Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 119: support force

"Gangs of New York won three awards from the Los Angeles Film Critics Association. Will this year be the time for Leonardo DiCaprio to pick up the statue?"

"Will Leonardo DiCaprio be the first Oscar winner among his peers?"

"Nicole Kidman met with the Oscar judges and had an intimate meal."

"\'The Pianist\' has caused controversy again. Director Roman Polans is officially wanted for sexuality/violation of young girls. The police said they would pay close attention."

"Meryl Streep has an appointment with Harvey Weinstein, and the two are very close."

"Chicago was publicly praised by the Oscar judges: the depiction of the background of the era has never been more profound."

""Three Silly Troubles in Bollywood" received good reviews, will director Lehmann get a golden statuette?"

"Frida\' actress Salma Hayek attends the \'vogue\' party, can she win best actress?"


As time enters January, the media and newspapers have also officially started their madness. Almost every day, there are new hot spots to be published, such as relevant press releases sent by public relations companies; in order to satisfy the curiosity of the public, the pursuit of popular nominees Filming and interviews; as well as the constant digging of the private actions of big-name stars who are expected to hit the Oscars this year: now the most attention is the Oscar selection. If any big-name celebrity scandals can be photographed during this period, it will undoubtedly mean that the newspapers increase in sales.

After all, people definitely prefer to watch scandals, scandals, and scandals compared to regular reports.

Of course, at this time of year, for films that have the hope of running the Oscars, it is indispensable to smear each other and reduce the competitiveness of their opponents. This is why the audience is so concerned: there are endless melons.

And the most unlucky one this year is undoubtedly Roman Polanski. At such a juncture, rumors of him sexually assaulting actresses appeared again, and then he was immediately identified, and he fled to France in a hurry, in order to apply for immunity protection.

Now he is also officially wanted by the US police and asked him to return to the US to cooperate with the investigation. But since Roman Polanski can be exposed, it is not for nothing. The client, a 13-year-old girl, came forward and personally testified against him. , but also to further confirm his poor character and how shameful the act of committing the law is.

However, adhering to the principle that "Oscar has never been concerned with other factors other than movies", Roman Polanski\'s "The Pianist" has won good results in major awards, and it is a pair of people who want to send this film to the Oscars. The rhythm really made the audience dissatisfied.

They probably couldn\'t figure it out, how could a director with tainted character and morals still win the grand prize?

Well, free America, the selection should also be "free" and should not be mixed with too many things.

As the public\'s attention to the matter has risen, more stories about director Roman Polanski have been unearthed.

He lost his mother when he was a child and died in a concentration camp; in middle age, his first wife, Sharon Tate, was murdered at home by fanatics. The reason was that the believers wanted to punish the degenerate and lost rich class, and it also meant random Murder, she and her friends are out of luck...

He has a strong interest in young women, even underage women. As early as 1977, it was reported that relevant things were reported, and he was forced to accept more than a month of imprisonment and examination. However, due to insufficient evidence, he again He was soon released, but the United States kept him wanted, which made him dare not return to the United States until "The Pianist" came out and was praised by too many people. Competitors have repeatedly mentioned, the police are also very cooperative, and there have been sexual/assault cases, so...

It can be said that his artistic achievements are inversely proportional to his character and morality, not to mention his refusal to be tried by American law, and his behavior of fleeing abroad made him extremely controversial, like a lost dog.

Anyway, on this point, the media repeatedly mentioned it, which caused a lot of criticism.

To be honest, the link from registration to Oscar nomination is actually the most terrifying elimination link every year. Many judges have to consider the impact of various factors, and they also need to make difficult choices among many films. , Therefore, if Roman Polanski\'s reputation continues to be suppressed, under such a set of operations, it is very likely to disappear from the nomination list of the judges: this also achieves the purpose of the competitors.

It\'s just, maybe they didn\'t expect that the Oscar judges were far more stubborn than they thought. Not only did they not disqualify "The Pianist" from running for the campaign, they also publicly stated many times that it was art regardless of character. hehe.

"What should I do?" In mid-January, even France was a little chilly. However, all the parties involved in the whirlpool-Romain Polanski smoked a cigarette, wore only a single shirt, and sat sullenly on his face. On the terrace, a cold wind blows.

However, the agent on the side was wearing a thick leather jacket, but he disagreed, "After this limelight, those news magazines will soon lose interest in reporting, so don\'t worry too much."

"But..." His tone increased, but he didn\'t know what to say, he just held his forehead, took a big puff of cigarette, and slowly spit it out, "I\'m sorry, I lost my way, Let you come to me in the morning."

"It\'s my job to solve your doubts, so don\'t say it like that." The agent looked at the distant scenery and said without hesitation, "I\'ll contact a professional company that controls public opinion later to help you suppress it. One point, however, it is estimated that this matter will not stop until the Oscar is over, you have to be prepared and avoid the limelight a lot in recent days."

"Of course, of course, of course." Roman Polanski was a little broken, "Of course I know what to do."

The old past was turned up again, and the scars in his heart were once again revealed. However, it\'s all his own fault, and he deserves it, doesn\'t he?

Mistakes always come with a price, and he\'s far from paying enough.

From the perspective of the United States, his identity at this time is still a fugitive. Of course, France, who took him in, sees him differently.

In less than two days, the incident has fermented again. Roman Polanski and his work "The Pianist" have already been linked to Oscar\'s bribery and shady. Otherwise, how can you explain how this work can still win awards and campaign qualifications. Shady, must be shady.

Naturally, the media and newspapers would not let this trend go, and they also fell to the ground for the Oscar selection rules. Suddenly, Roman Polanski was named as a bribe and ridiculed his behavior.

But in fact, he really doesn\'t have public relations, or he doesn\'t care much about Oscar, because he doesn\'t dare to go to the United States at all, and even if he wins the award, he doesn\'t dare to participate in the scene, so the role of the golden man is far from him. That\'s so important, what\'s more, he wants to develop in the European literary and art circles wholeheartedly, and there is no need to go to muddy waters.

Maybe it\'s a rebellious mentality. Everyone\'s criticism of Oscar is getting bigger and bigger, but people are more and more affirmative about the "Pianist" campaign - that is, let it participate.

When the atmosphere was so tense, and so many things happened, it felt bad to be talked about. Roman Polanski, who was recuperating in France, was restless all day and lost his temper.

"Why is the public opinion company you\'re looking for useless at all? There are more and more reports about me, fxxk, I don\'t want to see this."

"But... we can\'t cover it up."

Yes, I can\'t hold it back. With so many competitors wanting to see you out, how can you hold back.

Moreover, the biggest scandal at the Oscars this year, the media don\'t want to miss it - this represents countless hot spots and traffic attention: Oscar\'s hottest film candidates, Oscar black/screen talk, movie unspoken rules, victims are underage women ...the whole thing is full of controversy and drama, a carnival belonging to the newspaper world.

Since you can\'t cover up such a scandal, the only way to do it is to reduce your sense of presence, that is, don\'t cover it up, let it be, wait for the media to report enough, and naturally divert your attention.

Of course, the agent still meant that, but Roman Polanski was not in a good mood.

But he had no choice.

He can\'t control all the media.

What\'s more, things have progressed to the present, which is becoming more and more unfavorable to his situation. If he intervenes forcibly, it will even have a counter-productive effect~www.novelhall.com~ And how will Oscar continue to express his stance on this unprecedented vicious incident? This is also a mystery, and even Miramax cannot guess the initiator of this incident.

Harvey Weinstein is amazing, and his public relations skills are unparalleled, but he can\'t guess people, so he can\'t make any predictions.

He felt that this was beneficial to him and to the work "Chicago" released by their company, so he did it. As for how it will develop in the future, that\'s not something he should worry about, is it?

As for the so-called shady and unspoken rules of the jury group, no one in the industry cares about it. The media reports are more about eating melons for the public. This kind of thing is staged every year at the Oscars, but has it changed?

It is not the first time that they have been exposed to injustice and accepted bribes. Can a jury of more than 1,000 people expect everyone to be safe? Even the photos of directly stuffing money have been taken, but there are claims in this regard, and they are not considered by them if they can\'t produce substantive evidence.

A little bit of fun is far from nothing.

Of course, this is the industry\'s view of the jury panel. It is not very clear what the audience thinks.

Maybe they will be angry, maybe they will be disappointed with Oscar, but so what?

The rules of the game cannot be decided by the people, and they don\'t have the will to decide all of this—if they can\'t handle their own lives well, whoever pays attention to other people\'s troubles will be over with a smile.

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