Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 132: get ready

Tom Cruise is an actor, he also has the ability to distinguish the depth of the role.

And there is no doubt that Cayden-Ian has considerable performance space.

After reading the character biography, he only felt a little itchy in his heart.

Whether it is from a policeman to an undercover agent, or a complete rebellion from an undercover agent, the entire psychological struggle is deep enough, and it can be seen as an invisible tug of war between the concept of good and evil and the cruel social reality.

Killing for the sake of killing, brotherhood, love, the police\'s defense and the guilt of killing a brother, incomparably cold, bit by bit annihilate Cayden-Ian\'s humanity, stifle his last perseverance, and then completely into the dark.

This kind of performance with a large contrast between the front and rear characters, and also forbearance and explosiveness, can be imagined as a challenge for the actors.

He was moved.

"Lyman, why did his boss choose him as an undercover agent in the first place, and he has to be wary of him everywhere." Tom Cruise raised his head and asked his doubts when he read the biography.

"Because the mask has been worn for a long time, I can\'t take it off. Do you remember what his boss said before thinking of this method? In the undercover business, it is common to have dissent and mental breakdown. He is a I don\'t want to implement this plan."

"Okay," Tom Cruise expressed his understanding, holding the biography, "then..."

For a moment, he didn\'t know what to say.

"So, you don\'t want to, because the character is the biggest villain?" Lyman\'s joke made Tom Cruise stunned, then chuckled, "Of course not, I just don\'t know how to express what I want determination to act.”

"Haha." Lyman said with a smile, "Actually, you haven\'t read the real script. If you read the whole story, I think you will be more interested."

Tom Cruise admired Lyman\'s confidence, and he said, "So, can I get this role?"

As soon as this question came out, Lyman did not answer immediately, but put away his smile and looked at Tom Cruise\'s eyes quite seriously, and said, "Tom, I want to emphasize one point first, once you enter my crew, you will You have to follow the arrangement of the crew, especially in the daily shooting, can you do this?" Lehmann spread his hands, expressing helplessness, "You know, if you don\'t obey the requirements, then the shooting will probably be lost. It\'s a mess, and I don\'t want the rules of the actors to be bigger than the entire crew, can you promise?"

Lehman\'s unexpected remarks also made Tom Cruise seriously think about it, and finally he said, "You can say anything else at one time, otherwise we will have to negotiate again."

Sure enough, Tom Cruise\'s attitude towards the role is obvious, he is very determined.

"I\'m still a little unclear about your salary... If it\'s too expensive, I think the crew will be hard-pressed to afford it." Lehmann said politely. After all, the condition for downgrading the salary is to change the setting of the story, which is not changed now, and I don\'t know if the joining conditions will change.

This is also a question that Ryman is very concerned about. Although he left salary space for filming "Bad Guy", when he thinks about the salary of Heath Ledger and Nicolas Cage, it must be because of the good market performance of "Fury". increase, this aspect also needs to be taken into account.

But Tom Cruise is far more courageous than Lehman imagined, and he said directly at this time: "I can promise you in this regard, the salary of 8 million US dollars plus 5% of the North American box office share, How about it?"

Tom Cruise has been in Hollywood for nearly 20 years, and he has a clear understanding of the market in the industry. Although he seldom does something like taking the initiative to reduce his value, he has done a great job.

Lehman didn\'t say anything else, this condition can be said to be a big concession, and he simply stretched out his right hand, "After you sign the contract with Paramount, I will send you a complete script, you can cooperate more. Actual and scene ponder your own role changes."

Tom Cruise couldn\'t be more satisfied with Lehman\'s recognition, and once again showed a hearty smile on his face, he grabbed Lehman\'s right hand, "Then, just wait for my news, I\'ll wait and see. , how wonderful the story you tell will be."

"Of course."


After leaving Tom Cruise\'s mansion, Ryman hitched a ride to Warner Studios.

Walking into the rented main studio No. 3, Ryan, Thomas and others were already busy.

As the saying goes, before the army moves, food and grass go first.

Although the actors were not found, it did not prevent Lehmann from starting some preliminary work when preparing for the shooting.

It takes time to pick a location and start preparing costumes, props and sets ahead of time.

There are also equipment that each department needs to use during the shooting period, and they must also be prepared.

Ryan was leading the set team to discuss the set issues during the shooting, when he saw Lyman walking over.



"Director Lyman..."

The set crew took the initiative to greet them. Lyman nodded to them one by one, then walked up to Ryan and asked, "How is it? Are the cameras we want here?"

"Europa Pictures is still very reliable. Ten Sony cameras of the latest model have been bought for us. They will be here next week at the latest. It will definitely not affect our filming work."

"Well, although it\'s not in a hurry, keep an eye on it." Lehman still warned.

"Well." Ryan nodded.

"Also," Lehman asked again, "how is the negotiation with Paramount Pictures about the location?"

Now filming is becoming more and more popular in overseas areas, where the tax rebate is what you see. Naturally, "Bad Guy" will not stay in Los Angeles for filming forever. Although the United States will always shout slogans to support the film, it will give The reality is far from much.

"Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, France..." A series of place names were reported by Ryan, and he went on to say: "The conditions for tax rebates are generally somewhat different, but the differences are not very big. The Ramon people have no idea, but Europa Pictures wants us to go to France to shoot.”

"Will this year\'s subsidy option be added to us?" Lehmann was a little surprised.

In other words, although countries such as France, the United Kingdom, and Germany also subsidize the taxation of film shooting, most of them are digested internally, and even the quota for each year will be divided up by local film companies at the beginning of the year. This is also the reason why countries such as Australia and New Zealand have quickly become popular filming locations: they treat them equally, and as long as they meet the standards, they will give tax rebates.

"Well, Europa Pictures won a spot for us."

"Let\'s choose France then." Lehmann doesn\'t care about this aspect. Anyway, whoever has the biggest discount will go to shoot wherever.

"What about the actors? Tell me about the audition application."

The main character of the film has long been determined.

If there is no accident under the undercover, it will be played by Tom Cruise; the undercover brotherhood who fights side by side with the gang will be played by Nicolas Cage; the second person in the gang, who will also compete with each other in the future, will be played by Heath Lay Played by Jay.

This is something that Lehman has considered, and they have been designed according to their respective images.

The character like Nicholas Cage was killed all the way from a gangster, and his character is not stingy, and the most important thing is loyalty; while the character of Heath Ledger is a little moody, likes to kill the whole family, and is very neurotic. There are quite a few shadows of the "clown" in later generations, but the "clown" is more crazy and has a more eccentric personality.

As for other characters such as police officers, gangsters or undercover wives, informants, etc., there are no targets at all.

Or in other words, he has a general character image, but he just needs specific reference actors.

"The situation is not bad. As soon as the news that we want to recruit roles spread, a lot of people signed up, and CAA, Williams and other brokerage companies also sent a batch of lists, do you want to take a look?"

Ryan handed Lyman several registration forms.

Lyman looked at the first one, which was provided by CAA. There were 6 candidates in total, and they recommended Morgan Freeman for the role of the undercover boss who played the most important role in the remaining roles. As for the other roles, they were Aaron Eckhart. , Gray Ash, Harvey Porterfield.

The undercover wife recommended Gwyneth Paltrow~www.novelhall.com~ I have to say, CAA is still quite powerful, although Lehman has always been committed to making his studio not allow too many people from CAA to intervene, But for a while, Lehmann felt that their recommended list was not bad.

CAA is also making full use of their advantages. Not only does it tailor the selection list of actors based on the setting of the characters in the script, but also has enough actor resources for them to do so. They can also pick one out of ten, which is suitable and high-quality—— This shows CAA\'s confidence in the fact that they only recommend one actor for each role.

It can only be said that CAA is worthy of being CAA.

"Notify all these lists and ask them to prepare for auditions. Let\'s choose a time to screen them."

After reading these recommended candidates from major brokerage companies, Lehman also saw many familiar names, such as Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Alba, Vanessa Pablo Ladis...

But in any case, it is impossible to rashly decide on roles before the official audition. Lyman is unfamiliar with them, and it is useful to know their names.

Unlike Heath Ledger, Nicolas Cage and other actors who have worked with him, everyone has a basic understanding, and it will be very straightforward when they work together like that.

Just like Heath Ledger only heard Lyman say that he wanted to vacate the schedule from April to June, and immediately agreed.

Can\'t compare.


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