Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 176: It's our business to see or not

Whether Tom Cruise will stay away from Scientology because of today\'s incident, Ryman doesn\'t know.

In fact, it\'s better to stay away or get close, as long as you don\'t quit, it\'s nothing more than an excuse for others to attack and smear.

In the past few decades, except when she divorced Nicole Kidman, she was told about the issue of faith, and now, in the episode of "Black Materials", this aspect has been brought up again.

Although Lyman didn\'t have much contact with Tom Cruise, but because he was a person, he was deeply entangled with Scientology, and there must be other secrets.

Since he doesn\'t say it, it\'s not easy for Lehmann to ask.

This is someone else\'s business. What is he like an outsider? New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Even if it\'s a friend, it\'s okay to say a few words in a veiled way. As for whether to listen or not, he has achieved that friendship and has a clear conscience, okay?

But judging from his state, he has the smell of a broken jar...

Laiman has no capital and no time to continue to pay attention to these crap. He is busy visiting the Yahu community.

Due to the need to run the promotion, it was 11 o\'clock in the evening after returning to the hotel.

She didn\'t rush to take a shower, but opened the website first.

What the host said today made him curious.

After searching for the keywords of bad guys, I also found a fan forum.

It is a communication mode similar to the later generations of posting bars and building buildings.

Good guy, it\'s really popular, there are thousands of exchange posts.

"Any other good gangster movies? Please recommend."

"tmd, I usually hate tragic scenes the most. In my opinion, it\'s just a bunch of gangsters groaning for nothing, but in this movie, the third master\'s brotherhood to the undercover, that kind of maintenance is too emotional, especially That understatement, if I was still alive, what would you do, would you do it? I\'m a big man, and my eyes were a little wet when I saw that scene."

"The final reversal was too handsome. Although the process was extremely cruel, it was really cool to see those people bow their heads and bow their heads flatteringly when Tom Cruise sat down on the throne of the president."

At the beginning, the posts were relatively normal, they were all discussing the plot, but after that, why did they start to crook the floor.

Lehmann continued to scroll down and quickly found the problem with the sequel that the host said.

One called: Kobe Bryant\'s back jumper posted: "Did you see that little easter egg at the end? I feel that this bad guy is likely to have a second part, do you think, there are so few scenes about the president, The internal description of the club is also not very detailed, it is very likely to prepare for the sequel movie, and to tell the story of these two people working hard from the street to become the brains of the club step by step."

1st Floor: On the top floor, I feel the same way.

2nd Floor: Saying this made me realize something. I originally thought that after becoming the president, I recalled the past and something. It turned out to be laying the groundwork for the sequel.

3rd Floor: I really want to make a sequel. I love this movie so much. God, I can\'t wait.

4th Floor: I have already watched Cinema 3, and I am looking forward to the next work.


Your sister\'s brain is really big.

He didn\'t even think about what the bad guy had to say, so he pointed the direction directly.

Could it be that the little easter egg he added at the end really has such a profound meaning? Isn\'t that bullshit?

Lyman silently forked off the website.

She turned around to take a shower and prepared to rest.

However, such a night is not destined to be quiet.

In the evening, the home channels of more than a dozen regional TV stations under Viacom broadcasted a live interactive program.

That is to say, using the method of connecting the theaters, on-site interviews with movie fans and audiences who came out of the theater after watching the bad guys.

Under the camera, fans who have just watched a movie with excellent quality make no secret of their praise for the bad guy.

"The filming is very good, I have to take my girlfriend to watch it again."

"Tom Cruise was too miserable. He couldn\'t help himself. Fortunately, at the end of the story, he broke out of the cage."

"Cage, you are the best."

Probably because they had just watched the movie, most of the interviewees were in high spirits, and they were very happy to share their experience of watching the movie. They surrounded the camera and were reluctant to leave.

"I\'m on TV, Oye."

Well, there are strange guys in the fans.

"Is the name of the wife Eva Green? She is so beautiful, and I will be her fan in the future." First post https://https://

"The movie is very good, and the actors gave excellent performances."


This kind of situation has been continuously staged in more than ten regions of the United States, and it has also allowed more audiences to learn about such a good movie that is currently being released.

In a residential community on the outskirts of Houston, a family of three was sitting and eating dinner when they heard the sound of admiration coming from the TV.

The parents of the young man couldn\'t help but raised their heads.

"What are they doing?" the mother asked.

"It\'s like supporting a movie." Father replied.

And their son who is in high school, who knows a little better than them, explained in detail: "It\'s a bad guy, a movie that is being shown, I heard from my classmates, it\'s very exciting."

"Do you want to watch it? It just so happens that our family hasn\'t seen a movie together for a long time." The father heard a little of his son\'s thoughts and followed the suggestion.

"Of course."

"Then let\'s go see it together tomorrow afternoon." Mother said finally.

As for those black materials that smear Tom Cruise? who cares?

Only those young people who are easily aroused by the words of others will be convinced that ~www.novelhall.com~ Most of the people are watching the crowd with the intention of watching the fun.

Besides, if you were really a big fan of Tom Cruise, you wouldn\'t do anything about it because of this kind of thing. The divorce was even more troublesome back then.

So many people feel bad for Nicole Kidman, but is Tom Cruise\'s career showing a downward trend?

Moreover, the movie\'s audience\'s word of mouth and the recommendations of the people around it are far more powerful than any news report.

On the contrary, it can also be seen that Paramount\'s cleverness in dealing with this incident.

Don\'t talk about clarification, after all, no matter how much you support, you just fall into the trap of others, adding another fire to the black material and making it more popular.

Take the light and be honest, and use the movie itself as a fuss, so the media will naturally not keep tracking and reporting on Tom Cruise\'s private life.

After all, there is a lack of traffic, a lack of public attention, and no one will hold on to it all the time.

Everyone is smart, no one is a fool, except for Tom Cruise who is a little unlucky, no one has any big loss.

The bad guys are still selling well, and the box office is soaring; Universal has also won a lot of Tom\'s black fans into the theater to choose their movies through such a wave of slapstick operations. Although they still can\'t compare, at least the movie will not end up with a profit loss. The job was saved, and the goal at the beginning was achieved. That\'s enough, don\'t expect too much.

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