Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 207: castle

This castle in Annecy is located on a hillside.

The name is Fisherka Castle.

The origin of the name is quite simple, it is the surname of the first owner of the building.

There are not too many castles of this type.

According to incomplete estimates, there are more than 10,000 castles of various sizes in France. The more famous ones are those that can be ranked among the well-preserved castles in the world. There are dozens.

As for the castle, according to the time and reason of its formation, it can be roughly divided into military fortresses, wineries, noble residences, and royal palaces.

This Fischerka Castle was built by Sir Fischerka, who was enfeoffed by the duchy in the mid-18th century.

At that time, the whole of Europe was in chaos, and France was no exception, politically divided.

The feudal lords and members of the royal family with real power, large and small, are all over the French territory. No one can tell the boundaries between them, and no one can completely sort out the relationship between them.

It can be said that the history of the construction of medieval castles is the history of long-term disputes and divisions in France.

These buildings are the witnesses of time.

Those aristocrats with different rank and distinctions, in order to compete for power and profit, and dynastic hegemony, covet each other and are wary of each other. At the same time of frequent wars, to ensure the safety of life, or to consolidate the territory, the best method is It\'s "Fortress".

As a result, the nobles competed to open the mountains to quarry stones, bustling day and night, and castles rose from the mountains.

During this period, countless manpower, money, materials, energy and time will be consumed, and the number of farmers who lost their lives is even more uncountable.

But now, the overlords of the Megatron side have long been entrusted to the soil with his remnant swords and stirrups, and only the castle that has experienced the erosion of wind, frost, rain and snow tells the past visitors about its former glory.

"So, what kind of person is this Duke Fischerka?" Lehmann asked curiously.

"Just a loser in the struggle."

George had done his homework long before he came.

He continued: "He was originally a direct member of the Amboise family, but in the family power struggle, he was the first to be eliminated, so he came here."

As I said earlier, Annecy is located on the border of southeastern France, or on the edge of the Alps.

Back then, it was a truly remote place. It can be said that the separation is very miserable.

What kind of kingship hegemony has basically been declared a miss.

Okay, so much has been introduced before, and when it gets to you, it will be pulled straight across.

"Because of this, this ancient castle is beautifully built and well preserved. There are springs in the mountains, you can try it. By the way, there are no hotels or ancient castles nearby, and no one can live there, so we They are renting private houses, which may be in poor conditions.”

"It\'s okay, I don\'t care about that."

Lyman waved his hand, ignoring the subject. He didn\'t come here for enjoyment.

At the foot of the mountain, it has been classified as a scenic spot.

The staff sent by the town government took a look at George, who was familiar with him, and immediately removed the long pole and let him go.

Now, their "Micro Love" crew are the people who the whole town wants to please.

Without him, the economic benefits are really high.

Aside from the cost of renting the castle, so many members of the crew are here to eat, drink, live, and travel, and it is not the town residents who benefit.

As you walk in, there are more and more trees, which are extremely dense and lush.

The open path in the forest is covered with leaves, and there are bluestone steps on both sides, one step at a time, leading to a higher place.

Looking up, Baiyun seems to be stationed on the top of the mountain. And halfway up the mountain, there is an ancient castle manor hidden.

"Actually, filming here is an advantage. The scenery is good." George beat his waist tiredly.

Damn, there\'s no way the car can get up on this road.

I don\'t know how much effort it took to transport the shooting equipment.

And the power was cut off again, and the mosquitoes in the mountains were poisonous...

Don\'t say it, it\'s all tears.


No matter how beautiful the scenery is, if you look at it for a long time, you will feel tired. Not to mention that the conditions in this mountain are really bad. After only three or four days, Lehman has no time to pay attention to these.

The crew was still busy with the preparatory work, and Ryan went to George\'s every now and then to discuss financial control and wrangling with a third-party guarantee agency, or pull Lehman to buy filming props together.

Occasionally, he has to communicate with Heath Ledger about the schedule - his role in "Brokeback Mountain" has not been finalized. Tucao, Li Press really dawdled in filming, not that he was slow, but that this guy always came up with some novel ideas, and then he wanted to try it out. In this way, the whole crew has to play with him. However, Focus Pictures, the producer, can be considered to have some understanding of him, and there is no restriction on this aspect at all, and even the shooting budget is very sufficient, and its purpose is next year\'s Oscars.

Of course, if he can catch up, Lyman naturally hopes to give him the hero in it, but now it seems that there is some setback.

But this is not the most important thing, we will wait until the preparatory work of the crew is completed.

Lehman has entered a state of being busy all day long. This is how the director\'s job is. When he is busy, he can\'t wait to split himself in half to deal with it, and when he is free, he is always idle.

While working hard for the crew, he did not forget to contact and urge people from Europa Pictures.

Just the day before yesterday, "Bad Guy", which had been screened for nearly two months, finally came out - most of the overseas regions have already withdrawn from the market.

The final box office was maintained at more than 723 million US dollars~www.novelhall.com~ To be honest, this result is somewhat unexpected, because generally speaking, the box office of overseas regions is usually higher than that of North America. It is slightly higher, and the profit earned may not be as high as that from North America - the distribution in overseas regions is usually more complicated than that in North America, and a lot of money is taken by local agents and theater chains.

But who made France explode? Relying on Lehmann\'s popularity and word-of-mouth, the French people\'s support for his film can be said to be not small, and he directly won more than 90 million US dollars - but don\'t underestimate this achievement, you must know "Bad Guy" ” in the UK box office is only more than 30 million US dollars. By comparison, you can see that the French people really like him. There is no way to support your own director, but Europa Films often uses a propaganda slogan.

There is also the need to negotiate with Thomas to determine the shooting style and imaging of the film.

After all, this is a love movie—a pure love movie is a love movie.

Different from the previous films, this time, he hopes that the picture can present a warm tone and beauty, and the light can also make the character\'s facial features more full and three-dimensional...