Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 242: 1 general

"Is this your company?"

Wen Ziren stood at the door, looked at the metal nameplate above, and said with great interest.

"Yeah, let me show you around."

Lyman patted his shoulder and led him inside.

After turning around, the two sat on the sofa to rest.

Seeing that Wen Ziren was still looking at the layout around him, Lehman was thinking about how Firefly Films should develop and grow.

Just the day before yesterday, after the company changed hands, Lehman entrusted Johnson to take a copy of his ID card and other materials to go to the Commerce Bureau to go through the formalities.

The whole process only cost $700 - $200 of which is still paid to the California state government.

After the company license is obtained, the film company should have made some substantial progress. It has an office location, employees, and shooting qualifications. It can be said that everything is ready, and it only owes a suitable project to practice. Practice hands.

After Wen Ziren\'s interest was over, he suddenly said excitedly: "That\'s right, Lehman. People from Universal came to me today and said they wanted to make a movie with me. They also said they would pay me 5 million."

Lehman is of course not surprised by this, and it is estimated that Universal will not be the last film company to invite. After he was happy for a while, Lehman asked: "Wen, I want you to join my film company, would you like to? ?"

"Then I\'ll make a movie..." Wen Ziren hesitated: "What will happen?"

Lehman smiled and said: "Not so good. If you join, you will definitely give priority to the company\'s projects. If Universal\'s drama contract does not have a suitable schedule, it will also be rejected. Of course, if you don\'t want it, don\'t force it. I just meant it."

Wen Ziren was silent for a while before asking, "Will it still be very free?"

Lehman did not hide it, and told the truth completely, "Compared with joining the company by yourself, the former must have more freedom."

Wen Ziren was silent again, and nodded after a long while, obviously after a great inner struggle, "Okay, I\'ll join, I\'ll tell the agent tomorrow and help me turn down those invitations."

Lehman thought it was very interesting, and he deliberately teased him: "That\'s a salary of 5 million. I\'m not necessarily that generous."

After Wen Ziren figured it out, he wasn\'t so squeamish, and said rather cheerfully: "Did you give me a chance at that time, and let me be the assistant director of "Bad Guy", and later helped me to tell Europa Pictures, Promote the establishment of my film project. Now that you have something to do, can I help? Besides, I am very happy that I can embark on the path of directing. I have always remembered you for helping me in this way."

"Haha," Laiman was a little happy after hearing this, "Wen, how long have you been a director, do you trust me like that?"

Wen Ziren also smiled and said, "Of course, who is good to me and who is not good to me, how can I not know myself?"

"It\'s right to be grateful, but you can\'t be too wronged about some things, or you will be sold one day, and you will help to count the money stupidly." Laiman patted his shoulder and said quite solemnly .

Wen Ziren rubbed his hands together and laughed, but said nothing.

Lehman said: "I plan to shoot the sequel to "Chainsaw", and you are the director. I will find someone to open a personal studio for you, and then attach it to me. The two will jointly fund the filming, and the remuneration will be directly counted into the box office. Divide it."

"I also invest?" Wen Ziren shook his head again and again and said, "Leiman, I know you\'re good to me, but I\'m still a rookie. It\'s pretty good if I can get a share, and I can also get involved in the investors to share the offline income. If you do, will it not be very good. Also, you believe me so much, which makes me a little worried. If the movie loses, you have to give me some money. The risks involved... Do you have any? considered?"

"Will it fail? Just based on the foundation of the first film, will you still be afraid of not being recognized by the market? Also, do you think that you will be a little director all your life? Look at me, I was not confident at the beginning, I was afraid of this and afraid of that. Yes, I’m not here too. As for investment, don’t you want to work for others all your life? Don’t talk about me, look at Luc Besson from Europa Films, he is also a director, and now he’s opening a What a great company."

Lehman continued: "This is the United States. You are an outsider like me. If you don\'t have any social status or fame or wealth, you still remember how people discriminate against you. You are still young, how come you have less fighting spirit than me? What\'s the matter, I don\'t think it\'s uncommon for you to open a film company like me in the future. If you want to develop, how can you do it without a little effort..."

In short, a lot of words have been said, and the central idea is one: everyone work hard, get rich together, and reach the pinnacle of directing.

Such a brainwashed eloquence, how could a young man like Wen Ziren stop him. He was blushing all over and clenching his fists with both hands. Obviously, he was told to the heart.

In fact, Ryman planned to cooperate in this way as early as the beginning.

The two are equal in status, and the investments are allocated separately, just like a partnership development project.

Human feelings, the most unbearable thing is temptation.

If Lehman really just asks for it, which director is really willing to sign a sales contract? Wen Ziren may be willing, but it is not what Lehman wants.

What he wants is for the Firefly to grow steadily, not like DreamWorks, when there is a problem, they are always at odds with each other, always worrying about gains and losses, and the inside becomes a mess of sand, and finally ends up being dismembered and divided up.

So his idea is to be a cooperation platform similar to caa, I can provide excellent directors, provide excellent projects, and the distribution channels can still be handed over to Europa Pictures, Paramount Pictures or other powerful companies~www .novelhall.com~ The production rights are all eaten, or they are eaten in cooperation. Due to various external reasons, the distribution rights may not be able to do well with money, so let them go and focus on project development.

Not to mention becoming an industry hegemon and being able to make films independently, that\'s fine.

Then someone may ask, what is the difference between this and opening a studio?

Of course, there is a difference. As a producer, you can at least hold the copyright of a part of the movie, follow-up offline operations, as well as peripheral development, character authorization, all these fat meats have the opportunity to eat, unlike before, you can\'t participate at all, Even if it is your own project, you have to give it up.

There is also the box office benefit. If it is a pure investment, in fact, no matter what, the share cannot be too high. However, independent production is different. You only need to sign a release clause with the issuing company, and the remaining income will be removed from the hospital. Line side, almost all take.

For example, if a movie has a box office of 1 million yuan and a copyright operation of 1 million yuan, the producer can get 350,000 yuan at the box office, and the copyright fee is 650,000 yuan. If it is a pure investment, it is very conscientious to get 500,000 yuan in general. This is the gap.