Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1179: classic is expensive

"The premiere of "The Incredible Hulk 2" will be held in the Mainland? Lyman, you thought about it with me. I was about to mention it, so you said it first. Haha."

Global CEO Jeff Hill, who was sitting on the sofa, said with a laugh.

In fact, since the introduction standard was finally set a few days ago, the global executives have discussed and adjusted the overseas publicity policy on this matter.

Taking revenue and environment as an example, Universal is very pragmatic. It has always focused on regions with high box office capacity such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Mexico, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, and the Commonwealth of Independent States. In Asia, Japan or South Korea is occasionally added to show that. subject matter.

But now the mainland has further loosened its restrictions on Hollywood, and the market of a big country with a population of 1.3 billion is basically there. Although it has experienced a few years of decline, the leap forward in the revival of the movie market has repeatedly made Hollywood mass-producers unable to bear. Cast your eyes away, plus a quarter of the profit sharing gives Hollywood studios room to operate, and Universal can no longer sit still.

It can also be said that everyone is counting on expanding business there.

The situation at this point is interesting.

Those manufacturers with the best attitude towards China like Columbia and Mann Media will naturally maintain their relationship more;

Manufacturers such as Warner, Universal, Paramount, Disney, etc., but with occasional efforts in business in China, have also begun to increase their investment and energy in the mainland;

As for those second- and third-tier manufacturers, it is obvious that they can\'t eat meat. No matter how much the share expands, they can easily fall into their hands. Due to the restriction of risk management, they can\'t shoot for Category A works at all, and it is difficult to enter The film selection category of China Film.

Looking at it this way, if there is a demand for the mainland market, China Film will be more calm, and it can also subtly change the American people\'s views on that side with real income.

The soft propaganda of the cultural front has always been effective, and the more manufacturers rely on China to make money, even if they respect the first hand and curry favor on the surface, it is progress.

This is the case. In addition to the release of "Hulk 2", Universal wants to talk about the release of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", which will be scheduled for May.

Universal\'s idea is well understood. It is nothing more than "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" taking over from the Hulk, which is more convenient for them to negotiate with the cinema alliance about the opening of the painting. After all, the two works are basically seamless after a time difference.

One day later, as a guest at Warner, we talked about projects.

In the screening room, Bruce Wayne was enjoying the long-lost leisure with sunglasses, showing a little relaxation...

At the end of the film, there is a very California-style BGM, and several people couldn\'t help but clapped their hands and praised each other, "Okay, the filming is really good."

"The fight is as exciting as ever, the plot is smooth, and there is a reversal of recluse, worthy of Nolan."

"Political metaphors and conflicts are well connected, I think it\'s OK."

The people from Warner\'s distribution department were very happy. After working on the work for more than half a year, they were quite satisfied with the questionnaires they handed in.

Warner boss Kevin Yuan nodded frequently and looked very relaxed. Although he did not have very professional publishing experience, he looked at the attitudes of the surrounding executives and his own perceptions. This level was in line with the previous public opinion guidance. It is estimated that there is a bottom line of 800 million box office, and only a lot more.

This is very important information. With this judgment, they know how to seek conditions with overseas filmmakers and local academies and formulate their own specifications.

"We initially plan to shift July, Lehmann, what do you think?"

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t hit the schedule, I know it."

"That\'s good. Haha."

The atmosphere reunited.

In fact, the third part is inferior to the second part in both story and drama. In order to end the contract signed with Warner Bros. earlier, Nolan even arranged an ending of escape and seclusion, reluctantly giving the master a good home.

The reason why the sales performance of the third film is better than the second is the popularity of the concept itself and the predicament of DC, the only bright spot is always to make fans excited. In this ending.

After watching the theatrical version, I went back to the company and was chatting with Ryan about the expansion of the TV department when Mace probed in and said, "Wanda Media\'s call."

Lyman and Ryan looked at each other, wondering what the real estate tycoon had to do for his subordinates to call.

"Call Liam over."

When Liam arrives, Ryman presses the speakerphone.

"Mr. Rust?" A middle-aged man\'s voice sounded, with an authentic California accent. Lyman could tell that he was the deputy who followed the Chinese manager last year.

"it\'s me."

"Ha." The voice of the person on the other end of the phone softened. "Our company will openly trade with the directors of AMC in May this year. I hope you can attend the banquet after the press conference, do you think?"

"Of course I am happy to help with this kind of work, and I will participate."

The phone hung up, and Lyman looked at Liam and Ryan.

"It seems that I want to use our momentum to express support." Liam was the first to say.

"That\'s right. Don\'t think about it, the media is going to say weird things again when this deal is revealed. With our platform, at least we can help them resist some negative reviews. You know, it\'s really easy for a Chinese company to stay in the largest theater chain in North America. evokes associations.”

"You have all underestimated that one. How can this motive be so simple." Lehman recalled that he went to the mainland to promote the "Avatar" project in the past 10 years. Comrade Lao Wang\'s bold words attracted him and proposed another possibility, "You don\'t know Wan D The acquisition of AMC, in addition to expanding theater operations and entering overseas markets, also uses AMC’s assets to seek import rights there.”

"There...will you be willing?" Liam, who had dealt with China Film too many times, said in surprise: "For a long time, China Film and Huaxia state-owned distributors have the absolute power to introduce overseas film sources. , can a private company win a Hollywood theater chain to compete?"

"Otherwise, how would you say a good move. Buying at a premium, contacting overseas filmmakers, putting forward investment in a platter, and cultivating a production and sales system suitable for Hollywood, as long as they seize Wan D and participate in overseas film investment, they can show in their own AMC theaters, why not? The introduction of 10000 D cinemas in the Mainland is the pretext to try to put pressure on it, plus a real estate developer is bound to be on good terms with the upper management, and with the endorsement of the banking system, we can still compete.”

"No wonder? Then what they lack most now is the guidance of public opinion. Now they turn their attention to us, and invite a few more star platforms, so that those people can see that they have a certain influence in Hollywood."

"Yeah, a very smart plan."

Having said that, Lehmann wanted to laugh a little.

After careful review, he still admires Wan D\'s ability to formulate this series of policies and strategies, but it is a pity that no matter how thoughtful he is, he can\'t resist the abuse of selfishness.

The thinking of pure capital does not work well there.

"Of course, no matter how much effort is spent, if the principles are fundamentally in conflict, nothing can be accomplished..."

Lehman remembers that the last time they met, although they were friendly, they only saw that Firefly was very profitable, the project rate of return was very high, and the attitude of seeking benefits from Warner and Universal was no different. I didn’t expect more than a year to pass. Now, the gesture of begging is more revealed. This difference, for Lehmann, who has a keen sense of smell, always feels that their abacus is not going well...

However, there is no need to reject the interests, right?

China Film is too detached, Huayi, Bona and other manufacturers have mixed thoughts, and everyone is not in the same mind. We can\'t expect them to not harm the interests of Firefly in China. In any case, Wan D has a theater chain and has a good relationship with them, yes Content-based Mann Media is definitely not bad.

This is also what he has determined from the beginning, but the support can be gradually changed, how much Wan D gives me, how much I can give back...

Hmm, that\'s a good idea.


On February 8th, two days before the launch of "Game of Thrones", Layman followed Perlman to Amber after he was busy with other things according to the itinerary.

After interacting with the staff for a while, I quickly went to Ron\'s office to see the data on the backstage monitor.

Just like the red shirt is more bottomless than before, the changes in the user market are indeed gratifying.

Starting from the implementation of the pre-warmed marketing plan for "Game of Thrones", for the past half a month, the server has added more than 200,000 new independent IPs to verify basic information, and only 540,000 people who only access and do not register, and can\'t help it after registration. There are also 30,000 members who have opened up members first. This ratio can already give a preliminary glimpse of how amazing this gimmick is, which is dubbed the "most expensive ever" magic masterpiece.

After all, everyone knows this is just the beginning.

There are often huge differences in the flow of episodes that have not yet been released. Posts discussing related topics such as Twitter and Facebook have already exceeded 5 million. Even if there is a certain overlap, the prospects disclosed have already made people yearn for.

This has a great influence of breaking the circle, and the enthusiasm of book fans drives the enthusiasm of passers-by to rise.

Thinking in another direction, the trend brought about by the proliferation of self-media and film reviews is that a large number of viewers will decide whether to watch content or not based on the evaluation of the Internet or big V.

Many Facebook users are liked and willing to share, and a considerable number of big V accounts who market their personal life views have posted information on opening Amber membership on their social homepages, with the text, "I will strictly supervise the episodes. the quality of production”, which is very much like the group construction of the film review account of station B.

In Ron\'s meaning, before the episode was broadcast, except for some who saw the film library and became a member, there were a certain percentage of new users who stopped and waited after reviewing the Marvel movie.

"These people stop and don\'t contribute much to their activity after watching the few good dramas in the head. Compared with Netflix, the number of our movie library is indeed worse. I feel that this group of users who are familiar with streaming media should They have also downloaded Netflix, and Game of Thrones is not online for a day, and they spend more time watching movies on Netflix than they do on Amber.”

Lehman also agreed with this point of view, he smiled: "Now half of our core competitiveness comes from Marvel and the company\'s unique masterpieces, and the remaining half comes from this self-made drama, which is matched with our discounts. In June, as long as the quality is up to standard, there should be a surge, and let\'s see how strong this trend can be."

"By the way, the money raised in the A round must be spent as soon as possible and become the company\'s market value assets. Do you have corresponding plans?"

Of course Ron remembers this, and he also knows that after the A round, he and his technical team will share different amounts of employee equity based on their contributions to the company, "On our side, it\'s mainly cloud data, the construction of server farms, and personnel. I have made a plan and submitted it.”

Looking at the new data in the background, the performance of about several times the daily increment also makes many people have a particularly good mood.

After finally stopping, he came to the office of content director Brian, and he also had considerable plans for Lehman\'s new round of cash burn.

"We haven\'t competed with Netflix on high-quality British and American film sources before, and we have been implementing the strategy of avoiding the enemy and strengthening our own exclusive content, but after the A round, we have to compete for the hearts of local users no matter what, we have already We have made some progress with a number of content providers on the supply of film sources, and we only need to wait for the remaining part of the money to be in place, sign contracts immediately, and spend money to grab share.”

"Have you contacted Lionsgate? What did they say?"

This is one of the content providers they are most likely to fight for.

"We contacted many times, and after the contract between their film library and YouTube expired, both of us were competing.

On the one hand, most of Lionsgate\'s film and television resources tend to be B-level and cult. Those who like this kind of film like it very much, and the audience is relatively loyal, but it is also these characteristics that make their film source perform well on YouTube, even last year\'s film. That collective price hike oil pipeline was also affected, but the oil pipeline is in a period of traffic growth, and is also willing to spend money to consolidate it, but is unwilling to let it go. "

"In the end, it\'s still a matter of money. Do you know how much you plan to quote?"

The selection of investors by the red shirt is quite in line with Amber\'s interests. Thinking of starting with hundreds of millions of cash, there is no problem with arrogance.

"I don\'t know. But they signed once a year before. Last year, Lionsgate earned more than 5 million from the more than 800 movies licensed online, and the minimum we can accept is a 4-year contract, which has already reached 25 million. , they haven\'t completely let go, they can only guess that the price of the oil pipe is also very tempting to them."


25 million is already a condition after a round of price increases. No matter how expensive it is, Perlman can\'t negotiate with other filmmakers.

Brian didn\'t know what the boss was going to do, but after he was promoted to Amber\'s content director last year, his personal income was almost 6 million, and he was also one of the most valuable managers in the company, and he couldn\'t let go of this relationship.

The phone was dialed, and soon there was an echo.

"Hey man, why did you think of looking for me today?"

On the other end of the phone, Lionsgate CEO Jon Feilermei seemed to be in a good mood. It is estimated that the film and television business has gained again.

"I recommended your "Escape Plan" to China Film, and it should be introduced this year."

This is a good thing, and the other party is naturally grateful.

"But, do you remember talking about streaming media licensing last year..."


With human affection and cooperative interests as the valve, Feilermei\'s original intention to sell at a price can no longer be maintained.

However, for the sake of the sincerity of the amber offer ~www.novelhall.com~ agreeing to authorize is nothing. Anyway, this is an additional new channel profit in terms of copyright operation.

Lionsgate has no plans to enter the field, and always has to cooperate with a platform.

Lehmann saw the twists and turns in the mind of this kind of manager very accurately. He took the initiative to solve a problem for the other party, and then brought up the topic at the same time, and the other party would not avoid it.

"800 movies, 25 million, 4 years. In a few days, I will have someone handover to Amber."

"OK, the conditions that have been negotiated will definitely remain unchanged."

The phone hung up, and Lehman asked about other source purchases, Brian continued to report: "Including Lionsgate, we have won about 30 studios in the UK and the US, but some are very valuable. The content is still difficult to win, like "Friends", the opening is 100 million, it is too expensive."

"Ha, 100 million for a show! Netflix can\'t afford it."

"Anyway, I haven\'t seen any online platform revealing that it plans to launch the show. If I wasn\'t interested in asking, I wouldn\'t have known that Warner TV and NBC\'s prices were so aggressive."

During this period of time, he has been looking for film sources and dealing with all kinds of people, which seems to have made Brian a little angry.

"It\'s okay, it\'s more expensive. Our goal after the A round is to give priority to replenishing the quantity, and the quality of the dramas is acceptable. Anyway, the user\'s demand for watching dramas is also great. Those classic works will be planned in the future."

Lyman can only persuade so. People Starz offered 3,000 movie sources for 4 years and 300 million, but Netflix refused. Amber also accepted incompetence and did not dare to take over the film. It is conceivable that the streaming media environment at this time has not evolved into a crazy money-spending, not a single step. let.

"Take your time, the business needs to expand step by step..."

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