Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 240: career progress

October 25th, at 9:00 am.

In the headquarters building of caa, people come and go in a hurry.

On the internal pending project review, every possible film and television production deeply stimulates every aspiring and dreaming agent.

If they can negotiate, or push the customers they work with to be higher, it is something they work hard every day.

Having already stood on a high-rise building and enjoyed the cool feeling of overlooking the world, who doesn\'t want to climb a step higher, stand higher, and have a wider field of vision.

Under the appearance of suits and leather shoes, no one can hide the desire in their hearts.

Profits, fame, flowers and applause are the most fascinating poisons in the world.

Fortunately, I am on the right path.

Johnson was sitting in his own independent office, drinking coffee, looking out of the clean and translucent floor-to-ceiling windows, thinking inexplicably.

The success of several films such as "Three Silly Trouble in Bollywood", "Furious", "Bad Guy" not only made Lehmann\'s director career flourishing, but Johnson\'s status as the manager in charge of business processing is also increasingly seen in caa rise.

With an independent office, more complete internal information resources, and high-end personal connections, compared to before, Johnson at this time is undoubtedly a leader among brokers.

After drinking coffee, checking his watch and seeing that the time was almost up, Johnson quickly grabbed his briefcase, went down to the underground parking lot, and drove to Lyman\'s mansion.

Even with his rise in status, he takes Lehmann very seriously.

He is a sensible man who knows who he needs to rely on for his career development.

About 20 minutes later, I successfully entered Beverly Hills, parked the car, informed the housekeeper, and came to the living room on the second floor.

As far as I can see, Laiman and Wen Ziren are sitting on the sofa chatting.

As for Lehman\'s purpose of looking for him, of course, it was to start a formal film company.

In Hollywood, it is actually not difficult to register a film company. Many directors or producers have their own film companies, but the problem is that everyone has a look at Lehmann before, and they all choose to be affiliated. Just pay a little attention to finances. , without too much management.

But now Lehman is thinking of starting a company with independent production capabilities. If it is to be formal, it needs some professional guidance.

Anyway, Lehman is not quite sure what to do best, or is it a black eye.

"Johnson, come here and sit here."

Seeing people coming, Lehman greeted warmly.

"How are things?"

"If you want to invest in filming, you need a company." Johnson sat down and analyzed Ryman: "First of all, to make a film, you definitely need to build a crew, these coordination work, and the follow-up salary expenses. , shooting costs, if no company is responsible, it is easy to make a mess financially. Before choosing to be affiliated with Paramount Pictures, you are not responsible for these, but now, you want more autonomy, this piece It has to be caught.”

Lehman nodded silently, considering this, he desperately wanted a more complete production company.

After all, "working" and "being a boss" are two completely different things.

"Then what to do?"

Johnson continued to respond: "I\'m not very professional in financial matters, so I can\'t give too much advice, but I think that establishing a cooperative relationship with those old accounting firms can also be a preliminary solution, and then the production aspect, I propose to buy an existing production company outright."

"Don\'t you register yourself?"

"That\'s too much trouble. If you register yourself, even if you set up a shell company, you have to find an office location, hire people, and hire the appropriate film-making personnel... Instead of that, you It\'s better to buy one directly, all the direct ones are ready-made."

Johnson opened the briefcase, took out a statement from it, handed it to Ryman, and said, "Every year in Hollywood, a large number of film companies are established, and every year, a large number of production companies are also set up because of poor management or other problems. Faced with bankruptcy. But in any case, if they can exist, it means that there is no problem with the initial internal operation. As long as they take over and arrange again, it will definitely be much more convenient and easier than setting up a new company. "

Indeed, such acquisitions are indeed very trouble-free.

Lehman thought, looked at the report, and asked, "What is the data on this?"

"Some good production companies, you can refer to the information I have collected."

As an in-depth partner in the industry, caa is clear about the establishment and closure of film companies, and even which company has plans to shoot and release new films.

What\'s more, these are not any industry secrets, and it can be clear with a little effort to check. Just some basic information in the industry.

Lehman flipped through the document report and looked at the information carefully.

The above roughly lists some of the past operating information of the production company.

For example, what kind of film productions have been involved, what works have been released; there is also the market value valuation of these companies and the analysis of the probability that they can be acquired.

After watching for a while, a production company called "Rodrien Entertainment" caught Lyman\'s attention.

Founded in 1995, this company has no external debt and has produced several low-cost offline films (that is, films that only sell discs or videotapes and do not go to theaters). It is considered to have some production experience, but perhaps because Because the means of profit is too single, the boss of this company has the idea of ​​selling the company.

This phenomenon is normal. Companies that distribute offline are exchanging time for very meager profits to maintain expenses~www.novelhall.com~ For example, a $100,000 movie goes videotape, As for the DVD distribution route, if the results are average, it is estimated that it will take more than half a year to make a return, and then the remaining time will be pure profit.

Basically, in the end, you will only make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. If you don’t pay attention, or if the market is not good, you can only make less or lose money.

I\'m afraid this is also the case. This investor who wants to make a lot of money in a film company will be disheartened and want to sell the company.

Lehman didn\'t pay much attention to it, he just saw that the company has experience in production, and the company\'s finances are also very healthy...

Originally, these points were enough to make his heart move, not to mention that they had the intention of selling, and it would not be so troublesome to take over.

"I think this one is better, Johnson. Please help me get in touch these days and negotiate the price."

"This one, okay, I\'ll follow up immediately."
