Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1199: The mainland ticket war that started in advance

The meeting went well.

As everyone expects, because they are all in a sub-sector, there is competition, but this is not the reason for traditional channel providers. Streaming media parties are naturally willing to maintain the cake of online video.

Under such a tone, the negotiation between Netflix, Amber, Hulu and other top streaming media parties and Comcast quickly reached a deadlock.

With all the turmoil, Netflix’s share price rose to $273 per share with this wave of turmoil, and it gradually stabilized.

On the other hand, when the global box office of "Big Shot" reached 473 million US dollars, the promotion of "The Incredible Hulk 2" also reached the most critical stage.

"How\'s the situation?"

After attending the meeting, Lehmann, who soon returned to the studio, was concerned when he was free at night.

"Announcements and posters are all planned to be released. There are many related discussion articles on the Internet, and our people have been guiding them."

"Well, mobilize more bloggers and YouTubers, and let them help promote it. In this era, what they say is better than those film critics who stick to the paper media."

Liam on the other end of the phone replied: "Yes, we are already doing this. The online resource drive is far deeper than offline, and everyone has seen this."

Liam\'s tone is relaxed, and Marvel\'s promotion soil has never been lacking. Under the development plan of three films every year, movie fans around the world have become accustomed to supporting MCU, the industry chain and brand image that the entire Marvel universe has spawned. It is deeply rooted in the middle-aged and young people.

He sighed: "Except for our own posts, in the past half a month, there have been more than 100,000 topics related to Marvel\'s new movies, and more people have reposted and joined the discussion. The radiation area covers almost all network architectures. Areas with a relatively good environment, especially the mainland, have the discussion heat second only to the United States.”

Liam thought for a while, "Of course, this is also because we discussed with Universal. The premiere of the main creator\'s first stop is scheduled for BJ, and China Film is in charge. Since the news of Marvel actors coming to China has been released, the public\'s attention It suddenly took a step up."

Lehman pondered for a moment, then smiled: "Don\'t worry, in the future, the mainland will definitely expand the level of publicity, and the standard of accounting has also improved. I\'m not afraid that the cost will not be effective."

"Yeah, Marvel movies are already very popular there. As soon as the standard of accounting is improved, we can devote more energy to the mainland."

"Yes, the movie market in the United States is relatively saturated, and it is about to hit the ceiling, but the movie market there is far from reaching the upper limit according to the expansion of the past few years. You know, there are 1.4 billion people in the mainland. , as long as 20% of the population become frequent moviegoers, it is a big market of 58.8 billion yuan. They are only a few now, less than 22 billion, not even half, not to mention, the 20% population threshold is actually not enough. high."

Lehmann still does not hide his optimism about the mainland market and his high confidence in that land.

Note: The total box office of Chinese-Chinese films in 2018 was 60.976 billion yuan, an increase of 9.06% year-on-year. It can be seen that the upper limit of capacity in Chinese-speaking regions is very bright. We have so many people. As long as the film culture penetrates into the masses, it is not a matter of catching up with Hollywood. Dream, of course, only refers to the height of the box office market, not the depth of the industry chain.

And compared with other Hollywood tycoons who have seen the growth rate there and increased investment, Mann Media has been ahead.

The phone hangs up.

Liam continued to sit in Blue Butterfly Pictures, convened the core members, and implemented it layer by layer according to the announced pace.

Especially in the network department, their tasks are very heavy. With the further popularization of technology and PC and mobile terminals, the clustering effect of the entire Internet ecosystem is stronger, and active netizens regard the Internet as an indispensable thing in life.

There, there are like-minded strangers with interesting information content, and everyone communicates, argues and even bullshit. There is too much pressure to survive, there is no urgent pressure to survive, and the need to meet the spiritual enjoyment is even more, that is, the group of people that the theater chain wants to win.

With a little mobilization, under the call of Marvel\'s new movie, it is easy to explode and spread to form a hot trend.

In May, the main creator of "The Incredible Hulk 2" led by Robert Downey Jr. started the promotion on the mainland platform.

A series of promotions went on, and as the release day drew closer, the ticketing website was the first to be affected.

On May 1, the mainland, the headquarters of Meituan.

In February 2012, Meituan, which received a large amount of financing, not only continued to consolidate the urban food delivery business and built a food delivery system, but also focused on the ticketing reform business brought about by the Internet environment.

Soon, they set up a subsidiary of Meituan Films, focusing on online ticket sales.

Because I am more optimistic about the development of this sector, firstly, is it convenient for people’s lives, secondly, there are relatively complete market development in Europe and the United States, and there are successful role models, so once it is developed, it will quickly follow up with Dadi Cinema, New Film Federation and other academies. reach cooperation.

But after all, it was just established, the members of the new team were all recruited from the existing departments, and the manpower for website maintenance was limited. Whether it was development funds or hardware support such as servers, Meituan was not very high-end.

In addition, the ticketing website is still a new thing, even the scale in the United States is not large, and the number of people who respond to some activities launched on weekdays is not high. It can be said that in 2012, the mainland netizens responded to the online reservation service. The model is not enthusiastic, and this market still needs time to cultivate the consumption habits of the corresponding population.

However, Lehman is very clear that the ticketing market in the mainland is far looser than that of the United States, and the development environment is better. Especially, the audience who grew up with the post-85s and post-90s as the core are highly receptive to new things.

As a result, under the instructions of the big boss, the person in charge of the distribution site of Blue Butterfly took the initiative to find the top management of Meituan Films and entrusted them to plan a wave of pre-sale promotion in order to better set off a wave of "Hulk 2" movie viewing. The event, which focuses on Marvel\'s new work, uses brand gimmicks and the convenience of ticketing websites to further expand the screening situation.

Meituan executives heard it, and this good thing, of course, would not refuse.

After all, Blue Butterfly is willing to take the bulk of the money they spend on promotion. In addition, Meituan Films and its products and technology have been playing small games before, and they can\'t attract any powerful manufacturers to help.

For example, Bona, Huayi, etc. are still accustomed to using their own distribution channels. Another example is that WanD is not a bird at all, and Meituan cannot go online, so they can only always bind and cooperate with some incompetent small film companies.

When Blue Butterfly came to the door, it was basically the biggest distributor of Meituan Films.

Furthermore, if foreign monks like to recite sutras, who would refuse.

What\'s more, the MCU is famous, and the top management of Meituan thinks this promotion is very interesting.

After the matter was settled, Meituan’s technicians and graphic editors first launched the “Hulk 2” online pre-sale on the homepage, and you will receive a 5 yuan subsidy for registration. quite familiar.

As the information of the promotion activities was communicated step by step, similar hot articles were quickly noticed by interested people.

At a certain point, a movie lover searched for information about the main creator of "Hulk 2" coming to China, and it was easy to find Meituan\'s call-to-action post in the news on the main page.

Intrigued by the title, I clicked in and found that if you choose a cinema in the nearest area on Meituan Movies, you can also reduce or exempt movie tickets. In this way, it has attracted many people to pre-order and pay.

After all, with the booming of Taotao, the matching payment software has also been accepted by many netizens. It is not a hassle to spend a little time binding information.

With the first one, there is the second one, and what\'s more, in the spirit of sharing, he took the initiative to send relevant posts in the penguin group to call on all group friends to take advantage.


"And this good thing."

"Can you choose a seat?"

"Is the software name Meituan Movies?"

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, on the evening of May 2, the ticketing department of the Meituan Division, the technical team was the fastest person to notice the change in the back-end traffic volume.

"Boss, come and see, there are a lot of newly registered independent IPs."

Seeing the increase in backstage visits and the good delivery of prepaid business, a senior executive said happily: "Come on, we\'ll work overtime until 12 o\'clock tonight, okay."

When everyone heard that they had to work overtime again, it was still late at night. Although they felt dissatisfied in their hearts, they probably would not refuse.

They also know that the prospect of cooperating with Marvel\'s pre-sale activities is quite good. If it goes well, it will convert a large number of users who are used to online ticketing. Advantages, and furthermore, the amount of tasks is reduced, and there is something to do. The employees still look forward to the bonuses after they deal with it.

With this in mind, everyone continued to work. Soon, the employee who reported to the department manager just now found that the influx of new users and the volume of business delivery was still expanding. He quickly found the boss and asked to mobilize a new server to prevent the website from being paralyzed.

"In this hour, another 100,000 users came in, and our server reception capacity may not be enough."

"Okay, okay, I\'ll report it right away."

The product managers were delighted, and for the first time since their launch in February, they had gathered so many users.

When another employee in charge of the pre-sale payment business also came over to remind me that the top management of Meituan Films soon asked for resource support.

200,000, 300,000, 500,000, 1 million...

Suddenly, an employee stood up and said, "No way, the tickets are sold out. Some people who didn\'t buy tickets denounced us in the app store and gave us bad reviews."

"Boss, what should we do now? We have only released hundreds of theaters in first- and second-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and many places cannot be taken care of."

"Don\'t panic, let me think about it... Well, we can use this transcript to negotiate with other academies and let them move in too." The product manager said with excitement: "Where is Wan D, manager Wan D\'s phone number. , call me and talk to them."


In the following days, the employees of the Meituan Film Division were both painful and happy. The painful thing was that during the pre-sale of Marvel, they worked overtime almost every day until late at night, and had a serious lack of sleep. The happy thing is that their user base has been rising steadily. The market share of ticketing software has also laid a solid foundation through this battle.

It is against this background of mutual benefit that the pre-sale of "Hulk 2" in the mainland has repeatedly hit new highs, and it has won a pre-sale box office of more than 20 million yuan. The midnight show, which was released in small batches in advance, was full of seats.

On the day of the release of "Hulk 2", that is, on the morning of May 4, the amazing results of Meituan\'s film pre-sale spread throughout the Internet circle.

After all, people in the industry have very well-informed eyes and ears. When it comes to the subdivisions of the film industry, its magnifying effect cannot be ignored. In fact, when the pre-sale event was launched, some people were already paying attention. The combined effect is still astounding.

In addition to being shocked, some traditional distributors have finally paid attention to the blessings that the ticketing website can bring. If nothing else, it can effectively adjust the theater resources. This alone is enough for many people to focus on the ticketing sector.

You must know that offline ticket sales are the most annoying to the audience. First, they are queuing up. Second, they don’t know the seating arrangement~www.novelhall.com~ and they don’t know which seats have been sold. The conductors often have to focus on these issues. Spend your tongue.

If you wait in line for a long time and you can\'t buy your favorite seats, it\'s easy for the audience, especially couples, to come and return. But with the ticketing website, you can check online, these problems are not problems, very good It meets the needs of the two parties and achieves a more reasonable and effective distribution.

In modern society, the emphasis is on re-optimization of distribution. Whoever can save everyone\'s time and facilitate everyone\'s choice will not lack the audience market.

Of course, many people didn\'t pay attention to ticketing websites before, but they didn\'t produce results. Once it proves that there is a way to make money, a new round of money-burning wars will soon be drawn into the ticketing sector.

In the previous life, from 2014 onwards, a Taobao website and a certain cat movie after restructuring its assets have saved many movie fans in various rounds of subsidy wars.

Even after the guidance of "Hulk 2", this field is just an urgent driving force for some capital to examine the mainland people\'s acceptance of online payment and other related businesses far more easily than the American people.

To put it bluntly, the user stickiness that many capitals are most concerned about, the concept of online ticketing itself has a foundation, and in the end, there must be a broad market existence.

Although everyone knows that the success of Meituan\'s film promotion activities is inseparable from the gimmicks of Marvel\'s new work, this is innocuous. If you want the audience to buy it, there must be a reason to spend money. Without "Hulk 2" ", there will also be a pre-sale miracle of "Women\'s Federation 2", all the same.

A very realistic result is that the layout of the Marvel Universe, which has now entered a good state, is difficult to lack an audience base. Without the blessing of Meituan, it may also sell well and attract attention, but it can do better. , why not do it?

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