Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1197: Netflix's sense of responsibility

At the same time that Amber and Comcast negotiated the launch of the set-top box to no avail, Netflix chairman Reed Hastings and the president of operations also met in the office.

Just as Amber could not agree to hand over the initiative to equipment service providers, Netflix, which has more than 30 million users and is more confident, would be even more reluctant.

Although it is a good thing, without dominance, a good thing can turn into a bad thing. The current situation is not bad, and streaming media companies would rather win with stability.

Snap. "Technical services don\'t let go, we can\'t talk about it."

Reed Hastings paced back and forth in the room with a copy of the regulations. "There are so many independent channels for the cable network masses, why should Netflix be regulated, and what is a win-win? It\'s a win-win?"

"Chairman... not so." The director of operations said indifferently: "It is expected to be shown at the end of May and early June, and then we will have our own self-made content, not to mention, whether it succeeds or not, does it have such a big impact, since others I came here with such a posture, why bother to salivate."

"I\'m not afraid that we won\'t be able to talk, but I\'m afraid that we will be hard-hearted. If we turn our heads, other people will join the line. Anyway, the base of those middle-aged and elderly groups is there, and the conversion rate of new video applications is low."

Reid deduced: "If Amber is willing to cooperate with Comcast in this way, it is still open to debate whether the effort and return are worth it, but one thing, connecting with the cable TV network, even if it only exerts a little influence, is an additional increase. In addition, the TV network and the mobile terminal can also play a corresponding role, and also have a certain guiding effect on users.”

"Will they agree to such harsh conditions?"

"Don\'t forget, they just completed the A round, and any method that can promote their value growth may become a positive side for other investors."

Yes, compared to Netflix, which has been listed, it pays more attention to the development model of health, and is unwilling to do things that are "thankful", but Amber is still "waiting for rice to cook" and is eager to take advantage of "the first company in the United States to provide cable TV services." "The gimmick" has a good time, speeding up the B round, and accumulating chips for the IPO.

As for whether it is worth it or not, and the efficiency of making money, it seems that it is really not a platform that needs to continue to burn money and improve the confidence of potential investors too seriously.

The operation director glanced strangely at the big boss who has been very interested in Amber since he went online. Although he felt that he was a little too worried, his sense of worry about competition seems to be correct. After all, they are spending money. The appearance of wealth and wealth has led to the cooperation of big leaders in the circle like David Fincher, isn\'t it just to study some of Amber\'s self-made advantages.

The financial newspapers and magazines outside are touted by the red shirt and other VCs in a planned way. They are also clear about how to build momentum. There is a concept of "catching up with Netflix and surpassing Netflix", and it is not just a concept. The report stated:

"As of March 28, the total number of online video users in the United States has accounted for more than half of the total TV users, becoming a veritable mass market, and among the preferences of these online video users, watching premium content is becoming more and more more and more popular.

For example, Amber\'s launch attracted more than 6.5 million paying online video users in the first week. Both the activity and the growth of visits have the best data performance among streaming media platforms in the past month. I have obtained the accumulation of paying users from several other companies for several months, and I am very optimistic about the second outbreak and retention of users when the second quarter is launched. "

Speaking completely with data, Amber\'s performance this month is dazzling and dominant. Originally, Netflix\'s monthly traffic has always been more than 90%, but this March, Amber got 60% of the downward traffic market.

If it weren\'t for the high overlap between streaming users, the online users of Netflix just cut off some of the online users cultivated by Netflix, and those people would come back after watching it, or relying on this drama, Amber would be able to Take away a third of Netflix\'s market share.

In addition, Amber\'s charging routine is not willing to all users, and online pirated resources have indeed been banned repeatedly. For example, the first episode of the release was free, and the number of broadcasts exceeded 16 million earlier, but the follow-up episodes will be updated. There are not so many users.

Even if Amber spends effort to rectify it, there are tens of millions of member income that have been prostituted for nothing.

So when Reed-Hastings thinks that the capital behind Amber is willing to promote this matter, it is not impossible to throw it in front of the public to hype and build an image.

嘘戅f#m戅. Do you raise your worth? Whether you make a profit or not is a second-class thing that can be taken into consideration.

The director of operations nodded slightly, pondered for the meeting and suggested, "The growth rate of the streaming media market is not at all saturated, otherwise, let\'s hold an industry symposium hand in hand, and bring our peers to discuss together, so we can clarify the inside first?"

"Good idea." The proposal caught Reed Hastings\' eyes.

Just like traditional TV networks can let go of competition and restrict streaming media, in the face of the general trend, as long as Netflix takes the lead in negotiating and safeguarding interests as the industry leader, in this context, Amber dares to sign with Comcast to "unequal". Treaty", under the pressure of betraying the industry, is enough for it to eat a pot.

But it\'s still quite in line with the rules. You don\'t stand in line with us, what are you trying to do?

Comparing the two, the situation where the majority dares to be passive is a sign of a lack of responsibility.

As a result, the plan for the streaming conference began to be formulated, and the news was sent to more than 10 well-known business platforms such as Amazon and Hulu. Lehmann, who was far away in Paris, received a call from Brian and talked about this.

Of course, compared to Netflix\'s worries that Amber made irrational decisions for petty profits and paving the way for financing~www.novelhall.com~ In the middle of filming a few days ago, Lehmann knew that the first negotiation broke up, so he made it clear Approved the practice of Ron and others not bowing their heads.

"Netflix and the Ministry of Information Industry hosted the streaming media development forum, would you like to invite us to participate?"

Lyman didn\'t know Netflix\'s calculations, so he asked, "Are they all participating?"

厺厽 笔趣阁 flyncool.com 厺厽。 : "It seems that all online video companies with a little capital have been invited."

"Then what else do you ask, promise."

"It\'s a call from City Hall. They want you to lead the team, boss." Brian knew what Lehman meant and quickly added.

"Trouble." He only heard a mutter from the other end of the phone, and then asked, "What is the date?"

"A week later, on April 10."

"Help me reply, just say I\'ll go."

Hanging up the phone, Ryman didn\'t think too much.

He subconsciously believed that this negotiation would be difficult to achieve overnight, and it would certainly not be easy for a company as big as Comcast to "compromise".

"Have you rested? Get moving, get moving..."

Turning around, the crew continued to shoot the rest of the scenes.