Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 211: Li Press

Li Press came back the next day.

Exhausted and looking out of spirit.

This time he went to argue with the guarantor of the Allianz insurance company.

What are you talking about?

The framing thing.

By the way, isn\'t there a scene in the movie of grazing sheep drinking water? After thinking about it, Li Zhuang wanted to capture some beauty. It\'s the kind of scene looking down from the top of the mountain, the mountain wind is blowing slightly, and then Heath Lay The cowboy played by Jie drives a flock of sheep to drink water by the stream.

The idea of ​​shooting, of course, is good, his delicate shots are especially numerous in his films, almost forming a personal style.

But in practice, it\'s a lot of trouble.

How could he have thought that the sheep in these pastures would not drink unfamiliar water sources at all, and would not drink it under pressure.

Because of this, the crew delayed for several days and thought of various ways to solve it. both failed.

Only then did he realize that sometimes sheep become stubborn and do not lose to oxen.

But he couldn\'t, he just wanted this, and he didn\'t want to take a casual shot to perfunctory.

The feeling of boredom that the idea cannot be realized is unpleasant.

What\'s even more unpleasant is that the representative of the guarantor can\'t stand it anymore, and asked him to end the shooting as soon as possible, not to drag it all the time, otherwise he would call Focus Pictures and the distributor Paramount to intervene.

Well, yes, the guarantor has such power, they can even kick the director out of the crew directly.

Of course, the latter is a very extreme way. No one would do it unless it was a last resort.

Just as Li Zhang was busy handling this matter, he saw Laiman who came from afar to visit the class.

"Director Li, hello." He greeted warmly.

There is a temporary rest area on the set, and there is a small awning next to several tents where shooting equipment is stored.

Several chairs were placed, and Lyman had just sat there.


He came to this matter, Heath Ledger also told him, and it was also with the consent of Director Li Press, so people were not too surprised.

"I brought watermelon, do you want to try it?"

How can you come to visit the class without bringing something, this is also a kind of worldly manner.

Laiman was very thoughtful, and specially asked someone to help pull a cart of watermelons and invite the whole crew to eat.

Fruit, just right.

He pulled one from the ground next to it and cut it open with a knife.

Ho, red shouting, it\'s gratifying to see.

"Come on, eat a piece."

Li Press was still a little confused about his enthusiasm. I\'m even thinking that we\'re not that familiar with each other, or that this guy is a natural person who likes to deal with people. Outgoing?

However, people did not refuse, these two days really made him very irritable.

There was a fire in my heart.

Li took the opportunity to sit opposite him, took the watermelon, and glanced outside the awning, the sky was blue and blue, and when he looked up, there was a big fireball hanging there.

He couldn\'t help saying, "It\'s getting hotter today."

"Yeah, it\'s already August, and it\'s still so hot."

Well, I can\'t take that.

Feel free to sigh, and say it all down, what are you talking about?

However, Lehman came with a mission and didn\'t care about that.

"How long does it take for your play to end?" The question was very euphemistic and direct.

The clear meaning is to pull the actors away and quickly adjust the schedule.

Li Zhang didn\'t speak, but took a few bites of the watermelon. Of course, he knew what the intention of this person was for coming here.

A few days ago, Heath Ledger also talked to him about something similar, but this thing didn\'t go well.

If it went well, it would have been **** filmed long ago.

"Maybe it can be done in a day or two, or maybe a week or two." He also gave an answer.

Lehman seemed to understand something, but he understood one thing: he was a director, and this guy didn\'t even have a specific shooting plan, so he was quite casual.

"Jingle bell bell..."

Just as he was talking, he heard the sound of the phone vibrating.

Laiman\'s phone didn\'t have this setting, so he looked at Li Press.

"I\'m sorry, I\'ll take a call." He said this and moved his position.

"Hey... yes, how\'s it going?"

"What? Cut off my funds?"

"okay, I get it."

After about seven or eight minutes, Li Press returned to his original position.

He frowned, clearly in a bad mood.

The two were far apart, and Lyman didn\'t know what he just said, so he could only vaguely guess that it wasn\'t good news.

"Why is it so difficult to create now?"

Perhaps for the sake of seeing that the other party is also a director, Li Zhan didn\'t hide his emotions too much.

Making this movie was a matter of desperation.

He didn\'t know how many film companies sought after "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" had achieved such good results.

Just like the old saying: when the scenery is beautiful, everyone wants to add the icing on the cake.

In the end, it was Warner who moved him with sincerity and let him take over "The Hulk".

It was also his first time to shoot a first-line project with a budget of hundreds of millions, but he didn\'t expect it. There was always someone intervening in the filming on the set, and when the final editing was done, he did not go according to his wishes.

In the end, he lost, but he was the one who took the biggest blame. What a **** fuck. (In an interview, Li Press himself complained about the many interventions by Warner management in the film. Thinking of Zack Snyder\'s dissatisfaction when filming "Watchmen" and "Batman v Superman", you can also see his The authenticity of the words. After all, an old company like Warners especially follows the producer-centered system, so it’s hard to say how much freedom it can give the director.)

But it is impossible to say that there is no responsibility at all. At least Lehman knows that Li Press\'s filming style and personal aesthetics are not related to commercial popcorn movies.

It is estimated that Warners initially chose him to be the director of "Hulk", but it was only because of the excellent results in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", and wanted to replicate such market results again.

It\'s a pity that their concept of chasing winners has temporarily expired.

"These Hollywood studios are too partial to the market~www.novelhall.com~ Lehmann nodded and said along the way.

This is also what he said in his heart, so he can cooperate with Europa Pictures so happily, and he rarely wants to change the collaborator.

At least, Luc Besson is still half a filmmaker, and he still has some positions after all.

Li Press complained, suddenly stopped talking, and continued to chew on the watermelon.

Lyman\'s mind has been on how to end Heath Ledger\'s shooting schedule. At this time, his mind is alive, but he is too embarrassed to speak directly.

Too crisp, not his style.

After hesitating for a long time, he thought of a reasonable way to unfold, "Director Li Press, are you free tonight?"

"Yeah, we don\'t have a scene to shoot today. What\'s the matter with you?"

"Well, I want to treat you to a meal."

"Eat?" Li Zhan became more and more surprised, but still agreed.