This movie must have been guessed by all of you just now. The template of the heroine is a boxer."

"In the next two weeks, I will give you training. I have hired a boxing coach and a nutritionist. They will be in charge of coaching you for a period of time to increase your weight and muscles."

"When the time comes, let\'s determine the candidates."

In this way, the three of them left Firefly Pictures in a daze, without even touching the script, let alone knowing what the story was about.

However, the only thing they can be clear about is that there is still some competition between them, and that is a criterion related to casting.

Lehmann really takes this movie seriously, not because of how much money this movie can make, but because he simply likes this kind of subject matter.

After returning home in the evening~www.novelhall.com~ I started thinking about the "Million Dollar Baby" storyboard.

The viewing design this time is different from the previous one. Because it is a period drama, Lyman intends to be retro, and the lens effect should be highlighted with a dark yellow.

Then when "Maggie" injured her spine at the back, the light and shadow became more and more depressed, but the colors were a little brighter to form a certain contrast.

In addition to these thoughts, Ryman thinks a lot more.

It also added a failure scene to Jerry Boyd, not as smooth as the original, and then stopped abruptly.

It seems to be more layered, and it also makes the topic of "what\'s the use of hard work?" even heavier.

It’s akin to giving hope, being frustrated, going after it, falling into the abyss, getting back on your feet, and making a firm choice.

It was late at night, and after painting the last set of scenes, Lyman stretched and prepared to go to bed.

Good night.