Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 171: Record the scene

"The Tonight Show" has a long history of establishment. From 1954 to the present, the ratings in the United States are still high, and the talk shows broadcast throughout the night are also absolute trump cards.

Around 6 p.m., in order to have a better photogenic appearance during the next recording, the makeup staff applied some concealer for them.

The whole process takes less than 10 minutes, man, it\'s relatively simple in this respect.

But Tom Cruise is different.

Lehmann stood to one side, watching his assistant and the makeup artist repeatedly ask about the combination of makeup and styling. At the same time, he also held a mirror to check if there was anything missing in his mouth or between his teeth.

At this moment, Lehman deeply felt that as an idol star that CAA fully packaged, Tom Cruise has cultivated over the past two decades to maintain his image as much as possible in the face of any camera. The perfection, and I can imagine how much pressure he was under the spotlight.

It is like an exquisite craft for people to watch. "Idol" is his label. Strict and meticulous attention to the image from the inside out is his daily life.

After watching it for a long time, after it was all over, Lyman couldn\'t help but ask, "Aren\'t you tired like this?"

Tom Cruise shrugged, his face calm, "This is life, isn\'t it, my life."

It\'s only necessary for work, and it may seem a little incomprehensible to outsiders, but Tom Cruise is used to it.

It’s just like the people who like to set up people in later generations, what’s a foodie, what’s cute, what’s a scholar, and it’s like those who have been cultivated since childhood. Some of the labels they give have become an irresistible kind of thing. Once the shackles are questioned or broken, only the fault of their careers awaits them.

"You are right in choosing to transform. If I were you, I would do the same." Lehmann couldn\'t help but sigh.

It is impossible for a person to eat only one bowl of rice all his life, and he must understand this himself.

Tom Cruise chuckled twice and tidied up his tie, "Of course, and it seems that I have a good start." After he finished speaking, he glanced at Lyman, and then continued: "" Bad Guys, isn\'t it?"

Every work on the road of transformation means a new chapter - it may be successful, it may be a failure, or it may not work at all; it may be a new peak in the career, or it may be a bleak return Old line. All of these are unknowns, so each work is like a gamble. Until the moment when the trump card is revealed, no one knows what the final result will be.

"Tom, Cage, Lyman, the 30-second countdown." The drama manager at the scene walked over quickly and motioned to the three.

"There are ten seconds left." The drama manager continued to remind with a headset.

Tom Cruise raised his chest and looked straight ahead, posing in a relaxed posture. The corners of his mouth rose more or less, which was the iconic "beautiful soup" smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let\'s welcome some of the creators of "Bad Guys" to our show. Tom Cruise, Nicolas Cage, Lyman Rattles, please. Three." As soon as Renjie-Reno\'s voice fell, the live band played cheerful jazz music at the right time. With the sound of drums, the recording door slowly opened, and the three walked out calmly.

In the audience at the scene, everyone stood up and cheered, vigorously stirring their hands, and some people put their fingers to their mouths and whistled.

The atmosphere at the opening was created very well by the program team, but I don\'t know how many people in the audience were their support.

Very dedicated, isn\'t it?

The three stepped forward one by one, hugged supporter Jay Leno, and then took their seats - Lehmann sat in the middle, Tom Cruise on the right, and Nicolas Cage on the left.

Jay Leno also sat behind a dark red table, facing the sofa of Lyman and others, and the distance between them was fairly close.

"Can you talk about your feelings on the set?"

After some appropriate opening remarks, Jay Leno quickly led the conversation to the movie.

"This was the hardest shoot of my acting career." Tom Cruise was the first to answer this question.

"So, what\'s the reason?" Jay Leno answered.

Tom Cruise turned his head to look at Lehman, and then said: "Because I was always in the process of shooting, you know, especially on the set, surrounded by actors who are playing against you. , If you keep talking for your own sake, it\'s really..." He thought about the words and continued: "It\'s a shame."

Jay Leno let out a burst of laughter, then nodded, guiding the rhythm of the chat, "So, Lehman, what is the reason for you, as a director, to keep reshooting?"

"Of course it\'s to dig out better character performances."

Although such an answer is sincere but has no variety show effect, the host quickly skipped it, "Where\'s Cage, how did you feel on the set?"

"It\'s okay, as long as I don\'t play against Tom, I\'ll get over it quickly. It might be a little troublesome to meet him."

Obviously it was a sharp rebuke of Tom\'s acting skills, but with the previous atmosphere ~www.novelhall.com~ and the serious expression on Cage\'s face, there was actually a wonderful black humor.

Sure enough, Jay Leno clapped his hands and applauded, not afraid of the big deal, and let Tom Cruise on the side helplessly spread his hands.

"Then again, Tom, I have to admit that when I entered the theater, your character was hardly reminiscent of your usual image, without a hint of abruptness." Jay Leno changed the subject again and began to cut into The main purpose of the group today is propaganda.

His eyes turned to the audience, "I\'m evaluating it very seriously. Don\'t think I\'m joking. If you go and watch this movie, you may be able to understand what I mean."

The audience cheered and cheered very cooperatively.

"For a long time, I almost forgot that this role was played by Tom Cruise again, and it wasn\'t until the end of the film that I remembered that our good soup was in the role, and it was a bad guy."

"The title of the film is very straightforward. Could it be that he can still play a good person?" Cage joked.

He also has a sense of variety show. After all, he has participated in many such talk shows before, and he is quite experienced. As for Lehmann, he has long been fascinated.

It was not until the end of the recording that Jay Leno greeted him politely, and he came back to his senses.

The group returned to the hotel to rest, recuperating and waiting for tomorrow\'s journey.

"Bad Guy" is still reaping the box office in the market...

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