Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 128: 1 point question

The conference room of Europa Pictures is still so spacious, but the atmosphere inside seems a little wrong.

Lehmann pushed open the door of the conference room and walked in, and found that there seemed to be more people inside than expected, and more... big names?

He originally thought it was a relatively normal meeting, but now it seems that it is not very simple.

"Sorry, I\'m late."

Luc Besson greeted him with a smile, "No, we just arrived."

He skillfully gave Lehman a hug, then turned to look at the people at the other end of the conference table, "I\'ll introduce to you, these are the distinguished guests of Paramount Pictures, and they will also join our discussion today. ."

Following Luc Besson\'s words, the four people sitting on the right side of the conference table all stood up one after another, with polite smiles on their faces, and their eyes met Lehmann.

"Ms. Shirley Lansing, it\'s a great honor for you to make a special trip here."

Those who come are not good, and those who are good will not come. Lehman took the initiative to greet Ms. Shirley, the CEO of Paramount Pictures.

"This one is Anthony Joseph, the director of marketing for Paramount Pictures."


"This is Alan Brayden, the distribution department..."


"This is Charles Lewis, the Propaganda Department..."


Isn\'t today\'s meeting to determine the preliminary preparations for the project? If there is no accident, then we can start the preparation of the crew, the selection of actors, and the arrangement of shooting locations.

But such a battle seems a little too grand? After Lehman shook hands one by one, he thought to himself, especially Shirley Lansing, what happened to her coming?

The last time everyone collaborated on "Fury", I never saw such a meeting.

Lehmann raised his head and glanced at Luc Besson, with a calm expression on his face, as if all this was normal.

After a few greetings, everyone took their seats.

"Lyman, we have all read your project proposal, and we all agree to run this project, but..." Shirley Lansing said first, "I still have a few questions that I would like to know more about. ."

"Please say."

Preparing for a project has always been the theme of today, and it is what everyone cares about most, and Lehmann is no exception.

"You want a base salary of 10 million US dollars plus a 15% box office share, and an investment quota of 12 million US dollars. This condition..." She looked up at Lehman, "Is it too much? We cooperated with sincerity, but we did not see any sincerity on your side."

"About this, please discuss with my agent Johnson." Lyman smiled, not answering Shirley Lansing\'s topic at all.

The day before, Johnson had called Lehman to inform Lehman that the negotiation had reached a deadlock, but he did not expect that people from Paramount would still talk about it today.

Shirley Lansing smiled and took the initiative to put aside this question. Anyway, it hasn\'t been decided yet, and everything has to be discussed. "I also want to ask, your choice of actors? Do you have a target candidate?"

This sentence made Lyman instantly alert. What does this mean?

"What do you want to say?" Lyman pretended to be suspicious.

Shirley raised her eyes and glanced at Luc Besson, passing lightly, and then looking at Lehmann, her back straightened inadvertently, and the polite smile on her face became brighter, "I have a candidate, Tom- Cruise."

what? Tom Cruise?

Let\'s go back to three days ago. When Europa Pictures intended to cooperate with Paramount Pictures again, the relevant news had already spread to the ears of people in the industry.

After all, Lehmann\'s past directing achievements are there, and there are always people who want to pay attention to his actions, and once it is confirmed that the new project is being established, CAA will also take action.


In Tom Cruise\'s mansion, Pat Kingsley was drinking coffee slowly, looking at the man who was thinking, "Tom, what do you think?"

"This is Lehmann-Last\'s new work, and the investment is more than 100 million US dollars. Of course, I am very interested."

As early as at the premiere of "Fury", he had a purpose to show goodwill to Lehmann. Now that I think about it, it may not be enough, and he should be more proactive.

But who would have thought that such a director would be so efficient and productive that he would tinker with another film project less than two months after the release of "Fury".

"But do I have a chance? And there are only three characters in it, but the images of those three characters don\'t seem to match me well."

"Don\'t worry, CAA will also support you. Besides, Paramount Pictures..." Agent Pat Kingsley has been with him for several years, and she is very clear about Tom\'s interpersonal relationship, she said immediately. : "Shirley Lansing can also try to get in touch, doesn\'t she appreciate you very much? Now the two parties are negotiating, we can take this opportunity to intervene. As for the character image, just change the settings, this is not A difficult thing."

"You have also seen the market performance of "Fury", and as far as I know, Lyman\'s films are always character-oriented, Tom, this is what you need most at the moment, no matter what. , pay a price, and participate in this project as much as possible." Pat Kingsley continued to suggest.

Tom naturally understands what an agent thinks. Speaking of which, in the past few years, he has not been able to play any roles, and the market revenue of his works is as good as ever, but an actor, or a first-line actor like him, who does not have a well-known on-screen image is very scary. one thing.

Always blindly play handsome and cool characters, how many years can you play?

He is also ambitious.

Just when Liang Tang was thinking about the road to transformation, Lehman in the conference room fell silent.

Is this the purpose of today\'s big battle? Increase Paramount Pictures\' dominance in the project?

Otherwise, are they interfering in this and in that? And the reaction of Luc Besson or Europa Films is also very interesting. Although he was in his own conference room, he kept silent and let the guests lead the meeting.

"Oh, would this really be a good choice? Recommend Tom Cruise for the role in this project. As far as I know, he doesn\'t seem to have played a similar villain."

There is no good person in "Bad Guy", which is really inconsistent with Liangtang\'s temperament, not to mention, would he be willing to destroy his own image?

This is really a question, and it depends on Shirley Lansing\'s answer.

"It\'s fine to change the settings. I\'ve read the script. As long as the ending of the undercover agent is changed to return to the police force, everything will be a matter of course."

"No." Layman refused without thinking.

"Why? In my opinion, this ending is more in line with the market\'s choice than the ending you set."

"Then why do you have to use Tom Cruise? What can he bring? Expensive pay?" Lyman\'s head turned, throwing these questions.

why? Shirley Lansing smiled.

Just because Tom Cruise found her and said that he was willing to reduce the salary for the role, just because he revealed that he could cooperate with Paramount Pictures on "Mission Impossible 3" and actively reduce the share.

These are already enough for her to do her best to get Tom Cruise into the group.

Otherwise, she wouldn\'t have made a special trip to Paris for such a project, and sent a supervisor over to watch it.

Anyway, the distribution work in North America is what they need to pay attention to the most. As for the filming work, is Europa Pictures a fool?

Now is an eventful time. If she can borrow a force, she will naturally find a way to catch it.

In the comparison of the performance of the six major Hollywood majors this year, Paramount Pictures has become the bottom again, and they have not made it into the top ten of the North American year-end box office rankings for three consecutive years. This is a terrible omen, the decadence of the production project. The trend is becoming more and more obvious.

Although the distribution business is not bad to stop the mouths of those board members, but if things go on like this, she will step down sooner or later.

Shirley Lansing shook her head and cast aside these distracting thoughts.

Tom Cruise is a chess piece she needs very much. He not only has the leading voice in the series "Mission Impossible" that Paramount Pictures desperately needs, but also his market appeal needs no further explanation. The reputation is also amazing.

She needs to be drawn over.

"If Tom Cruise only asks for a base salary of $10 million, his market performance is definitely worth the price."


Of course, Lehman knows that Tom Cruise\'s worth of 15 million is not outrageous. Now that he takes the initiative to ask for 10 million, it is already a face. It can also be seen that he is determined to the project~www.novelhall.com ~ But, the problem is that he doesn\'t want to change the setting. The reason for the objection just mentioned is just prevarication, but it can be imagined that Paramount Pictures has discussed it with Tom Cruise in advance.

It\'s kind of hard to do.

Chaotic thoughts kept circling in his mind, and Lehmann subconsciously glanced at Luc Besson.

Luc Besson noticed Lehmann\'s gaze and looked over, with a polite smile on his face.

This is a very common response, but thinking of the situation of today\'s meeting, no matter how you look at it, it feels a little strange.

The silence of Europa Pictures was something Lehmann never thought of, and the power of Paramount Pictures was something he never thought of.

Apparently some things happened that Lyman didn\'t know about, such as Tom Cruise\'s idea, and whether Europa Pictures also reached a private agreement with Paramount Pictures.

With such a start, Lehman immediately felt a pressure.

The gestures shown by everyone at the scene also like to play tricks, which really made him unable to understand the situation.

It even made him feel that he was the one who was isolated.

"Tom is so active after seeing the project. He is really sincere, and he really wants to work with Mr. Lehman once," Shirley Lansing, wearing a black professional suit, looked very sassy and aura. More and more powerful, "And Tom and I both have a consensus, your composition of the characters in the script is really eye-catching. But..."

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