Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 140: Professionalism

? Tom Cruise is not an acting genius, but he is very dedicated, which is the virtue of "good soup", and it is also the reason why Lyman is confident that he will join the crew and play a good role.

Of course, there are also some reasons for the market to consider, because "beautiful soup" does play a role in fan base and box office selection.

The overseas market reputation is not bad, and fans all over the world buy it for him.

The "Mission Impossible" series of movies, except for the first one, almost all of the sequels that were filmed in the future were supported by Tom Cruise alone.

This is not a series similar to "007" or "Harry Potter". The former has little to do with the actors, while the latter has little to do with the shaping of the story style.

How is "Bond" changing actors, and is its market performance poor? The core of the story is the same, and fans are willing to buy it.

As for "Mission Impossible", the shooting style of each sequel changes again and again, but with "Tang Ge" in it, the results are not bad, the only bad thing is word of mouth, Tom Cruise is a famous first-line movie star The market appeal is unmistakable throughout the series.

After another scene was shot, Lyman sat behind the director\'s monitor and nodded involuntarily.

After filming Tom\'s scenes together, his performance has improved a lot, and the number of ngs has decreased, and the shooting speed can be said to have risen by a notch.

Although his performance is still not perfect, nor comparable to Heath Ledger, Nicolas Cage, Morgan Freeman, etc., but his character is inherently restrained, and his emotional fluctuations depend entirely on his eyes and facial expressions. to release. Muscle control can still be achieved for an experienced player who has acted like this for more than 20 years.

Of course, occasionally some old problems need to be reminded by Lehman from time to time.

For example, when raising the corner of the mouth and laughing, the curvature should not be measured like a tape measure, so clear-it is not posing when interviewing reporters or taking pictures; for example, when bowing the head, the expression should not be too stiff-and It\'s not that I\'m shooting a magazine cover photo, and I feel like I\'m acting cold. These are still small actions that Tom Cruise brings subconsciously when he performs.

Fortunately, after being reminded, he was able to correct it quickly.

After another scene was filmed, Tom Cruise returned to the dressing room, and the emotional fluctuations in his heart still did not calm down.

The only consequence of filming the tricks together is that Tom Cruise\'s performance is a lot more stressful.

He will play against Nicolas Cage for a while; Heath Ledger for a while;

In order to ensure that his performance is not overwhelmed by others, resulting in a breakout of the play, Tom Cruise is really pondering how he should deal with the pressure from other actors.

The fluctuating emotions and the uneasiness made him feel a little uncomfortable.

In other words, when was the last time he had such a lot of pressure and performance, he forgot.

Maybe when I first debuted, I was nervous, excited, and excited.

At this moment, he was using his personal assistant, Ms. Weina, to re-touch his makeup, and gradually closed his eyes as he looked at himself in the mirror.

The next scene is his "informant" - Kate Beckinsale is found by his buddy - Nicolas Cage\'s third-in-command.

It was his head-to-head confrontation with Cage again, and Tom Cruise was pondering in his mind how he should play.

When the "informer" was found out, he must have been flustered, because it meant that his undercover identity would be exposed, but he had to be calm in the panic, because it was not necessarily a dead end, what should he do?

How to control the rhythm of the performance, how to control facial expressions, and how to play with eyes?

"Oh." Tom Cruise couldn\'t help wailing. In recent days, his head has grown bigger.

But there is no way, who made his character the junction point between the whole story and each character, the turning point and impetus of the plot are almost all on him.

"Are you ready?"

"ok. 35xs"

The lights are dark and cool, symbolizing something big happening.

Wen Ziren stood behind Laiman and stretched his neck to look at the dressing room.

Lehman raised his arm to touch him, "Go, let all the unrelated people go out, I want to clear the field, yes, including you."


Wen Ziren expressed regret, but did so anyway.

Then Ryan came over and looked at Lyman knowingly, "Ryman, I\'m the producer, I have to keep an eye on the shooting situation on the set."

Lyman was stern and serious, "I\'ll just watch it, and you\'ll go out too."

Next is Kate Beckinsale\'s part. What are these grandchildren thinking, Lyman doesn\'t understand.


He is very righteous.

Although there are no special requirements for other girls, Lyman, as a director who cares about actors, is still very considerate and takes the initiative to arrange the clearance, except for Thomas and several actors in the opposite scene, reducing the number of people on the set.

After everything was arranged, the last few staff in charge of props also went out with reluctant expressions on their faces.


Ryman was inexplicably excited. He picked up the loudspeaker, and the voice was much louder than usual.

The camera stood diagonally above the studio, with the lens facing down, with a 45-degree top-down angle. The other camera was placed on the side and controlled by Thomas.

This shot needs a lot of close-ups. Are you selling benefits? Besides, the plot also needs it.

In the monitor, Tom Cruise first entered from the outside of the warehouse. As the camera pulled up, Nicolas Cage was sitting in the center of the warehouse. The three younger brothers stood quietly behind him, with a big iron on the right. bucket.

Tom Cruise slowed his pace, approached, and said forcefully, "What do you ask me to do here?"

Nicolas Cage didn\'t answer him, but said to himself, "We sent people to monitor the police and found an interesting woman. Ian, do you know who it is?"

Cold sweat broke out from his forehead inadvertently. Tom Cruise\'s worst fear happened, but he still chuckled, "How do I know who it is. Is it someone I know?"

Nicolas Cage stood up and patted his friend on the shoulder, with a very light force, but like a pat on Tom Cruise\'s heart, he felt unsteady, and the fine sweat on his forehead came out. .

"Of course, you are quite familiar with me. I brought someone here." Nicolas Cage turned around and pointed to the big iron bucket, "Well, it\'s in there, do you want to meet me?" After that, he rubbed it a bit. His face looked a little tired.

This detail is great, and Lyman sat behind the monitor, satisfied with Nicolas Cage\'s impromptu move.

Just rubbing his face, the whole tense atmosphere became more and more intense, giving people a feeling that something was wrong, and there was also restraint in it.

Tom Cruise naturally couldn\'t panic. Although he was already in a mess, he still walked towards the big iron bucket.

He looked in and turned his head, his whole body stiffened.

"This woman is from the police, you know?" Nicolas Cage smoked a cigarette, and the smoke rose. No one thought he would choose to attack at this time.

He moved quickly, picked up a tie next to him, and knocked one of the three younger brothers to the ground.

Once, once, once more.

There was a lot of blood seeping out of that little brother\'s head.

Dark red and dark red, flowing on the ground.

"Bastard, you dare to put undercover in my team, do you think you have lived too long." He cursed, and the swear words kept pouring out.

Soon, seeing that the man could not live, Nicolas Cage relit a cigarette, and regardless of the blood on his body, he took a pistol from his pocket and handed it to Tom Cruise, "You go and deal with her, If you dare to be a police informant, you will die."

Tom Cruise resisted the tremor and took the pistol

"Bad Guy" is about this **** scene.

After the "informer" was captured, he was severely tortured and tried. His body was covered with scars and his clothes were tattered.

Plus the rope tied? Hey, the rope.

There\'s only a little bit of fabric left that barely covers a few key areas - don\'t ask me why there\'s only so much left in my clothes, for art, you know.

The addition of this lens is entirely to add a little visual benefit and publicity stunt, don\'t care about the clothes, what matters is the figure.

"bundling" py? The staff really know how to play~www.novelhall.com~ No wonder they don\'t want to go out.

Lyman thought to himself. In the camera, Kate Beckinsale was **** with a rope, which not only did not destroy the beauty, but instead became convex and warped because of the restraint effect of the rope, which makes people wonder whether the person who tied the rope went I have studied in an island country.

Otherwise, this tortoise shell binding technique looks too skilled, it is a talent.

Coupled with the scar effect of deliberate makeup on the skin, it gives a strange feeling.

The director\'s shameful body happened to feel. No way, the lights and filters are too tempting.

Besides, Kate Beckinsale herself is the kind of good-looking, outstanding temperament, and has a kind of British style.

Kate Beckinsale doesn\'t have much feelings. She has filmed **** scenes. Although she is a little ashamed of this kind of scene, she can still control it.

At this moment, her mouth was covered with tape, watching Tom Cruise hesitantly raise his gun, shaking his head and pleading.

She didn\'t want to die, but watching Tom Cruise struggle, her eyes slowly firmed.

Her begging for mercy slowed down, her eyes full of despair.

"Bang bang bang." Gunshots sounded.

Tom Cruise seemed to be obsessed, pulled the trigger and emptied all the bullets. After a long time, he threw the gun on the ground.

Nicolas Cage didn\'t speak, he just gave him a complicated look, that look conveyed a lot.

Everyone was gone, and Tom Cruise finally couldn\'t hold it anymore and fell to the ground.

Why does he want to die? He\'s not dead, that\'s all he can do.
