Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 145: traditional dance

?The next day, Studio Two at Europa Pictures. 35xs

Thomas sat behind the camera with a stilt stool, his hands manipulating the swingarm, and his eyes fixed on the footage in the camera.

Large panorama, wide-angle lens, most suitable for shooting large scenes.

Below, a group of people in black suits stood quietly with their heads bowed slightly.

They are mourning the death of the leader of the "Golden Gate Party".

When the camera turned to the other side, several other actors were also ready to enter the camera at any time.

"Morgan Freeman, you have to be kind after this dialogue. The more you back down and then fight back, the more arrogant and domineering the gang members will be. The conflict in the whole drama can also be more tense, understand?"

"I see, Director Lyman." The black-faced man smiled slightly, revealing his white teeth. I don\'t know why, but I always feel that black people\'s teeth are going to be a little whiter. Is this the effect of contrast? Oh dear, it\'s no wonder that toothpaste has to be advertised by black people, and the effect is really amazing. Very eye-catching.

Shooting continues.

Wen Ziren stood beside Laiman.

Under the camera, first, an unpretentious Ford slowly parked on the side of the road. Suddenly, the camera turned and turned into a scene inside the car.

A camera is slowly raised by a pair of hands. Close-up, heralding something to happen.

Everything in the camera first appeared in a black suit, trousers, and a big bald head. Then a well-dressed man followed by two men appeared in the camera.

He walked quickly to the Ford car on the side of the road, grabbed the camera that took the candid photo, and fell to the ground.

At this time, the camera showed the faces of the people who were in the mirror.

It is also the police surveillance team led by Morgan Freeman and the gang members of Jason Statham and others.

The "Golden Gate Party" boss will hold a funeral, and the police will certainly not be indifferent, but unexpectedly, it will be destroyed by the violent Jason Statham.

"" Jason Statham said a line he had already memorized, "Candid photography? You like surveillance, right? Now that the camera is gone, what are you going to do?"

Well, this time Jason Statham performed well. It seems that he is in a good state. When he talks, with his expressions and gestures, he is full of ridicule and provocation to the police in Los Angeles.

"You obstruct our work for no reason, do you know breaking the law, and also, destroying other people\'s finances, remember to lose money, bastard." Morgan Freeman said this with a smile.

There was a lot of noise outside, which alarmed the people who attended the funeral inside.

Not long after, Nicolas Cage, Heath Ledger, Tom Cruise and other gang power figures all stepped out.

At this time, the camera came to a close-up of the face, swept across the faces of several main actors one by one.

Tom Cruise was silent, looking down, not daring to look at Morgan Freeman, and trying to avoid it; Nicolas Cage was in a bad mood, so he squeezed his eyebrows, apparently the recent accidental death of the boss was related to the accident. The sudden extra attention from the Los Angeles police made him very upset; Heath Ledger was playful, as if he wanted to see this happen.

Morgan Freeman\'s words made Jason Statham very upset. He was a bold master. At this time, he wanted to open the car door and beat the other group.

His move was unsuccessful, and a small police officer inside also pulled the door to prevent him from opening it.

The two sides were at a stalemate. Morgan Freeman sat in the rear parking space and took the initiative to open the rear door.

After getting out of the car, I tidied up the wrinkled collar angle, and then I calmly confronted Jason Statham.

"Crack. Pass."

Lehman gave an order with a loudspeaker, and several actors on the field immediately ran back to the dressing room to retouch their makeup. This is not good in summer. After a long time, sweat will soak through the clothes or stain the makeup.

Wipe off the sweat and change into dry clothes. Shooting continues.

"Why, you want to beat up the police officers, are you sure the boss behind you can keep you? Or do you want to go to jail after having enough fun outside? Okay, I\'ll just stand here, I\'ll satisfy you. Come on, beat me up in front of so many people." Morgan Freeman laughed happily, "Don\'t you dare?"

Well, the counterattack is fierce. 35xs

In this paragraph, he borrowed from the scene in "The Godfather" where Sonny scolded FBI. It\'s just that there\'s a wedding there and a funeral here.

Of course Jason Statham didn\'t dare to hit the police, to be precise, he didn\'t dare to be above board.

In everything, the most fearful thing is to be upright.

He angrily stepped on the camera on the ground to vent his anger.

As he was about to leave, Morgan Freeman stopped him again, "Hey, uneducated boy, where\'s the money? Lose money."

Jason Statham turned back a few steps, took out a handful of Franklins from the inner pocket of his suit, and threw it on the ground, "Is it enough?"

"Of course."

Morgan Freeman was not affected by his actions at all. He still smiled. After picking it up, he counted it and found that he had given too much. "It doesn\'t take so much."

Saying that, he also threw some of the money on the ground.

Jason Statham ignored it and took people away on his own.

"Oh, don\'t even have money, what a fool."

After all, Morgan Freeman stopped picking up the money thrown on the ground, returned to the car, and left the scene.

The filming of this scene was quite tedious. Because of the large number of people, every shot would have to be paused for a while, and the interference of props, actors\' makeup, positions and other factors also took time to adjust.

After spending all morning, Morgan Freeman\'s part in the crew was finished.

After the police line was filmed, the rest was much easier to handle.

Because of the smooth shooting, everyone was in a good mood. At the suggestion of George, the crew contracted a bar on the Champs-Elysees in Paris to hold a small farewell party for Morgan Freeman who had left. , but also to release the pressure accumulated for a long time.

Lehman did not disappoint, and specifically ordered to continue shooting tomorrow afternoon, giving everyone a little more time.

Man, he also understands what the animals on the crew think.

As soon as you enter the bar, it is straightforward enough to ask what the service is.

This group of people is not bad for money, after all, the salary for filming is higher than that of ordinary middle-class families.

The manager of the bar is also a good person. Seeing this, he quickly contacted a large group of bright girls to come over.

They also prepared a show and danced cancan on the round table.

It is like the kind of table that can be sat around, everyone is drinking, and there are girls dancing the most famous cancan dance in the French show.

Students who don\'t know what cancan is, you can go to see "Moulin Rouge" starring Nicole Kidman. The dance that instantly makes people\'s hormones rise is the cancan dance they learned.

Gorgeous lighting and seductive dancing are a perfect match.

Many members of the crew are very happy, and yes, a large group of big men who haven\'t communicated with girls for months is also holding back long enough, not to mention, there are still many bachelors in Lehman\'s crew.

They drank wine and watched the dance, and when they got excited, they would throw a wad of money on the table, or just stuff it directly to the dancing girl.

This group of invited girls are also very happy. They are in this business. They can earn more when they meet someone with a lot of money. What else is there to be dissatisfied with?

After a while, the two groups each found a temporary partner.

"Morgan Freeman, you did a great job."

At the bar of the bar, Lyman raised his glass, the two touched it, and then drank the beer inside.

"I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future," Morgan Freeman said. The attitude is low.

Seeing what people say is a very common social survival skill.

"Of course, I hope so too."

After a little greeting, Laiman wandered around with a glass of wine, watched the cancan dance for a while, then walked to the quiet rest area, sat on the seat, and drank slowly.

He\'s not as impatient as those people, and even Tom Cruise is a bit rambunctious.

Of course, he\'s always been like this, and Nicolas Cage, these two are the little princes of nightclubs, and thieves can play.

On the other hand, Heath Ledger and Nicolas Cage have worked together in two plays, and they still haven\'t been spoiled. At this time, he followed behind a group of people, watching the dance and drinking, but he didn\'t do anything. enjoy the relaxed atmosphere.

"Hi, alone."

A girl dressed very "cool" came over with champagne in her hand and gestured to clink glasses with Lehmann.

Lehmann is absolutely necessary, a crisp collision sounded, and after drinking the remaining wine in the glass~www.novelhall.com~Want to play together? "

The girl is very straightforward and doesn\'t twist at all. She had just finished dancing with sweat on her forehead.

"No." Lyman refused decisively.

The girl did not hide the loss in her heart, apologized a little, and turned around to look for other prey.

Very good, Eva Green, who was not far away, withdrew her gaze and asked the bartender for another glass of champagne.

It\'s not that he doesn\'t waver, it\'s that he has a strong heart and lacks strength.

If you have nothing to do, you will squeeze it, but you are still human?

In this regard, lesbians should have a say.

Anyway, the further back I got, I always felt that it wasn\'t me who was cool, but she was cool.

Silently asked for another glass of wine, watching other people play happily.

Lyman sighed.

It is no wonder that the emotional road of first-line movie stars such as Tom Cruise and Nicolas Cage will be so bumpy.

There are very few people in the circle, whether male or female, who don\'t like to play. If such a relationship can be maintained, there are ghosts.

Even if he can bear it, the man can\'t bear it.

Well, who said women don\'t like to play, Angelina Jolie has something to say.

However, this is also someone\'s fault, and there is nothing to worry about.

As long as the private lives of these people do not involve marriage, they are rarely caught by the media.

This is the general environment of Hollywood, and even the public are very open to this aspect.

But the premise is not to enter the palace of marriage.

That\'s what Lehmann planned. Anyway, he was carefree and didn\'t need to be forced to marry. How cool.
