Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1162: Teleconferencing

The main work of the script meeting held this time is to deconstruct the characters and sort out the lines, so that the actors can have a global understanding of the overall performance direction and facilitate the play.

So when the main actors were all there, under the leadership of Lehman, everyone temporarily threw themselves into it.

For several days, every day was an unstoppable 3-hour reading meeting, and everyone\'s condition was better.

Outside, the trend of the firefly version of "Godzilla" quickly swept from Japan to the world, causing a sensation.

October 5.

A New York film review magazine column described the reason for the popularity of "Godzilla", and also explained why Godzilla has made more than 20 editions, but Japan has never been able to cross the geographical position and sell it to the world - the image is widely spread , does not mean that the box office will be high. After all, Godzilla\'s image products are not limited to film and television, and many overseas people have learned from copyright development business such as publications and toys.

The most important factor pointed out by the author is that the fireflies lay the groundwork for a sense of substitution and a grand worldview.

To put it bluntly, you don\'t have to spend money, so how big is it.

The movie does not have the texture of monsters, and without this foundation, can the audience devote themselves to it and be in the scene, but looking at the firefly - "The sense of substitution is too important for works that are partial to science fiction.

The Japanese version can\'t be exported to the world. If you lose, you will lose because you are too petty. When you look at the modeling and the leather case that can\'t hide the rigid action, of course it will make people play.

In other words, for such a huge theme that only belongs to monsters, the shock of the scene must be done well. The Firefly version wins here.

Would you say that the plot is innovative? no.

But when the audience sees the insect-shaped monster Muto, who is about to move, sees that they are matched by male and female to destroy the city, slaughter recklessly, and sees them towering into the sky... Sitting in front of the big screen of the movie theater, the audience can clearly feel a kind of Helpless and weak.

Monsters, flap their wings, and mankind will perish;

Monsters, move their footsteps and radiate energy light waves, no matter how tall buildings are, they can only collapse.

What "Godzilla" shows is to use the shell of a monster to express a natural revenge or a force of destruction that is too strong for humans to resist.

Just like the steamy mechs in the movie, they fought to the death, but the only ones who could kill Muto were stronger monsters. Just like earthquakes and tsunamis, that kind of natural irresistible force cannot be eliminated by human beings, and can only wait for them to calm down.

At the end of the story, Godzilla, the monster, becomes the hero who saves the world.

On the big screen, it continues the Japanese nuclear energy setting and the idea that it is both good and evil, which cannot be pondered.

As soon as it landed, it completely destroyed the port, and it swept its tail mercilessly in the face of the Self-Defense Forces, but after killing Muto, except for a long scream like an oath of sovereignty, it took the initiative to destroy nothing. Hidden at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

It can be said that the continuation of this character is also a plus point for this film.

Of course, there is no shortage of life-and-death confrontation between a few giant beasts with violence and strength.

Therefore, as an industry insider, I am very optimistic about Firefly\'s exploration of monster themes. The audience market has always been in demand for monster themes.

If the previous work still focused on mechas, the transformation of this work is undoubtedly a good one.

The focus of this series is on monsters, which is right in terms of the audience level of the radiation surface, and the viewing atmosphere is even better.

We who live in big cities have more or less similar fears in our hearts.

There seems to be a force that destroys everything we create and have.

This kind of psychology has an inseparable psychological precipitation relationship with the natural contradictory attributes of human beings with developed brain power and weak physical strength. Retrieved Species Fear.

In short, the monster series is definitely one of the most correct shooting choices for the Firefly manufacturer in recent years. "


"Strange, how come the film critics have such a good attitude this time? The positive praise outweighs the negative criticism, and there are few critics?"

The newspapers on the table were high, and Lehman read most of them and found that most of the film reviews were positive about "Godzilla". He muttered, "Dongbao Films doesn\'t have the strength to publicize the Hollywood media."

"Haha. Boss, you don\'t know something," Perlman said with a smile: "Movie critics are also human, and they are also affected by the outside world. The Japanese capital invaded like that, and they even clamored to buy Times Square. We took a Japan\'s classic images are more successful than they are, and the American people are happy to see them. So, even if you want to be unconventional and show your different tastes, you can scold them later."

"There\'s also this matter, so don\'t we have a good time on both sides." Lehman was a little surprised, "From my on-the-spot observation in Tokyo, Japan is generally happy to see Godzilla more popular, and the American people are also happy to Seen the Godzilla movie made by a Hollywood label that sells?"

"The relationship between the people of Japan and the United States is very complicated, and I don\'t understand it, but on this matter, I have asked someone to collect audience questionnaires. Many white people really think so, and they deliberately give high praise."

Perlman shrugged and said: "Look at the pressure of Japanese media in the media, Sony\'s every move will be over-interpreted, so that they obviously have to promise to let Hollywood people manage when they buy Columbia, and I have eaten several times. After the big loss, it is necessary to maintain a certain proportion of local people in the high-level center. Did you not see that their press officers are white in every session? Later, I bought the MGM film library, and I had to reduce the presence of the word Sony, I am afraid of causing criticism.”

"Scolding Sony with Sony\'s technology?" Lyman concluded.

Sony\'s digital products are selling very well in the United States.

"Because no one can replace it, scolding is okay, but paying more money is not enough. Besides, Sony invests a lot of advertising money every year for their product promotion, which is enough for the interests of the big media, and they don\'t always shape the Japanese invasion. report.”

Well, Sony\'s money ** is still very good.

After a few more days, the preparations for "Big Shot" accelerated, and there was no need to engage in the reading meeting. The actors laid the image in advance according to the effect of the characters - those who should gain weight should gain weight, those who should gain muscle should gain muscle, and those who should stay. If you have a little beard, you don\'t need to shave carefully if you have a more sense of identity.

this day.

The first weekend of overseas large-scale release ended. On the morning of October 10, Liam, who flew back to Los Angeles from the mainland, organized a parliamentary meeting with the purpose of formulating the next direction for the film\'s announcement.

When the signal debugging of the connection is completed, the heads of the major sites are sitting in front of the computers in the offices of their respective jurisdictions.

Liam gently closed the door to the conference room to block out the noise.

In the conference room, apart from him, there were only Perlman and Lehman. Perlman\'s words were mainly to collect market conditions around the world, so that he could discuss derivatives with Dongbao, while Lehman simply listened. Learn about the development potential of the Monster Universe now.

"Just when I was leaving for the return trip, in the Mainland, "Godzilla" led the National Day list with 4.28 million yuan in the midnight show and 65 million yuan in the first day. According to the data given by China Film, the film\'s first weekend On the basis of more than 12,400 screens in 62 markets in China in three days, more than 5.4 million movie tickets were sold, and they became the second-largest box office box office in the first week of their introduction this year with a weekend score of 37 million US dollars. "--The first is the final chapter of "Harry Potter", and the midnight box office of this film is also much higher than that of "Pacific Rim" released last year (3.71 million).

On the day of its release, "Godzilla" had 41.25% of the top 20 ticketing cities in the country, and this figure was also the highest among all works in this year\'s National Day schedule.

I have to say that the mainland takes good care of fireflies, of course, this is also their interests.

"That land is really revitalizing the economy at an advanced speed, and I can\'t see the meaning of stopping." Perlman was surprised: "The 10-year "Avatar" miracle thought it would not be broken for a long time. Thinking it has become commonplace now.”

"Or the boss sees far, who knows that the movie market there changes three times a year, whether it is the number of moviegoers, movie viewing hobbies, or the external environment of movie theaters and other facilities. This box office has more output - our audience loves it, but it only opened the first weekend box office of 10.73 million US dollars."

In the remote video, Bennett, president of the UK region, flattered.

It\'s not all flattery, at least, although the "Asian threat theory" has long appeared in the United States, and Hollywood practitioners believe that the mainland film market will take off (after all, the population base is there), but no one thought that this day would come. It\'s fast, and it looks like it\'s far from reaching the ceiling of the market.

After all, if "Avatar" can explode, it can be said to be accidental or the freshness of 3D visual effects, but these years have been connected to the final chapter of "Harry Potter", "Fast and Furious 5", "Pacific Rim", "Reunion", "Iron Man 2"... In addition to this, "Godzilla" has achieved very eye-catching results in the mainland. "Pirates of the Caribbean 4" simply relies on China and Japan to support it so as not to have a decline. Everyone can see that the mainland has become a big ticket warehouse that global publishers dare not ignore.

From this point of view, Lehmann dared to spend 10 years in the mainland, and directly came up with a so-called Asian plan to jointly develop the Pacific Rim Monster Universe with major film and television companies with outstanding strength and resources in China and Japan. Can we still say that he sees it? Far away, can you see it accurately?

Up to now, this strategy has almost doubled the distribution channels of the group. Especially recently, there are rumors that the White House is preparing to relax Hollywood\'s entry standards for a new round of trade negotiations. The importance level of manufacturers has been raised a notch again.

One day in the future, it may not be necessary to point to the mainland to make money, and the deepening cooperation and friendship with Huayi, Bona, and China Film will become even more meaningful.

Think about it, when other manufacturers such as Lionsgate are still distressed that they can\'t get the indicators or don\'t know the distribution platform there, they are worried that their works will not be able to be promoted favorably.

As long as Mann Media\'s films meet the standards of a certain bureau, they can give priority to dialogue with local film and television studios. Of course, this most direct and realizable benefit is of course valued.

"Okay, let\'s summarize the news of the movie market first."

Seeing Yishui\'s flattering words, Lyman stood up and said.

"Be serious." Liam also echoed, "Bennett will start reporting from you."

"Okay. In the UK, after negotiating with the theater chain, we got 550 theaters, and the account was 10.73 million in the first weekend. In terms of audience feedback, the evaluation of + was the most, accounting for 56%, and those with a and above accounted for 22%. , the total praise rate is 78%, the next week\'s attendance is very popular, and it should not decline too much. It is conservatively estimated that the total output will be around 35 million US dollars..."

"Then, on my side, the French Cinema Alliance gave 603 theaters, 5.72 million in the first week of filming. No way, the French people don\'t like monsters, this is still an announcement under the banner of fireflies, but the subject matter is not flattering , the audience\'s reputation is very poor."

Liam\'s promotion rating for the French region dropped silently after listening to it...

"In the case of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the first week of painting is 7.56 million, which is not bad or bad, and the attendance rate is relatively average."

"Spain 1.28 million..."

"Italian 3.44 million..."

"Germany 4.96 million..."


With the real-time nature of online reporting, resources focused on the global market can be allocated and executed more quickly~www.novelhall.com~reasonably quantified.

For Lehman, he is most concerned about two things. First, including Japan and the first week of 97.65 million in the United States, "Godzilla" has accumulated 207 million worldwide, so there is basically no need to worry about losses. And compared with the previous work, the increase is amazing, and the popularity of the work is further expanded;

Second, the Asian market really bought into the monster series, and the treatment level of this project can be further improved.

"I agree that the priority of the project is raised, and there is room for increased budget and investment."

Perlman nodded in agreement: "Even if it only makes money at the box office and offline, the development prospects of this series are also very good."

"And it doesn\'t take up the local schedule, and it doesn\'t take up too much of our energy." Liam also said.

This is settled.

Liam talked about another thing, "I also started to warm up the publicity for "Latent". There will not be many opening theaters for this film, about 900."

"Enough is enough. It is not advisable to publicize and promote too much for the audience of a specific theme."

With a few issues at the beginning, other issues related to publicity and distribution resources and schedule allocation were slowly sorted out. In general, for the end of the year, in addition to spending some thoughts on "Godzilla", and small-scale promotion "Hidden", the energy in the future will be on "Guardians of the Galaxy".

This meeting was held very efficiently. In less than 2 hours, everyone would leave the meeting, and then the site teams in each region could update their instructions according to the actual market conditions.

Global distribution In the face of increasingly advanced technology, the sense of distance is less and less, and the response speed is getting faster and faster.

After Lehman went back to his office and inquired about the progress of "Big Shot" on a daily basis, there was only one thing left for him to worry about.

Initial contact with investment institutions about Amber Video\'s A round...