Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 235: Quentin

"Director Quentin, I heard that this movie was your 30th birthday gift to Uma Thurman. What do you think of your relationship?"

Just started driving from home to go to Miramax headquarters, but as soon as I left the door, I was surrounded by a few paparazzi or media reporters waiting by the side.

These people always like to chase hot spots. Whenever a new movie is released, the same situation will occur. Quentin Tarantino seems to be a little surprised.

"Are you close to her?" Someone asked.

"What do you think about those **** scenes in the movie? Someone said that you always have some very perverted scenes in your mind. Is that true?"

"Who? Who said that?" Quentin Tarantino, who was not particularly kind in nature, narrowed his eyes, looked at the reporter who asked the question, and continued, "That\'s called the beauty of a movie, understand? It\'s not bloody. In other words, Is there anyone who stipulates that the content of the fight cannot be expressed positively? Also, Uma Thurman and I are good friends, and we have always had a good relationship on weekdays, but I never said that I took this movie as her birthday present."

"But those were revealed by the staff of your crew. He also said that during the preparations, because Uma Thurman was pregnant, the shooting time was deliberately delayed. Is there such a thing?"

"fxxk, which son of a **** is the whistleblower?"

As soon as the swearing came out, the reporters next to him became more excited, and one of them asked loudly, "Director Quentin, so that\'s true. Are you really not related to Uma Thurman? From "Vulgar" to "Uma Thurman" Kill Bill, she\'s always been the heroine in your movies because you\'re more than just friends, right? I\'ve heard that you were in a relationship with her."

"If there is no such thing, I will sue you if you dare to write nonsense." Quentin was a little exasperated.

It\'s not that some privacy has been revealed, but the ability of these tabloid paparazzi to make up stories is first-rate, and he is afraid that something will happen again.

"But the problem is, someone has seen you two staying in the same hotel intimately. Also, when she was pregnant, it was just when your new work was just being prepared. Is it a coincidence?"

The reporter seized the opportunity to chase and fight, and all kinds of speculations without specific sources were desperately smashing at Quentin as if they did not want money.

Quentin was extremely annoyed and could not tolerate it. He pushed the car door directly and "theorized" with reporters on the street.

While scolding, his agent arrived and pulled him into the car. These words shouldn\'t be in the mouth of a public figure.

Back in the car, Quentin also reacted from his anger, knowing that doing so would only fall into the arms of others, but fortunately shut up and pretended not to hear.

The agent honked the horn forcefully, started the car, and finally escaped from being surrounded by a group of people.

"Quentin, those people are not afraid of making a big deal, or they just want to make a big deal on purpose." The agent held the steering wheel and reminded, "You shouldn\'t respond to this kind of unlimited news traffic."

Having stayed in Hollywood for so many years, Quentin Tarantino, who has calmed down, still understands these truths. Knowing that those reporters were not at ease, they obviously wanted to take him into the ditch. This kind of language trap, if you are not careful, you will really know it.

Quentin thought so, but couldn\'t help but scolded him, a bunch of **** bastards.

His eyes looked through the car window glass to the direction of the house behind him.

Seeing, getting farther and farther, even the shadow can\'t be seen, so I slowly ease my mood.

After a long time, he remembered something again and asked, "Ian, have you received the box office feedback from "Kill Bill"? What\'s the response?"

"It\'s not bad. The box office revenue on the first day was 3.1262 million US dollars. After the film ended, many audiences recognized the quality of the film very much." Agent Ian said, through the rearview mirror, you can clearly see Quentin There was joy on his face.

"It\'s okay, but this doesn\'t mean anything, and we have to continue to observe."

As an industry insider, Quentin Tarantino is very clear that a considerable number of his movies are watching for his own directing brand, so if most of the movie fans in the early stage are fans, whether it is box office data or movie viewing Word of mouth isn\'t that real.

If we really want to compare, we have to wait until a week later, what are the views of those passers-by.

However, despite what he said, he was actually quite satisfied in his heart to have achieved such a result.

"Anything else?" he asked again.

"Miramax decided to invest another 20,000 US dollars for publicity, and those film critics also greeted them. I believe that with the early momentum of this film, the word-of-mouth hype can be even more powerful. However, in the next few days, you will It is necessary to take the main creators of the crew to participate in more publicity activities and cooperate with Miramax to build momentum."

"I know that. Any more?"

"Also," Ian said slightly objectively, "there is a new work "The Chainsaw" that is also being released. The quality is also good. According to the information I have heard, their market performance is even higher than ours. ~www.novelhall.com~ grossed $3,767,500."

Quentin didn\'t say anything, but it\'s not an unacceptable fact that there are movies that are better than his works.

Is competition like this, where there are losers there are winners.

The reason for his silence was that he was thinking about where this evildoer is, and the director Wen Ziren had never heard of the name, as if it suddenly appeared.

The car continued to drive, and Quentin\'s destination, Miramax, was to meet Harvey Weinstein and attend the evening reception held by the company.

However, when passing by a cinema, I saw a queue lined up at the ticket office across the distance.

Quentin couldn\'t hold back his curiosity any longer, and was going to see what the movie called "The Chainsaw" was all about.

It was still early anyway. After he told his agent Ian, the two planned to buy tickets together.

As soon as he entered the theater hall, the team hadn\'t disbanded, and Quentin was a little curious, "These are all to watch "Chainsaw"?"

"I don\'t know, but it is indeed this movie that will be shown next."

The two lined up for a while, successfully bought tickets and entered the theater to sit down. Before the screening started, they looked around and looked around and found that the attendance rate was quite high, and they could hear some audience discussions from time to time. Voice.

"Man, is this movie really that good? I was going to watch Kill Bill."

"Don\'t worry, when did I lie to you? I watched the premiere last night, and now it\'s the second time. Trust me, don\'t be afraid to scream."

"Ho, can I call?"

"Fuck, what is this!"