Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 12: choose choice

The small town of Cannes, which had just rained, was filled with a damp smell, and the subsequent heat wave thickened the air, creating an impetuous and restless atmosphere.

Lyman slumped on the sofa, holding a long list in his hand.

The process of finding an actor was not smooth at all. He knew that the project "Buried Alive" must find an excellent acting school whose acting skills could support the scene.

Originally, the shooting pattern was very small, and the focus was entirely on the shaping of the main characters. Even the rhythm of the plot had to be changed by the characters. If the characters did not have depth, it would be a disaster for this movie.

But in the blink of an eye, a week has passed, but he still hasn\'t gained anything.

During the period, the recruitment information published in the newspapers and various other publicity channels attracted many actors looking for opportunities.

I have interviewed about 20 or 30 people, but their performance was really unsatisfactory. They were far from the character image that Lehmann wanted. Some auditions were even embarrassing enough that people didn’t know how to comment.

Although he also knew that "Buried Alive" was not such an attractive project, the result was still frustrating.

Jinshan and Yinshan couldn\'t help such a waste of money, not to mention that his funds were not very abundant, which made Leiman worry that even his hair began to fall out.

At this rate, the launch date of "Buried Alive" may not keep up with the scheduled time.

"Hey, man, why do you look so sad again?" A playful voice came over, disrupting Lyman\'s thoughts, he looked up and found that Ryan came to his house at some point.

"Why, haven\'t I found a suitable actor yet? If I want to say, just pick one from the previous audition."

Lehman sat up from the sofa with a wry smile, "You\'re thinking too simple, a one-man show can\'t even hold the scene, so it\'s weird that it doesn\'t hit the street when it\'s filmed." It\'s better to take this investment and run away, at least not to throw the money into the water.

"Then are there any candidates for audition today?" Ryan also sat on the sofa and asked.

"Well, yes, after waiting for half an hour, let\'s start."

"I hope I can find a suitable one today. I\'ve already done everything else."

Lehmann didn\'t speak, but he thought the same thing in his heart.

The two of them rested for a while, and then went to Mann\'s studio. This is a rented bungalow, and the two of them transformed it into an interview location.

The first person who came in was a handsome blond guy. He handed his resume to Lehmann and introduced himself nervously: "Hello, my name is Darren Coster."

"Let\'s do an audition first." Lehman glanced at his resume and was no longer interested. Anyway, he had to recognize his strength. "You are trapped in a small space and panicked. What will your expression look like?"

Darren frowned and thought for a while, then took a deep breath, "Then I\'ll start."

He slowly closed his eyes, then opened them, his facial expression became distorted...

Spicy eyes, poor acting skills. Leiman quickly made a cross in his heart, slowly shook his head and said, "I\'m sorry, you don\'t meet my requirements!"

"Oh, God!" Renda\'s tone trembled. "Can you give me another chance? Okay? I really want to be in a movie."

"No, I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry." Lehmann handed him his resume and said heartily, "Your performance didn\'t meet my expectations, I\'m sorry."

Lunda\'s eyes were a little red, she took the resume in frustration, and left here with a lonely face...

In this case, Lehmann has seen too many times during this time. But the opportunity to perform is there, so what\'s the use of lacking strength?

He should be responsible for his own work, not any compassion? In other words, who has sympathy for him? This world, after all, depends on itself.

Next was a burly blond man, and Lyman asked, "If you\'re going to show desperation, try to control your facial expressions."

"Fuck! What a weird question, who would despair, show me a show." The muscular blond man scolded loudly, but instead shouted fiercely at Lyman and Ryan: "Just say Would you like to choose me?"

"Sorry, sir, you can\'t meet my requirements." Lyman calmly told a fact.

The muscular blond man slammed on the table, stared at him and said, "What, you actually say I\'m not up to the requirements, hey, are you kidding me?"

"You want to cause trouble?" Ryan on the side couldn\'t stand it anymore, stood up from his seat, and said with the same eyes.

"Fuck!" The muscular blond man\'s threat was probably unsuccessful, and he compared the number of people. Seeing Ryan\'s equally strong figure, he resolutely scolded and left.

One morning passed, and more than a dozen candidates were interviewed, but still no reliable starring candidates were found.

This made Lyman even more worried.

Why is it so hard to find an actor with acting skills?

In fact, the problem is that those acting schools have never paid attention to such a small production as "Buried Alive" at all, and other rookie actors have not undergone much tempering, so how can they develop their acting experience.

"It\'s 12 o\'clock. Let\'s have a lunch break and come back in the afternoon." Ryan didn\'t complain anymore. He had been auditioning with Lyman these days, while Thomas managed other preparations. Seeing that Lehman was in a bad mood, he comforted him at the right time.

"Let\'s go." Although Lehman was lost, he knew that he couldn\'t do it. No matter what, he had to live his life the same way.

Lunch was settled at a nearby small restaurant. At this time, it is impossible to be generous anyway, so I just ate a little to fill my stomach. The two people only spent 23 euros.

Although Ryan still has money left, he also knows the importance and doesn\'t say much about the food. He still wants to save money to invest in the production. After all, the money is decreasing day by day, but the filming work is not enough. There is still no specific opening time, and he can understand the anxiety in Lyman\'s heart.

In the afternoon, a series of audition work began.

Under Leiman\'s successive denials, his mood became more and more irritable. Until then, another candidate came—

He was wearing a black T-shirt, with the same black jeans on the lower body, and his short golden brown curly hair was casually pulled up. His facial features could not be described as delicate, but he had a unique charm, especially his eyes, which were very agile. As soon as they met, Lehmann felt very familiar.

"Hello, my name is Heath Ledger..." The introduction of the visitor quickly cleared up Lyman\'s familiarity. The one who appeared in the audition room of this bungalow was indeed the later generations. The famous "Joker" is just a younger version.

Sitting on the chair opposite Lehman\'s desk, Heath Ledger looked a little restrained, "I\'m here to apply for a leading role in a movie, is there anything I need to do?"

Although I don\'t know why Heath Ledger, who made his Hollywood debut, went to France, this did not prevent Lehmann from trying to audition.

In later generations, his acting skills will undoubtedly be recognized by most people, but it is hard to say that he is so young now.

Moreover, the appearance of a young man who has just emerged from society is far from the character setting of Paul in "Buried Alive" - ​​Paul should be a middle-aged man in his thirties, who has formed a family, has a lovely daughter, and has a certain career. stage, but faced some difficulties in life.

The sense of surprise when he heard the introduction just now faded away quickly. Lehman forced to hide his disappointment and said, "Can you perform a scene where your heart is empty and desperate?"

"Can I look at the general script first? If it\'s inconvenient, I..." Some projects will wait until the actors are confirmed before releasing the script, in order not to reveal the plot setting, Heath Ledger like this Said, leave enough room to deal with, so as not to embarrass both sides.

Lehman has no concerns about this. For those actors who had interviewed before, if someone asked to read the script, he would also provide it, but most people just wanted to be able to act. As for what to act, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu . com is not important, so in fact, not many will seriously study the script.

"Here." Ryan took out a printed screenplay from the drawer and handed it to Heath Ledger.


Thanks politely, Heath Ledger held the script and started to read it. There was no information on the previous bulletin board. He didn\'t know the general setting of the role he came to audition for. Just know the protagonist.

Now, after watching the whole detailed plot, Heath Ledger understands why the gentleman who asked the question in the first place was a little disappointed.

The protagonist Paul is set as a middle-aged married man, and he is so young, it is inevitable that people will doubt whether he can play this role well.

The image can also be changed through makeup, but that life experience and temperament cannot be given.

However, no matter what the role setting is, he came here to audition, hoping to do his best to get the chance to perform. He is not one to give up easily!

"Okay, sir, we can start auditioning now." Returning the script with both hands, Heath Ledger took a deep breath, "Show your inner despair, right?"


This emotional excerpt is when the protagonist Paul tried to get through many calls for help, but was overwhelmed by the ruthless reality.

He had read the script and knew the general situation.

Heath Ledger slowly closed his eyes, adjusted his sitting posture, and then sketched in his mind the feeling of being trapped in a narrow space and being helpless.

The endless darkness slowly descended, surrounding him in circles, and began to shrink little by little. He no longer thinks he\'s auditioning, and focuses his mind on the character Paul, trapped underground...