Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 143: 1 dinner

"Darling, is it necessary to be so solemn?" Elin-Allen handed the child over to the nanny, turned around and walked over to her husband, "I don\'t understand, it\'s just a birthday, and I ask the children not to be with us. Can\'t we have dinner together as a family? Like in previous years. 35xs"

"This year is different, and you don\'t want those guests to dine with the children. That would make us rude, Elaine." Jacques Behan kissed his wife on the cheek, "Anyway, today\'s dinner It is not suitable for children to join, this is a human interaction after all, of course, you can also regard it as a prelude to the negotiation of interests.”

"Okay." Today is Elin Allen\'s birthday, but she is obviously not in a good mood, but she also understands her husband\'s consideration, "I hope you can achieve what you want, dear."

"Thank you for your blessing. Let\'s go and meet the guests at the door." Jacques Besson looked at his watch, "That guy Luc Besson should be coming soon."

Not long after, the three of them came together.

"Hi, Lehmann Rust. Luc Besson. Who is this?" Jacques Behan smiled and hugged the three of them, then took the gifts from the three of them, "I\'m so glad you finally Still taking the time - especially you, Lyman, I know you must be very busy right now, thanks for the light."

"Needless to say, the crew does have a lot to do." Lehmann said with a smile, "but your invitation is obviously more important to me than the shooting. I have always admired you, director Jacques Behan, your "Focus News" , I\'ve watched it no less than 20 times. This is Eva Green, an actress." Lehmann took the initiative to introduce.

Jacques Behan couldn\'t help grinning. Obviously, it is a very pleasant thing for a director who is currently popular to appreciate his past works.

Even if it\'s flattery, it\'s flattery among directors, and it\'s not annoying.

"Let\'s have a pre-dinner bar first, and a few more guests should be here soon. Let\'s wait." He led the three of them inside, and Elin Allen immediately came over with a glass of wine.

"Introducing you, this is my wife, Irene Allen." Jacques Behan took the glass and started pouring.

"Happy birthday, Ms. Elaine."

Looking at Erin Allen, who was not much older than himself, Lehmann couldn\'t help but sigh once again that the director just knew how to play.

A 30-year-old married a 20-year-old, a 40-year-old married a 20-year-old to a 60-year-old, and still married a 20-year-old.

Thinking that Luc Besson invited him over, he did not refuse. Just because he was curious about Jacques Behan.

Well, Jacques Behan is the best director of the 43rd Oscar, and he is more familiar with the later "Spring in the Cattle Class".

Moreover, what he just said was not entirely flattering, and Lehmann did appreciate the director\'s work.

Besides, "respecting the old and loving the young" is also human nature. Such a person in his 60s who has worked hard for the director\'s career for half his life really needs to be respected.

"Thank you." After clinking glasses with everyone, Lyman drank it all in one gulp.

What\'s more, what Luc Besson said to him also makes sense. If the French film brand can be played out, it will be very helpful for their international distribution.

Luc Besson still hasn\'t forgotten his desire to unite the power of cinema within the country to resist the invasion of Hollywood.

They came here today to invite such a director to maintain a partnership with Europa Pictures. Of course, there are also projects to talk about.

"Ah, here comes Preston. Please feel free, everyone, I\'ll go greet the guests." Jacques Behan said, and took his wife over.

Soon after, the dinner began.

While the food was delicious, it was clearly not on the minds of most guests.

After a short and pleasant dinner, it was time for a reception and a time for friendship.

The host of the banquet, Jacques Behan, said a few words to make everyone have a good time, and then invited Lehmann and Luc Besson into the study.

Eva Green didn\'t go with her—she came here tonight to be a qualified female companion for a banquet, and it was obviously irrelevant to her when it came to business negotiations or the exchange of interests.

She found a corner seat and sat down, drinking champagne silently.

In the study, the three of them found a place to sit down.

"Brandy? Or wine?" Jacques Behan asked.

He poured wine for both guests, determined to get straight to the point and negotiate the project as soon as possible.

It\'s not just Europa Pictures that wants to work with Jacques Behan, he also has ideas in this regard.

Because the Europa Films market is getting bigger and bigger, it is also in a deep business partnership with Paramount Pictures, which is also in great demand for a director of literary films like him.

Perhaps it is precisely because he is a director of literary and artistic films that he hopes that his films can be seen and recognized by more audiences.

"So, Luc Besson, you already know about my new film, right? Can you tell me what you think?"

Luc Besson smiled, put down the wine glass in his hand, and said in a relaxed tone, "Oh, Jacques Behan, don\'t be so restrained, so commercialized, we are friends, and I am happy to help friends release movies."

Jacques Behan laughed, and was noncommittal about what Luc Besson said. In his eyes, his buddy abandoned the field of literature and art to study how to make a lot of money in movies, which was inherently biased and did not agree with his philosophy.

But disagreement is one thing, cooperation is another.

He pointed to himself and laughed at himself, "I\'m getting older, and I may not have much energy to make movies, so I hope this time I don\'t interfere with my shooting plan."

"Of course, we Europa Pictures have rarely intervened in the creation of directors. This point, Lehmann sitting next to you can testify."

"Yes." Lyman nodded helplessly, as a help to testify.

The two had the intention to cooperate, but the conversation was extraordinarily enthusiastic.

"Regarding the Spring of the Cattle Class, I will notify the company of the project as soon as possible."

"Thank you." Jacques Behan was in a good mood.

The three of them had another drink and chatted.

While he was talking, the topic came to Lehman.

"I\'ve seen your "Three idiots making trouble in Bollywood", but why did you go to film "Fury"?" Jacques Behan said, his tone full of regret.

Lyman pouted, noncommittal. There was no argument for this old man.

Most French directors have a romantic style, which is often projected on the work, which is often the little thing between ethics.

What\'s more realistic is that most of their directors are losing money. If the French government is really good enough and distributes a large amount of film subsidy every year, these directors are estimated to starve to death.

Originally, the market is the most realistic, it must be difficult to find investment to make films if you lose money, but who would have known that the French government is so strange, it supports half of the French literary and art circles, and they don’t have any kind of me making films and I’m losing money. The guilt of money, in this way, French cinema is famous all over the world on a large scale.

As for his support for style, Lehmann understands.

In the eyes of literary directors like Jacques Behan, it is a step backward for films to actively cater to the audience market.

Maybe he saw that Leiman was retreating, and he had the intention of pulling a younger generation in his heart.

It\'s a pity that Laiman\'s heart is steel, and he can\'t be persuaded by a sentence or two.

art art? If you are an artist who can\'t even support yourself, and you only know how to take advantage of the country, you are not an artist, but a moth and a hooligan.

Jacques Behan is better, not the most pedantic kind, and he can still win awards for his films.

In terms of international influence, he can be a few blocks away from Lehmann, but in terms of return on investment or investment and filming, Lehman\'s achievements are also a few blocks away from him.

The capital market has a profit-seeking nature. Whoever makes money will naturally attract investors to invest.

As far as Lehmann is concerned, if Luc Besson wants to complete the idea of ​​resisting Hollywood, instead of finding cooperation with major film companies or filmmakers, it is better to discuss with the government to cancel the film support fund.

Let them pay for their own money, and they are afraid of losing, and naturally they will not think about what literature and art, what gives people insight. UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com At that time, those who do not make money will be eliminated, and the market will spontaneously select a new batch of directors.

Now, everyone is still walking on a "road of no return", and French cinema has a long way to go.

Although the three have different ideas, they still talk enthusiastically, and they also have their own views on the understanding of movies.

Jacques Behan is not from a professional background, but after so many years, he has a wealth of theoretical knowledge and shooting experience. At this time, listening to Lehmann talk about the structural division of his films, he is also particularly interested.

"When your movie is released, I will notify several friends in the circle to support you together." Jacques Behan is old and can watch everything. Seeing that Lehmann has his own ideas, he does not persuade him much. Very sincere words.

No matter what his shooting philosophy is, this person is very interesting, and you can\'t look down on people just because they lose money.

"Okay, then thank you sir." Lehmann smiled. "When my film is released in France, I will definitely invite you to watch it."

The two big men looked at each other and smiled, as if they knew each other.

After discussing the matter, the three walked out of the study.

Jacques Behan took Luc Besson to find a friend to catch up with the old days. Lehmann looked left and looked again, and found Eva Green among a group of guests.

She sat alone on the outskirts of the crowd.

Lyman walked quickly in the direction of Eva Green, but at this moment, he didn\'t expect someone to come first.

An old man with gray hair in a brown suit.

He seemed to be saying hello to Eva Green.

Who would that be?
