Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1201: The era of creation compressed by the upper forces

, the legendary Hollywood director

Universal, meeting room.

There are two main topics for the high-level meeting: first, the global release of "Hulk 2"; second, the direction of strategic cooperation in the next step.

A consensus was quickly reached on the first issue. According to the initial assumption, after the mainland was released ahead of schedule, the first round of copies would cover 47 ticket warehouse areas, and a special security agency was already in charge of escorting them. Cover those fringe regions like Czech Republic, Slovenia, Ecuador…

Therefore, the meeting mainly focused on the second topic, which is the preparation and development of the independent work of "Aquaman".

The finalized script has been distributed to everyone, which is the pre-DC version creation that includes elements such as "Treasure Hunting Adventure", "Throne of the Seven Seas", and "Mixed-blooded Strong Man Meets Beauty M".

Of course, DC and Marvel have a lot of similar character settings, and there is no one who copied who. After all, the employees of these two companies often switch jobs with each other, and over time, they will tend to be homogenized.

Since Marvel first launched the Sea Clan concept, there must be nothing for DC, unless Warner can "follow the trend" under the pressure of public opinion and the first impression of preconceived audiences.

There are many conjectures about what has not happened, and it is not unintentional. Anyway, after the high-level executives such as Universal got the script and read it carefully, they were very interested. In their opinion, the main line of the script is clear and not pretending to be deep. But it is in line with the direction of the character, and the elements of the blockbuster are full, and all kinds of classic bridges are easy to come by. If you have to score a score, at least 7 points or more.

Is it a commercial film? It is also a fault that the script is too "good". There are special effects scenes to make up for it, and the plot is simple and easy to be accepted by the public.

But the script is not controversial, but everyone still has differences.

The point of disagreement is that the Marvel faction headed by Lehman and Kevin believes that the show must be filmed and gimmicks must be sufficient, so it needs a high budget, and some scenes are even shot with IMAX cameras. ", "Hulk 2" and other casts cost more work, that is, at least 160 million to 170 million US dollars.

You must know that although Marvel movies have always been well-funded, at least part of the expenditure is given to actors, special effects are expensive, but 3D+IMAX mode is rarely involved. Since "Avatar", only "Alice in Wonderland" has played like this. With great achievements, even Nolan has only used IMAX cameras in a small number of "The Dark Knight" and "The Rise of the Dark Knight", and it is not the equipment used for conventional shooting lenses.

Without him, it would be too expensive to shoot like this, and the cost has never been reduced, and many Hollywood people believe that this approach can\'t improve the picture quality of the film much, and a little more effort in post-rendering can achieve similar results.

For these budget-conscious manufacturers, mainstream shooting equipment is sufficient.

But the problem is that "Sea King" is no better than others, and the special effects technology of 18 years is more mature than the special effects technology of 12 years. The reason why Director Wen made this version recognized by the audience is that the fantastic underwater world landscape painting is definitely a big advantage. Abandoning this advantage, to be honest, the story of "Sea King" is still a bit poor, and it can barely tie with "Captain America 1", not to mention, even if "Hulk 2" has a foreshadowing role, its popularity cannot be compared with three Bigger than.

For Lehman, in order to make "Aquaman" reach the height of the previous life or even surpass it, the quality of the picture is definitely the key point. Even if it is a few percentage points more refined than the mainstream masterpieces, the feedback to the audience is a visual novelty enjoyment.

What\'s more, Ocean Pandora is obviously a huge gimmick, and we can only work hard in this direction, not to mention "Avatar", but at least there is a saying that it is actually closer, and we can spend money to create an ocean wonder in order to expand the MCU\'s overall influence.

Yes, spending more money on the basis may not be the optimal solution for the cost-effectiveness of input and output, but it will definitely be beneficial to the expansion and promotion of Marvel\'s overall IP.

It\'s a pity that Lehman and Kevin are looking at this issue from the overall perspective and are not afraid to spend more, but Namor has half of the share in the world, and their executives are not stupid. In terms of Universal\'s interests, it must be the most appropriate money to make the most stable movies, and the most likely to benefit.

They also calculated an account for Lehman. For example, the star of "Aquaman", Jason Momoa, is very cheap. The salary is only 34 million, and there are not many important roles. Counting group performances, it can probably be controlled at 20 million Around, the special effects budget is only more than 60 million in line with "Thor 2", and other miscellaneous expenses are included, 120 million is enough.

This 120 million, as long as North America has 200 million, overseas 200 million, and then it is a net profit. On the contrary, if the shooting expenditure increases to 160,170 million, including the publicity expenditure, at least the world needs to have 550 million to talk about it. To make money, Namor\'s popularity is still in the cultivation stage, and the difficulties are objective.

It\'s hard to tell. Universal CEO Jeff Hill looked around and was a little moved by Lehman\'s pre-planned overall structure. Although he also felt that the budget of "Aquaman" was set a little higher, he at least understood that Marvel\'s success is inseparable from it. Open the two high-rise building, there is this nod, bluntly can discuss more, the matter will be put down.

Afterwards, for the toy market, there was a debate about whether there was a need for horror elements—the Treasure Tribe. Zheng Fang felt that the topic of "eliminating the war of the Hai Tribes" was correct enough for the market. In the case of being identified as Wen Ziren, his "idea" has to be restrained, how can he give him the stage of horror scenes;

The opposing side is still led by Lehman. He said: "The Hulk 2 has a good market response, and it can launch an independent work of Namor. If "Sea King" performs well, it will have a foundation to launch "The Trench". Think about it, a Horror-type superhero derivative works are also considered groundbreaking, and now, do you still think this attempt is unnecessary?"

Universal kneeled.

Neither the conservatives in the production department nor the purists who think about the licensing market have thought that Lehmann is still playing one-push-two, two-push-three tricks. How can one person take one step and see three steps?

Others have finished filming the project first, and then got a surprise in the market before trying to develop a derivative series. Lehman is better, the project has not been officially approved, and they have already thought of laying the foreshadowing of the derivative sequel in advance. Is this why the MCU is more and more The reason for the larger the shooting pattern and the more focus?

Universal looked at the Marvel team at the other end of the conference table with strange eyes. Kevin Feige also looked like a matter of course, not strange. He would say that in 2008, when Lyman just joined Marvel, he was more Does he have a clearer plan to set up a women\'s federation system?

You know, at that time, these ideas only existed in his usual blind thinking, that is, Lehmann had always supported him to create an interconnected network-like context.

Just like a big tree with lush branches, the root system that maintains its branches is always under the soil and deeply absorbs nutrients.

The work of each character is the root system. Only by absorbing the goodwill of passers-by and cultivating fans and fans can Marvel have enough energy to thrive.

The Women\'s Federation, Guardians of the Galaxy, Aquaman, including Hell\'s Kitchen, Punisher, and Sony\'s Spider System are all carefully maintained by Lyman, using interests to involve all parties to strengthen Marvel\'s value.

Therefore, whether it is for short-term interests or long-term interests, just think that the Haigou branch line is unnecessary, and the opponents who procrastinate the main line have no position to refute, everyone has helped you plan it, as long as you follow the pace. In the movie market, you can have more choices to eat more cakes.

In addition to these reasons, there is another point that Universal has to worry about, and that is the hearts of the crew, that is, what Director Wen will think. Obviously, the Haigou people know that they like him just by looking at the settings, and he , is also the best candidate for the "Aquaman" guide tube, which is highly praised by Lehman. Seeing that he needs to be filmed and executed, the opposition will no longer insist on their own opinions.

The differences gradually narrowed. It can be said that everyone was persuaded by Lehman\'s detailed planning. At this moment, Jeff Hill is like this. He has been tempted by the painted flatbread.

Ha, if the pre-planning of the two Class A projects goes well, it will be enough to meet Universal\'s resource requirements for next year\'s schedule. The urgency of this aspect is suddenly reduced, and it is also convenient to explain his work to the board of directors.

In a good mood, he loudly praised Lehman\'s meticulous conception. No wonder Marvel is so prosperous and other words to end the meeting and the friendly atmosphere. At the same time, everyone also unanimously decided to set up the script project, set up the crew, implement the shooting contract, and take advantage of the Knowing that Namor has a high-profile role in "Hulk 2", once the project is approved, the news will be released to adjust the appetite of fans.

As for the differentiation of interests in the filming contract, perhaps it is because the big ship of Marvel has a bright future, and the Universal side is very good at talking, while Lehman does not "get an inch" and basically maintains the fairness of the five-to-five account in "Hulk 2" In terms of terms, I just hope that the global share of toy distribution channels can allow Marvel\'s toy factories and warehousing and transshipment systems to participate more closely. The two communicated more.

In addition, they won a big contract verbally for Wen Ziren. Universal is no better than Firefly. They don\'t want to share the box office to win over talents. Lehman can only think of a way to pay.

One after another, the basic remuneration of nearly 12 million is also the largest director fee that Director Wen has ever received, which is very helpful to his worth. Although he has received far more money in the "Hidden" project, but what is it? Transforming into a big production, Universal is somewhat uneasy. After all, he is not like "Aquaman" who took over "Aquaman" after "Furious 7" in his previous life.

Moreover, this money is not so easy to get, Director Wen must sign a supplementary contract with Universal, which stipulates that the total box office of "Aquaman" is less than the passing line of 600 million, he can only get 6 million, but if "Aquaman" The global box office has exceeded 600 million, as high as 800 million, 900 million, and 1 billion, and Universal is not stingy with rewards.

In short, the more profitable the project is, the more the organization will not treat the hero, especially an international director who highly praises it.

Without any hesitation, Wen Ziren and his agent team signed the director contract. According to his agent, without Layman\'s guarantee, it would be enough to have such good conditions.

Director Wen is a sincere person. After signing the contract, he went to Laiman to express his gratitude. Over the years, he has stayed at Mann Media and has made money, fame, and creative space. I really don\'t know how to repay. , I was secretly trying to live up to Lyman\'s expectations for him.

Of course, Lehman is more realistic. As a transmigrator, if Director Wen hadn\'t saved his energy, he would never have praised him, but he couldn\'t say it, could he still say: "You patted "Sea King" very well. Well, I won\'t change people."

This kind of utilitarianism can\'t be described. Although in the opinion of Wen Dao himself, it was Leiman who always gave him the opportunity. After all, in the days when he just graduated from the hard-working university, various realities that hit the wall told him: With no one to help him, he was full of barriers to entry.

Some words of gratitude, Ryman felt a lump in his heart, and quickly turned the topic to the side.

The project has entered the preparatory stage, and a lot of things need to be solved. Director Wen has to start building the team day by day, pulling up the behind-the-scenes team, and worrying about the progress of the props, costumes, etc., so much time can be wasted.

The words are divided into two parts.

Just when Wen Ziren identified the shooting talents and recruited generals needed for works of this type of "Sea King";

When Lehman started working on the post-production of "Nightcrawler", the first season of "American Horror" was completed. In addition, Amazon\'s streaming media division also issued a notice saying that they were planning their own content, the first original drama. Determined to be "Alpha House".

Well, a decent political comedy set in Washington, written by Gary Trudeau, author of the "Doons Billy" series.

The protagonists in the play are four Republican senators, and then Adam Bernstein was hired to direct the show~www.novelhall.com~ Of course, as soon as the news came out, Netflix sneered, thinking that Amazon\'s streaming media department It\'s shameless to imitate their creativity, and Lehman doesn\'t even care about it.

He knows how crappy Amazon\'s shooting mode is. Let\'s put it this way, why only "Netflix products" are sought after by audiences in streaming media, rather than "Amazon products must be high-quality products"?

Is Amazon short of money and dare not invest?


This is because although streamers like to use big data to accurately and vertically connect with corresponding users, Netflix only uses data as a reference, and the director and screenwriter decide how to shoot it, and they habitually wave money to activate the subjective initiative of these people. , but Amazon, tell a joke, it stipulates how many episodes of death must have conflicting points, and how many minutes the protagonist must play wonderfully.

Isn\'t it hard for people in the industry to imagine this kind of oppressive feeling of being commanded and framed to death, the creative instinct is gone, and they can expect to produce particularly exciting dramas?

Even if Warners directs DC, they will not be precise about how to shoot every minute.

In the words of the screenwriter, "I think I have a lot of excess." - To put it aside, in these days, everyone misses the era of the coal boss. These people just give money to the most Xiaomi, and don\'t need to give the main characters, the rest The next one is just messing around, but when a certain penguin or a certain thief comes in, the money is given and there is still a lot of money, but the creative space is gone.

How did the traffic drama come about? No one really thinks that the director and the screenwriter are fully responsible. If the management does not speak, whoever has the money to ask for it will be scolded for filming it.

Of course, many people just want to live and work, and the sponsors like to intervene, so they should do it. This is the fundamental reason for the popularity of bad dramas.

Creation needs to have a bottom line and a red line, but one should not stick to each frame.