Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 157: Fans are excited

"President Patrice Xiahou praised the film "Bad Guys" and said it was amazing at Cannes."

"Tom Cruise\'s performance has been affirmed and has attracted public praise from many international film critics. The emotional explosion and attention to detail in "Bad Guy" interprets the role in a perfect way."

"\'Bad Guy\' has a proud reputation and excellent screening. According to Luc Besson, president of the distributor Europa Pictures, their film has been sold in advance for distribution rights in more than 20 countries and regions."

"Tom Cruise and Nicolas Cage, two first-line movie stars, joined forces to conquer Cannes with their new film? The movie viewing was extremely hot, and it was hard to get a ticket."

"The judges of the jury have expressed their support for "Bad Guy"."


These reports were sent back to the United States, which naturally caused quite a stir.

Although Hollywood has always rested on its laurels and does not buy much of the accounts of the so-called three major international film festivals, this is mainly because the three major film festivals are not dominated by American films, and there are few participants, so the domestic attention will definitely not be high.

But if a certain film can achieve some results in Cannes, the Hollywood industry also recognizes the style of the three major film festivals. Under the active promotion and strong network of Paramount Pictures, these are indeed happening during the Cannes screening. News conversations were also reproduced one by one in the United States.

With the fame of the two first-line movie stars, there is no lack of news value. After running it, it has become the headline of the entertainment page of major news media, so that "Bad Guy" has completed a wave of eye-catching publicity very well. Continue Aroused the curiosity of many senior movie fans about this movie and the motivation to watch the movie——

"Lyman Rattles, Tom Cruise, Nicolas Cage, any of these three names appearing in a movie can make me willingly donate a movie ticket."

In the movie discussion section of IMDB, a netizen named Atlanta Birds wrote excitedly, "Not to mention that the three of them are together now. Oh my god, I really want to see it. , unfortunately, I don\'t have the money for the plane ticket to Cannes."

"Same upstairs, I\'ve been looking forward to it just by watching the trailer. The genre of the film is that kind of crime thriller, so I don\'t think it\'s too good for my viewing taste. Now, after reading some news reports from the Cannes Film Festival, The expectations are higher, is there any. But I have to admit that I rejected the role of Tom Cruise at the beginning. I have never understood the movie that Tang is not handsome, so is he still him? Now, It\'s like this movie is going to punch me in the face."

"I don\'t know if I\'m slapped in the face or not, but I\'m quite surprised that Tom Cruise would play such a tragic role, and his performance has been affirmed by film critics. In the past, didn\'t those people always like to ridicule Liangtang, saying he It\'s the vase among men, and it\'s the biggest and most precious one. Haha, why is it so funny."

"Funny plus one, film critics are like a bunch of stupid Muggles who have never had sex, but want to teach others to love and love."

"The metaphor is peculiar and the angle of view is perfect. Are you the hair of the old man of God?"

In the discussion thread titled "Bad Guys had an excellent Cannes show, are you looking forward to it?", several senior movie fans who have been in the IMDB forum all year round enthusiastically replied to the post. These people did not have much fan mentality at all. It looks at the situation that "Bad Guy" will be released from the perspective of film performance and performance.

For them, the first choice for watching movies is of course word-of-mouth, and some movie fans have reprinted the original posts of movie reviews from the Cannes scene and reprinted them on the forum, which is enough for them to free their minds.

"I think Tom Cruise\'s performance has been improving all the time. In the trailer, the scene where he looks down from the building while smoking a cigarette is simply eye-catching. Compared with his youthful acting skills in "Interview with the Vampire", He has undoubtedly changed a lot now. And I always thought that Liang Tang was actually quite talented, but he has always played the role of a fool, a face-shower, or a figure show, and the limitations are too great. Now he has finally come to his senses, and a kind of potential has been stimulated. I feel so happy," a netizen named Lakers Championship posted.

"I don\'t care about this, I just want to ask, does anyone know if "Bad Guy" will have its premiere? I\'m going to grab tickets."

"I also want to ask, when the time comes, I can go to the scene to see the main creators."

"No, I have a friend who works at Paramount. According to him, the company\'s CEO Shirley Lansing decided to release it directly. That\'s when the latest trailer says it will be released in the United States on May 27."

"Upstairs, it\'s not a friend born out of nothing, right?"

"I didn\'t. Wait another week and you\'ll know what I\'m saying is true or false. Cannes has already premiered, and the film\'s reputation has already started. There\'s no need to do it again, understand."

While the netizens of the IMDB movie forum were discussing the release of "Bad Guy", the momentum caused by Tom Cruise\'s fan forum was even greater.

Liang Tang\'s new work, do you still have to think about it, most fans are supportive voices.

There are even fans who have started to decide whether to buy a few theaters directly. The power of true fans is powerful. After saying this, they really consider that on the day of the release, they will gather in the crowd-sourcing hall to watch it. Such courage and action, some deer\'s fan group can learn.

As for those fans who don\'t surf the Internet very much, there are also many who have learned that such a movie is about to be released through channels such as TV stations or press release columns, and of course their favorite ones are also prepared to watch it in their hearts.

However, no matter how intense and curious the reaction of fans or movie fans is, the voice of the film critics and the judges of the jury is obviously more important now that the film is being screened in Cannes.

For people in the industry, professionals know what good works are produced around the world every year.

What\'s more, "Bad Guys" according to the plan was to win awards and get better publicity.

It is even more important to say hello to these people.

Some film critics who haven\'t seen the movie listen to the praise of their peers, and their hearts have long been itchy.

The so-called circle is just like this, and it cannot be excluded from the group.

"Mr. Luc Besson, do you still have a ticket? Give me one."

"George, how about you hold an internal screening?"

The phone calls from various people kept the public relations team of "Bad Guy" busy, and it fully explained the development of word-of-mouth for the film itself, and the level of attention it caused was also increasing in a straight line.

Under such circumstances, on May 21, which is the third day of "Bad Guy" being shown in Cannes, the organizing committee announced the final award nominations for all films in this year\'s main competition unit.

"Bad Guy" became the number one seed because of the right place and people - a total of five Cannes nominations.

They are: Palme d\'Or, Jury Prize, Best Director, Best Actor and Best Screenplay.

For a while, the limelight was overwhelming.


"I just received the news." On the phone, George\'s voice was a little happy, "There were more than 4,000 spectators lined up for the "Bad Guy" screening in the afternoon, and the last two theaters were shown together, and there were still hundreds of people left. The audience did not enter the venue, and the organizing committee suggested that we continue to increase the screening. Also, on the jury side, after preliminary communication, we have obtained a few votes with a high probability, at least we should be able to grab the jury award. "

"Are there so many people?" Lehmann was a little surprised.

"Well, there are many fans who came from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany. The word of mouth has been released, and many people want to take a look."

Rich people, no one takes flights to watch movies.

"What do you mean?" Lyman asked.

"My idea is to continue to increase the scale of screenings. We don\'t suffer in this regard, and we don\'t have to worry about the release potential of the film being released too much. Compared with those, the better the screening momentum, the better our publicity will only be. "

Lehman also understands this. It is estimated that if the number of screenings is increased, a bunch of advertisments will appear in the newspapers of the two places.

For the popularity of "Bad Guy", it\'s just a conventional method.

After all, in a few days, as soon as the Cannes Film Festival is over, the two locations will be screened at the same time, so there won’t be so much effort in digging and publicizing.

"You can figure it out." Lyman responded.

"Then there is a reception tonight, do you want to attend?"

"No, I want to rest."

Hanging up the phone, Layman stretched out quite leisurely.

Staying in Cannes gave him a sense of indulgence~www.novelhall.com~ In just over two years, he found that he had fallen in love with this small town.

This is probably the so-called local feeling.

A person or thing can make people feel comfortable from the spirit to the body.

The houses are not high, mainly two or three floors. Pastry houses and cafes are the mainstream here. The tall trees on both sides of the street extend high and sprinkle a green shade. susceptibility and pressure.

And with the popularity of "Bad Guy" at the film festival, Lehmann has become more and more well-known in the region of Cannes.

Especially the locals, even if he doesn\'t show up often, everyone knows what he looks like.

Sometimes walking on the street, I can meet French girls looking for his autograph or something, go out for a meal, and people will greet him from time to time, and the boss is also willing to give him some discounts.

All of these made him very comfortable, with a sense of pleasure in which his vanity was satisfied by Xiao Xiao.

Humans are group animals, and I honestly don\'t deceive me.

Therefore, the sense of identity in the group is also what people like to pursue.

And when the movie came out, Lehmann also got a lot easier. As long as you get rid of some unnecessary entertainment, in addition to writing the outline of a new script every day, that is, spending time with Eva Green, the days are quite leisurely.

The so-called life is probably the best.

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