Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 122: popular controversy

"Romain Polanski was nominated for best director, and character is not about art, nor does it affect the selection of Oscars."

"The Pianist was nominated for seven awards, and the Oscar judges released a clear favor. What will be the final result?"

"Nicole Kidman vs Renee Zellweger, who will win Best Actress?"

"Chicago is huge and magnificent."

"Hollywood opens the Harvey Weinstein era? Consecutive Oscar nominations for best picture, vision, or what?"

"\'The Moment\' caused controversy? In order to ensure Nicole Kidman\'s competitive advantage, he actually helped Meryl Streep declare for the best supporting actress?"


Over the years, the Oscar nominations have always grabbed a wave of entertainment headlines, and this year is no exception. On the second day after the nomination dinner was released, all relevant newspaper articles were released.

However, what is slightly different from previous years is that this year, people\'s attention has undoubtedly fallen on a controversial film like "The Pianist" compared to awards such as Best Picture, Best Actor or Actress.

The director\'s evil deeds obviously made them feel uncomfortable. What\'s even more uncomfortable is that the nomination advantage of "The Pianist" is still very good?

"Can it really win the grand prize?" All the gossip forums are concerned about this issue, because this kind of thing is too much topical discussion.

When various newspapers made predictions about the issues related to the ownership of this year\'s Oscars, the betting company also opened the corresponding market: Roman Polanski\'s winning odds increased slightly after the scandal broke out, reaching as high as 1 : 2.5, which shows that they are also very optimistic about the tainted director winning the award. After all, the Academy judges of Oscar don\'t know what\'s going on, they look like they are supporting.

In the competition for the best director, another favorite to win the award is Martin Scorsese of "Gangs of New York". The odds are 1:3, which is a full 0.5 points more than Roman Polanski. .... In addition, the odds of the escorts in the eyes of the other three gaming companies are all above 1:5 or 1:10, which shows how the professionals in the circle view this award. rated.

And Miramax, where Harvey Weinstein is located, has always been the first choice for the best film, which is also in line with their company\'s consideration of maximizing revenue. Of course, this is also a thing known in the industry. The fact that the gambling company dares to make this odds assessment also shows their self-confidence. They have always been supernatural.

And the odds of "Three Silly Bollywood" in the best foreign language film market are even more amazing, at 1:1.5, this odds... Zizi, I don\'t know, I thought they were the best The PR team behind it is even more confident than the people in CAA.

However, it also means that they are really optimistic that the film can go to the end, because "Three Silly Troubles in Bollywood" is a typical work with a strong regional atmosphere, which has a certain degree in the selection of the best foreign language film. The advantage, and more importantly, is that both CAA and Paramount are backing such a movie.

For "outsiders", or for half of "my own people", do you still have to choose such an option? In particular, the group of old stubborn academics like to engage in local characteristics and treat them differently.

Like the famous "Jewish" theorem.

Actors of Jewish descent always get a lot more at the Oscars and get more acting opportunities than others.

Many people are rumored that half of Hollywood is controlled by Jewish forces, which is not a lie.

They are also more willing to help their own people, which seems unfair to many people, but it is the means that Jews rely on to survive in Hollywood, in the United States, or elsewhere.

Although it is inevitable that there will be disagreements, Jewish groups are notorious, especially in the entertainment industry where personal connections can more determine the allocation of resources.

It has become an instinct for them to help each other. For example, Harvey Weinstein, he can have such an influence on the Oscars, not only his ability is good, but also the role of blood and the same ethnicity during this period. But extremely important.

The same goes for Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson. Their smooth and unrelenting acting careers also illustrate this point.

As for why the two of them don\'t look like Jewish people, that\'s because the Jewish people\'s ethnic view is to look at the maternal line, and it just so happens that their mother is Jewish and their father is not.

If this phenomenon is counted forward, there are a large number of outstanding actresses such as Marilyn Monroe, Goldie Han, Kate Hudson and so on.

It is undeniable that their strength and beauty are fundamental, but the most important thing is still the constant support of nobles.

This sense of cultural identity and intimacy is self-evident at all, not even cheating or anything.

If it weren\'t for the fact that this year\'s Jewish people didn\'t live up to their expectations and didn\'t have a candidate for the Oscars, it is estimated that Nicole Kidman would have to accompany him as in previous years, watching the awards fall to those who are not as good as her.

Gwyneth Paltrow won the title of Best Oscar Actress. Well, she is Jewish.

Just like the serious fellowship complex in China and the state, in the ancient officialdom, the township party was a powerful political force, and people in large groups have always been willing to live in groups.

"There is no party within the party, the ideology of the emperor, there is no faction within the party, there are all kinds of strange things..." The words of the great man are really well-known words.

In immigrant countries like the United States, there is no rural party culture, but racial identity instead.

All races will naturally come together to form a community of closely related interests, and try to hold as many resources as possible in society for such a community to stand and develop. Among all races, or in the United States, Jews and blacks are The most cohesive, this is mainly because they are in a relatively weak state in the overall environment.

I won\'t say much about black people, because their racial awakening is relatively late, and they have only begun to show their strength in the recent period, but their nationality also determines that it will be difficult for them to achieve success in the big environment, so they have to fight together. As for the Jews, things like that happened in modern times. Being excluded, discriminated against, and resentful once became commonplace, so they had to stick together even more, and their racial culture also emphasized this point, that is, in such a group culture, They slowly gained influence and took a certain dominant position in Hollywood.

Of course, this does not mean that after entering Hollywood, any Jew can achieve fame and fortune without worrying about food and drink, but it means that some of these people may be able to obtain additional benefits that are generally difficult for others to obtain by relying on their blood. an opportunity.

For example, the Oscars, after you get nominated with certain strength and luck, you can play the emotional card. The Jewish jury subconsciously maintains the interests of their race in it, and Harvey Weinstein also relies on it. This kind of trick has achieved his influence in the future.

This is a bit unbelievable at first, and it\'s hard for outsiders to believe that Oscar is so golden. Why is it like this?

But the fact is that in the eyes of those academic judges, it\'s just like those big stars, no matter how outsiders look at them, they feel "unknown and serious", and for example, in the entertainment industry, outsiders have little understanding to produce illusions, only real When you step in, you will find out how much filth and how many transactions are clearly marked in the circle.

This is not surprising, because the actor industry is not related to education and knowledge, nor is it related to literacy and moral level.

In fact, those who have too much bottom line and are too morally cultivated will not be easy to succeed.

To come out of the mud without being polluted, that is what Lotus can do. Ordinary people, who have no background or anything, don\'t want to "come together", who will show you.

And these Oscar judges are not professional evaluation machines supported by the association. They are people, individuals, and they all have their own social relationships and personality tendencies, which means removing their subjective thoughts and objectively according to professional It\'s hard to vote by the standards.

Let\'s not talk about racial prejudice, gender prejudice, appearance prejudice, subject matter prejudice, value prejudice... All prejudices in the subjective form are flooded in these 1,000-odd people.

Although according to the voting rules announced by the academy, it is forbidden to pass the vote, and conduct such as private negotiation, but almost no one has asked about the ballot or vote?

Oscar\'s tricks are too numerous to enumerate~www.novelhall.com~ and a large part of the judges are veterans from the 1970s and 1980s, or beyond.

Do you think they will become independent from the world when they get old, and suddenly start to be really obsessed with the art of film? It is impossible at all, and even if there is, how many people can have such a consciousness.

The ballots are in their hands, and they are just tickets for profit. As for who to vote for, it doesn\'t matter.

Since the judges themselves do not respect the so-called Oscars, these people in the circle who also want to achieve what kind of interests are even more reluctant to respect and maintain the principle of fair competition.

It\'s just that they didn\'t dare to do too much. Since the 1980s, after entering the star age, Oscar\'s whitewashing work has improved a lot, and it really looks like the same thing.

"Three Silly Bollywood" is in such a big environment, without deviating from the CAA\'s plan to go to the Olympics for it.

Lyman also got busy. Under the guidance of Kevin Howian, he made a phone call to the judges who might be drawn to help the film awards, and promised them benefits.

This is the simplest means of fighting, but the most effective.

Maybe other competitors are doing the same thing. In the end, it\'s just who is better.

As for the work itself, it may have long been forgotten...


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