Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 147: star poster

? "Dong Dong Dong"

Eva Green, who was disturbed by the knock on the door, rolled over and got out of bed, put on her slippers, and walked to the door. 35xs

When I opened the door, I found my sister Eve Green.

She was wearing off-white pajamas, with a hint of cunning in her eyes.

"What? Is there something wrong?" Eva Green asked in confusion. It\'s so late, still not sleeping?

"I just saw it." Eve Green stepped forward and hugged her sister\'s waist, and said with a smile, "Who do you say hello to when you get out of the car?"

"Come in." Eva pulled her sister into the room and closed the door.

"You were sent back so late. Who is it?" After asking, Eve hurriedly said, "Don\'t tell me it was sent to you by the crew, I don\'t look like you, you should be very familiar with each other, right? And wave goodbye."

Eve laughed out loud when she saw her sister\'s speechless appearance.

She felt like her curiosity was about to explode.

"Why are you laughing so loudly, you will wake up your parents later." Eva Green rolled her eyes and criticized in a low voice. I was still thinking about how I was seen.

"Is it a friend who sent me back, what a fuss."

Eva Green said, sitting on the bed.

"Hey," Eve Green\'s intuition told her that it wasn\'t easy.

She sat side by side, looking at her sister\'s face from time to time, smirking, looking at Eva straight.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I\'m laughing at someone lying." Eve said swayingly with her feet up.

"Whoever lied is just a friend of the crew. You think too much."

"I don\'t believe it, you never let me visit your crew, there must be ghosts." Eve leaned over and said with an ear. Having said that, enjoy yourself first. She must have felt that she was possessed by the great detective Sherlock Holmes at this time.

"It\'s not me who has the final say in the crew, can you get in if I allow you to visit the class?" Eva said truthfully.

It\'s really not for ordinary people to enter the cast and crew. Even the agents of the leading actors have to be notified in advance.

Lyman has always been very strict in this regard.

"Huh." Eve hummed deliberately, pretending to be angry.

She wants to go to the crew, not to see Eva, after all, Eva can be seen at home. Her real purpose is to find Tom Cruise.

Last time, it took a lot of effort for her to ask Eva to help get an autographed photo of Tom Cruise. Now, she has to look back at Shu, and she wondered if she could meet up close.

And the reason I noticed this just now was just a coincidence. She didn\'t want to pursue anything. In the end, she still wanted to coerce each other to go to the crew to meet the big stars.

I have to say that although the two have the same birthday, Eva only came out before her. The age is not much different, but the IQ seems to be quite different.

Is this the mystery of twin sisters?

Eve Green tried for a long time, but couldn\'t get any answer, and it seemed that his goal could not be achieved, so he went back to his room and went to sleep.

Seeing her sister leave, Eva finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Her younger sister is really annoying and has a great thirst for knowledge. Maybe that\'s why she was admitted to Pierre and Marie Curie University, but she went to the Academy of Performing Arts to specialize in it.

Eva turned over and lay on the bed, looking up at the ceiling, and suddenly thought of the fact that she took the initiative to kiss but bit Lyman\'s lips, and couldn\'t help but smile, revealing a shallow pear vortex.

bad guy, just gonna bite you

Since the filming of "Bad Guy" ended, Europa Pictures and Paramount Pictures have teamed up to start a small-scale promotion.

About to wait until the post-production is completed, that is, in May, there will be a large-scale sprint, and then it will enter the theater and receive the market\'s response.

The two companies gave a joint publicity cost of 50 million US dollars, Paramount Pictures 30 million, Europa Pictures 20 million, after all, the former is the big profit, the latter is the background is long-term income for the film.

With sufficient funds to support, small-scale publicity is not sloppy.

Anything to contact major theaters, communities, and places near colleges and universities, anyway, where there is a lot of traffic, you must find a way to put up movie posters.

There is also the media, but before the final push, only a few tabloids took the lead in promoting a wave.

In terms of online publicity, the two companies have not missed it. Under the general trend of Internet thinking, this piece has gradually become a frontier of publicity that major film companies attach great importance to.

This time, the focus of publicity is still on actors, especially Tom Cruise.

His advantage in this regard is unique.

If you divide the fan groups of several starring actors as a division.

Nicolas Cage\'s audience is more middle-aged women, ranging from 30 to 45 years old; Needless to say, Heath Ledger has not too many fans, and there is no choice; and Tom Cruise\'s audience is too broad, from teenagers to middle-aged and elderly people, across multiple age groups, is the name of "beautiful soup" a vain rumor?

So this time the two companies\' publicity goal is very clear, that is, to play the fan card first as much as possible.

Several posters announced are also featuring Tom Cruise.

His name is ranked first in the cast, and it is specially enlarged and bolded.

Of course, Nicolas Cage, who is also a first-line movie star, can\'t favor the other. His name comes in second, and it is also enlarged and bolded.

To be honest, the name arrangement of this poster is quite famous.

It is related to an actor\'s popularity and publicity status, and it should not be sloppy.

The remaining few people do not have this kind of treatment, and the font and size are quite satisfactory.

Below the actor, there is a new work directed by Lyman Lester in small print.

Well, the director\'s advantages should also be used well. After all, some people choose to enter the theater after seeing the director\'s name.

In addition to these, there are also personal poster photos of the actors.

Nicolas Cage, Eva Green, Heath Ledger, Tom Cruise, Kate Beckinsale.

It\'s a character costume for the filming of the interception.

When it was released, it was well received.

In just a few days, most of the inventory was sold, and Paramount Pictures quickly contacted the manufacturer to print it.

The best seller was the undercover character played by Tom Cruise in the film. The photo poster of him smoking while standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of a high-rise office caused a rush to buy.

Many fans spontaneously want to collect these, and they really have to sigh at the prevalence of fan circle culture.

No wonder this kind of face-selling star is becoming more and more popular in the future, it is simply the general trend.

In the heart of Santa Monica, in a newsstand on 3rd Pedestrian Street.

A group of flamboyant boys and girls instantly surrounded this place.

The boss of the newsstand was startled, but he had also seen strong winds and waves.

Also warmly greet these customers.

A group of people chatted and discussed eagerly, rummaging around from time to time.

The boss of the newsstand was listening, and he also understood the purpose of this group of people.

It turned out that they were all here to buy a promotional poster for a movie. They found many stores and they were all sold out.

The newspaper shop owner listened and was silent. He finished buying the goods last night, but he didn\'t come the next morning because he had something to do. He thought about coming over to set up a stall after having dinner early in the evening.

"Hey, I\'m the first to find out that there are still others here, why don\'t you thank me?" a little fat white man felt that he was ignored by his companions and shouted.

"Okay, Geman, thank you for letting me know, is that alright?" A blond girl said perfunctorily, holding a photo poster of Tom Cruise.

"Thank you, Geman, you are a good man."

"Geman is amazing."


The little fat man named Geman was struck by the words of his companion, and his face was full of loss.

"Boss, how much do you have in stock for this poster?" a girl said.

The newsstand owner looked closely and found that it was a picture of Tom Cruise smoking silently.

He thought for a while and replied, "There are 10 more, including the one you have in your hand."

When he bought the goods, there were a total of 7 various promotional photos from the "Bad Guy" movie and drama newspaper. According to the distribution rules or the promotional expenses thrown by Paramount Pictures, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and other big cities are similar to him. Newsstands are unified about 10 copies of each poster.

He didn\'t go in too much. After all, it was a propaganda mission. Can it be sold or not?

Now it seems that he has made some mistakes?

"I have it all, give it to me." The blonde girl was quite proud and took out a few Franklins.

"Lily, you want it all by yourself, what should we do? I also want a style like this." A girl who was traveling with her was quite dissatisfied.

"Yeah~www.novelhall.com~ I went to many stores and couldn\'t buy it. I want it too, I want to stick it on my bedside."

"I, I, forget it." A boy just wanted to express his opinion, but was stunned by a few girls, and he was defeated.

"Alright then, I\'ll share a few for you." The blonde girl is not unreasonable either.

"That\'s great, Lily, thank you."

Amid the cheers and laughter of the crowd, the newsstand owner took the money, took out the remaining 9 posters and handed them the change to the blonde girl.

The boys didn\'t want to leave empty-handed, so they chose a few posters each.

Boys, I choose stills of Kate Beckinsale or Eva Green.

As for the rest, such as Nicolas Cage, Heath Ledger, etc., if they are not really keen fans, they probably have no choice, so they reluctantly sold them.

"Boss, can you include more of Tom\'s promotional photos tomorrow? There are many students in my class who want it."

Before leaving, a girl reminded.

"Definitely." How could the boss, who was a little regretful that he didn\'t buy more goods, didn\'t know this.

There is no need for the girl to remind him, he is going to find a supplier to get a little more tonight.

"What, it was all taken away?" The night was getting late, and the newsstand owner, who had finally calmed down after a busy time, was about to talk about this, but what he got was not good news.

"How long will it take to make a batch?"

"ok, I get it."


The dream of getting rich has been shattered before it can be realized.

