Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 190: chasing focus

A big box office success is just like the inspiring victories in ancient times, so there must be some form. The so-called celebration banquet is probably like this.

In particular, the box office data of the bad guy is really good, and it has basically locked in the top ten of this year\'s box office in North America. Currently second, behind Finding Nemo. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

This has made Paramount Pictures too bad. They have not had a work in the top three of the annual box office for several years.

Even several movies invested at the beginning of this year did not achieve the desired expected returns, although nothing was lost, but this man is afraid of comparison, right?

The performance of several other competitors has pulled down Paramount by a large margin. When the annual report is released, can it be good?

If it doesn\'t look good, a listed company like Paramount, who wants to make money from shareholders, is not unhappy with leeks.

The leeks are no longer invested, and they are no longer growing, so how can they be harvested?

Therefore, this is also the reason why Shirley Lansing was questioned and asked to step down.

On the surface, the top six are still Hollywood, which dominate the market, but in fact, it is not as good as the year.

Everyone is anxious, and their hearts are also holding a sigh of relief.

But at this time, the bad guys in the movie smashed all the works released in the same time period, and continued this fiery momentum along the way, all the way to the overseas market.

That\'s making money. Not only that, but the stock price has also risen, which is even more important for a listed entertainment company.

Are you happy? Of course, you must also invite people from all walks of life to join the celebration.

So it wasn\'t really an inside bash, more like some kind of... show off?


At seven o\'clock in the evening, the nightlife begins.

The Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills is still brightly lit.

Lyman led Eva Green and Thomas to the reception. As for Ryan, he didn\'t come. He went to Wen Ziren\'s Chainsaw set.

After all, Mann Studio also has a part of him, and it should be busy for his own business.

The wealthy Paramount directly wrapped up the first floor lobby, and there were many guests coming and going.

In the exquisitely decorated banquet hall, Lehmann was dressed in formal clothes, holding champagne, constantly greeting and clinking glasses with all kinds of people.

The agent Johnson also stood beside him, reminding him of the strength of communication according to the identity of the person who came.

If you need to pay attention, just shake hands and greet, and if you don\'t pay much attention, just nod your head.

In the adult world, even politeness is full of reality and distinction.

And since he entered this huge banquet hall, there has been no one around him, like the prey being stared at by hungry wolves.

They looked at it, thinking about how to talk.

This is also the reason why Lehman is reluctant to attend the banquet, but Paramount\'s kindness is really hard to refuse.

In fact, it\'s rather frustrating to think about. Even if you succeed, you have troubles after success.

First-tier companies such as Warner Bros., Sony Columbia Pictures, and 20th Century Fox, as well as second-tier companies such as Searchlight, New Line, and Lionsgate, their executives or representatives came over to express their congratulations, and at the same time, they were also testing whether there would be any future cooperation. possible.

Do you chase profit? It\'s human nature.

This is also the director\'s qualification halo brought by Lehman\'s successive successes.

Perhaps this circle is the most favorite place in the world to chase successful people.

All in all, it is too utilitarian.

"Should we go over and say hello?"

Standing not far away, looking at Lyman who was busy socializing, Adam Sunderland said to his boss, Ron Mayer.

"Of course, he deserves our attention." Ron\'s face was as it should be.

Although, in the previous days, they smeared bad guys and spread rumors about Tom Cruise.

But at that time, they were competitors, what happened with some means.

Now it is different. Without the conflict of interest, Lehman continues to prove his directing ability, which is also a target for Universal Pictures to win over.

I believe that most of the people present came to this point.

Adam was no stranger to the shamelessness and thick-skinnedness of his boss, and he saw that the crowd around Lehman was much smaller.

Following Ron, he strode over.

"This is Ron Mayer, the senior executive of Universal Pictures\' distribution department, and the one next to him should be his assistant."

Broker Johnson continued to dutifully introduce.

"Hey Director Ryman, congratulations to the bad guys on the box office hit."


The two sides shook hands intimately, as if they knew many friends and were close friends.

The three of them clink their glasses and drank it all in one go.

Ron Mayer smiled and waited for another person who came over to say hello to leave before continuing: "Our company has several projects, I don\'t know if I will be lucky enough to work with you."

As a businessman, these people speak directly, "Or, do you have any ideas that need to be turned into reality? If there is a lack of investment, we Universal Pictures can provide it at any time, how about it? Can you think about it~www .novelhall.com~ I also hope to cooperate with your company, but I don\'t have any shooting plans in the near future." Lehmann waved his hand and continued: "We can talk in detail when there is a chance."


Lehman reminded that the agent was very considerate and handed a business card to the other side\'s assistant.

Anyway, tonight, he was all perfunctory about whoever said about cooperation.

The other party is also very knowledgeable. After exchanging business cards, he also said goodbye politely, "See you later, I am very much looking forward to our cooperation."

No one will really take this kind of polite communication seriously.

But it\'s always good to leave a foundation for cooperation. It\'s the same for Lehmann and the executives of the film company who came to talk.


The next toast is Tom Cruise.

"It\'s settled?" Lyman took another glass of champagne from the waiter, clinking the glasses, and drinking it again.

"After hiding for so many days, it finally calmed down." Tom Cruise smiled self-deprecatingly.

The black material this time has hit him a lot.

"Be more... pay more attention." Lyman really didn\'t know how to comfort him.

After all, some things, chasing shadows, actually have a source.

It\'s too easy to get him.

Of course, if you want to knock it down, it depends on your ability. caa is not a good stubble, including the contacts he has managed in the circle for so many years.

"Oh, by the way, are you free tomorrow? I want to invite you to dinner."

"Don\'t be so polite, make it so formal?"

"You\'ll know when you go." Tom Cruise sold out.哽噺蹓帽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

He was not just an invitation, but came with a mission.

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