Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1169: VCs are back in favor

"Guys, I\'m not kidding, this movie is better than Captain America 2 in my eyes. I went to see it with a few friends and I never thought a superhero movie could Let\'s have a couple of fun from beginning to end, really, the feeling is a bit indescribable: it\'s not cool, and the fight scenes are child\'s play, but it\'s just fun and refreshing to watch." —

A Facebook big V blogger.

"I just wanted to know if anyone could give me a playlist for the songs in the movie. Really, those songs are so interesting."

A twitter for help. Here\'s a nice tip, "The Guardians of the Galaxy collection has been released on Spotify (one of the online music platforms that competes with Apple Music)."

"Haha, that part of Star-Lord\'s awkward dance was so funny. Ronan (Sima Lian): What are youdoing? I asked three times, and it was funny every time."

The morning of the next day of the show.

The guide sat by the computer in a beautiful mood, refreshed the information on social platforms, and browsed the latest comments from fans of "Guardians of the Galaxy".

He never tired of swiping, because the comments are basically praises, what kind of soundtrack, actors, directors, Stan Lee and Kevin Feige, who made guest appearances in Playboy, have all become the objects of praise.

This feeling of being praised by the audience can make a director feel satisfied and happy.

It not only means that the works are accepted, but also means whether the A-type blockbuster movie viewing boom that bears such production pressure can be set off, and what is the height of his career.

Not to mention how comfortable it is to see movie fans spreading word of mouth on their social accounts, free and aggressively virally promoting movies.

You must know that although Marvel\'s director is good, but if he fails, he is really hit the bottom. Everyone in the circle knows that Kevin and Lyman plan the direction. If they can\'t even execute it, it will affect the director\'s ability. The question is too big - the guide is still quite clear.

He held the mouse and dragged his hand again, and saw a comment that made him squinted with laughter: "Marvel, did you see, I\'ll be disappointed that the sequel of "Guardians of the Galaxy" is not filmed by this director of."

The comment got a lot of likes.

The director has some feelings in his heart: Before this, I was still a B-level director who was looking for a living, and in the blink of an eye, I also had as many supporters as those big directors.

Is this the radiation power of the brand?

After thinking about it, he discussed with his agent how to take advantage of this opportunity to get better contract renewal conditions.

To support people and support people, the benefits cannot be lost, but he never thought that the lion would anger Marvel and lose his job.

This is actually a two-way choice, and Marvel doesn\'t mind giving the director a raise. After all, they can create more benefits for you, but the premise is that they are moderate, sober, and moderate...


The box office results of the first day of "Guardians of the Galaxy" were compiled by the Blue Butterfly staff in the morning of the second day.

Because the first batch of simultaneous release was only in Europe, America, the Middle East, South America, Asia and other places, involving a total of 52 regions, only 68.5 million were recorded on the first day.

In North America alone, there were 3,720 theaters with a total of more than 6,300 screens, and four shows were lined up. The average attendance rate reached 72.6%, and the revenue was 31.14 million US dollars.

Of course, the sales of 68.5 million on the first day can only be said to meet the psychological expectations of everyone. After all, the production cost of the work is as high as 170 million, and the publicity cost has cost 60 million. The cost of copying and transportation is expected to cost more than 9 million. , that is to say, the total cost of the film has reached about 240 million, which is only less than 50 million less than "Reunion".

This means that if North America cannot start with 300 million and overseas 300 million, it is impossible to recover the cost after paying taxes.

Don\'t forget that capital preservation is the most basic pursuit in the film and television industry. Whether the follow-up output can be worthy of this level of return on investment depends on the follow-up performance of the film.

In fact, in terms of previous market feedback that did not respond to audience feedback, this kind of traffic output is not as good as "Twilight: The Breaking Dawn". The reason is that the concept of Guardians of the Galaxy is too unpopular.

Just like the management of Marvel Entertainment was worried before the project was established——

Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, Dryad Groot and Destroyer Drax, these characters are not the most mainstream characters in Marvel comics, they are just some products of filling holes during the serialization period, and they are not even second-rate. Just a cool character.

This is indeed the case. Before watching "Guardians of the Galaxy", even if you randomly interview the younger generation on the street, which is the core age audience of Marvel movies, one of 10 people can tell the origin of one of the characters. Amazing.

Such non-mainstream and three-dimensional views are not correct, and the characters who have no firm stand are gathered together, which shows how chaotic this situation is. It seems that there are no "core personnel" at all, which is the highlight of character marketing in Mangai works.

Even for Kevin, this is a bit of a risk. If Lehman hadn\'t fully supported what he said: opening the chapter of the universe with a down-to-earth team, it is easier to get ink, and he would not dare to invest so much.

And when the filming concept was released at the Golden State International Comic Con, it was also questioned by the media: "Is it amazing or stupid to create such an unpopular character?"

But in the end, backed by a witty plot, after the screening, the astonishing degree of discussion around a dozen of the most popular search lists of "Star-Lord\'s Awkward Dance" proved the correctness of this project.

On the second day of its release, the box office rose against the trend, which further confirmed its potential.

This kind of situation, except for "Iron Man" and "Captain America 2", is not common in Marvel projects. Because of the problem of popularity, many people are more willing to go to the field to support them. It is not easy to surpass the box office height of the first day.

However, after being well received by social platforms such as Twitter, those Marvel fans who are waiting for "The Incredible Hulk 2" or the chapters of several other protagonists must have had little interest in the "unknown" characters at first, but Also attracted by the heat of this discussion.

As a result, the attendance rate of the screening at around 6:00 p.m. the next day reached an incredible 93%, which equaled the first-day screening of the god-level Mary Sue series "The Final Chapter of Twilight", which was a lot of fans. It was a grand occasion, and the average attendance rate of the 4 games also reached 79%, and the account was 37.58 million that day.

The film and television industry in the Internet age is like this. Once the audience of the first movie is full of praise, it will form a domino effect, which will cause the entire movie market to boil. .

It doesn\'t matter if the characters in "Guardians of the Galaxy" don\'t have a foundation of popularity in advance. After all, not everyone is the brand of generations of audiences like Spider-Man and Lord Wayne. In the end, it depends on the audience\'s acceptance and the manufacturer\'s perception of what they want to convey. The three-dimensionality portrayed by the content.

On the third day, it fell slightly from the first day, and closed at 25.33 million.

So far, at the end of the first weekend, "Guardians of the Galaxy" has received a total box office of 94.328 million US dollars in North America. Together with the first batch of regions that rank the market, the total global box office in three days has reached 204 million, ranking first without exception. Number one on the weekly list for the week of December 16-18.

Of course, the current size of the movie market can accommodate competition, not to mention that the audience has a lot of entertainment choices, and the movie can attract more audiences to enter the theater. The change in the number of people does not test a certain label.

So, like Robert Downey Jr. and Jue De Law partnered, and supplemented by Guy Ritchie, the narrative madman who turned the thread, the "big ****" was praised by some rotten women as "the best **** of the year". Sherlock Holmes 2: A Game of Shadows also came in second with nearly $39.63 million in its first week.

Think about it, the first film of the series produced by Warner Bros. hit "Avatar", which made it difficult to make money from the box office alone. As a result, this second film hit the ace project of Mann Media again——

Fortunately, "Guardians of the Galaxy" is not a visual magic film like "Avatar" after all, and it puts a lot less pressure on it. With this level of opening and the quality of the first film is not bad at all, it can make money steadily.

In contrast to Blue Butterfly\'s promotion strategy based on the overall marketing of "Marvel", Warner rented the most core advertising space in Times Square in New York for a month. The passers-by looked up at the poster with Downey and Jude Law in the same frame— —Warner still understands what the audience will be interested in.

And aside from the blinding titanium-gold dog\'s eyes in and out of the play (British tune, you have to know it), the movie has hired a large number of drama writers to create the suspenseful plot. While burning the brain, the plot rhythm It\'s always been fascinating.

From the casino assassination scene in the previous section to the shooting scene on the train, and then the Swiss snow mountain scene at the end, in terms of scheduling, editing, and special effects, the film fully satisfies the sensory stimulation that an entertainment blockbuster should bring to the audience.

In the face of this achievement, Downey, who was running the promotion, was relieved. He was carrying a lot of popularity. As a result, he jumped out of the Marvel system and played the leading role. If he can\'t get a reasonable market output, he will be restricted to death. .

He doesn\'t want to be a "superstar" who can only appear in a certain subject matter.

As for the competition in the same period, the feud between Tom and Paramount also shines again, with 23.87 million in the weekly list and the third in the weekly list, and the word-of-mouth score has also become the highest in the series.

To be honest, it\'s hard not to admire Tom, especially since he is 49 years old and can still swing in the world\'s No. 1 Burj Khalifa.

Even if it is to help him eliminate Weiya in the later stage, it is not an easy task. In filming, he is undoubtedly a desperate Saburo. In order to be worthy of the audience\'s ticket money, he constantly challenges new action scenes, which is enough for many actors to learn. .

And the one he partnered with Jeremy Renner, the eagle eye, is also better in that the curve is very smooth. Just looking at the box office in the first week, it is impossible to see how it will land, because it earned 80,900 million every day for three days. , the word of mouth is good, it is completely possible to take a long-term model, and slowly market one area by one area.

Paramount also understands it very well, so it is also the one with the least simultaneous opening of the three blockbusters.

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Globally, "Guardians of the Galaxy" 204 million, "Sherlock Holmes 2" 127 million, it is less than 45 million, and it is only supported by North America for the time being.


The following week, Blue Butterfly Pictures.

"President, many theater companies have begun to contact us."

In the office, the deputy is reporting to Liam.

Liam shrugged indifferently, "The momentum of the movie is so good, we will only have more and more chips. Besides, everyone is meeting needs rather than creating needs, and they will agree to the conditions they offer. How much more? What about other works?”

"They promised to increase the number to 4,020 next week, and the schedule will remain the same. In addition, "Sherlock Holmes 2" has also added hundreds of screens, but "Mission Impossible 4", which is also very good, remains unchanged. "

"Paramount is still playing hunger marketing, forget it, we promote our own."

"Yes, I think so too."

The deputy laughed a few times.

He has reason to be happy. "Guardians of the Galaxy" is a Marvel blockbuster exclusively released by Blue Butterfly Pictures, and its success fully proves that the network of distribution sites that has been invested in and expanded over the years is effective.

Blue Butterfly Pictures deserves better status and treatment.


"Huh, I\'m finally free."

Just the week after the release of "Guardians of the Galaxy", "Big Shot" was also announced to be completed.

In a hotel banquet hall of a private venue, Jake Gyllenhaal leaned against the bar with a glass of beer in his hand and complained a little to Cage.

There were only crew members around, so everyone was relaxed.

"You\'ve made great progress in this shoot, and your performances are in great shape." Cage clinked glasses with him and praised him.

Anyone can see that the person who has the most room to play in "Big Shot" is the rich second generation with a bad character. Although Cage is the protagonist with the most roles, he may not be better than him.

"Stop comforting me. It\'s me who NG the most, I\'m the one who delays the most time, and I\'m the one who has been reminded the most by the director. If I can\'t act like this, I\'ll just go behind the scenes."

Gyllenhaal ate the kebab while drinking.

"Haha, you\'re only 30 years old, so there is room for improvement. Besides, it\'s a lot easier to play this stuff after you\'ve played a role of the same type. Such a good opportunity is rare."

"Yeah, although I\'m tired, I\'m still very grateful to the director. By the way, what about the director?"

The two were chatting one after another, and they looked around, but they didn\'t see Leiman, who was obviously still here just now.


Outside the banquet hall.

Lyman was on the phone with Ron.

"You said, there seems to be a sudden interest from the Red Shirt side, and there is an intention to agree to our previous financing conditions?"

"Do you know the reason? So I don\'t think they were hesitant? Why did their attitude change so quickly, is it because of the platform? Or is it because of the external investment environment that drives them to make heavy bets? The latter shouldn\'t be, I I\'ve heard, Red Shirt doesn\'t make big bets, and prefers to make angel investments in the budding stage of a certain segment."

Ron Brandon on the opposite side smiled shyly, not daring to answer the boss\'s words.

He actually doesn\'t understand what the people in the red shirt are thinking~www.novelhall.com~ is just introducing his own situation, "Those old copyrights are still going up in price, in Amber\'s case, the new users in the past two months are not the same as the usual ones. The volume is similar, and the loss of payment has not changed much. It should be unlikely that Amber\'s slightly improved market user base has given them confidence.

This is a valuation of 13 billion, a difference of several billions. Such a small increment is not enough. It is basically a natural increment in the industry, and it is effective for many platforms.

I see that Netflix next door is rising faster than us, and the stock price doesn’t seem to quickly return to its peak. According to some financial analysts’ analysis, that big dive has made everyone’s investment in streaming media less popular, and it will never be as good as before. Crazy for a concept to fry to the ceiling..."

Red Shirt\'s visit again made Ron quite confused. He has been following up with Brian on the editing process of "Game of Thrones" every day recently, helping him prepare for the technical preparation of the screening specifications. This sudden change made him a bit confused. terribly upset.

"Did they say anything else?"

"I just said I want to vote, I want to see you again, boss."
