Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1154: two-year extension

The traditional TV side is actively negotiating an industry pact, which soon caused quite a stir among streaming platforms.

Those who enter the market late are evaluating possible investment risks and the market environment, but those who have already stood in the front are unavoidable.

Ron was very annoyed. He had just started to apply for upgrades in server expansion and cloud data storage, and he was bound to recruit corresponding technicians to fill the post. Unexpectedly, this happened.

He was very happy before, but now he is not happy anymore. He looked at the content officer Blake, who seemed to be more frowning, and didn\'t know what to say.

After all, whether it\'s the attitude shown by HBO or the little message the boss said from CAA, it seems to be delivering bad news. Bad news for the development of streaming.

Riding the wind, the wind stops falling.

Emerging industries are highly influenced by various policies.

Just like the former "home appliances to the countryside" that directly made the domestic home appliance industry take off, while liberating the rural market, it greatly weakened the thriving brand of Japanese electrical appliances;

4G and mobile terminals have given an opportunity for the development of streaming media, catering to the current and future generations of families enjoying the convenience of life brought by the Internet. But this does not mean that the conditions can be quickly replaced.

Netflix and Amber think that five or ten years of hard work will be able to leap above the medium of television, and the later it is achieved, the worse it will be for the industry.

But unfortunately, this seems to be a situation provoked by Netflix, and other streaming media platforms can\'t really blame it.

It should be noted that the sharp increase in prices of content providers is killing the upside (profit space) of the entire industry. Netflix took the initiative to resist the pressure and pushed back with a tough stance. The seeds of cost are planted in the audience\'s heart. Isn\'t this the responsibility of the industry leader?

There are always people who want to say this and do such a thing, why can\'t it be Netflix?

Oh, it doesn\'t take ads, that\'s fine.

If you want to set up a pure stream of people, do you have to do the biggest impact of content price increases?


The scolding of Netflix has not stopped, and Netflix\'s stock price has continued to fall, and it has fallen below $190.

The self-media is in a carnival, and stock market analysts swear that they have to go down. These jokes and abuses surround Netflix, but Netflix is ​​more and more silent.

To be honest, even if Lehman was asked from Netflix\'s standpoint to think about how to break through the 11-year content restriction around Netflix, he reckoned that he would also make the decision to increase the price and split the package, but it was they who did it. Now, after having tried, Netflix\'s subsequent decisions have become more and more mature, and more and more courageous to implement.

Think about it, from the peak of more than 300 US dollars per share, with a market value of 132 billion, the market value has dropped to only 82.5 billion, and it is still falling, and it was bought short. This is not a **** lesson.

To Netflix and to other streamers.

Like Netflix rashly splitting the package, it didn’t use public opinion for a long time in advance. A certain group of people also knew that there was a distressed takeaway brother repeatedly emphasized, and they did not explain the new membership mechanism to users, taking it for granted by email. Notifications are colder and more offensive to users, which is why they are so angry—as a business, you only have one chance to correct a mistake. Whatever you do, don\'t make it harder for your users and your trading environment.

Furthermore, Netflix forgets that most of the people who are willing to buy streaming media services are loyal users of the Internet. They maintain extensive news and timeliness through their respective media, which are far more subjective than the media people trained by traditional newspapers, and they are more able to use their voices. channel.

In other words, in the era of self-media, everyone is willing to share. They will tell the people around them how good something is, and they will also add fuel to let people know how bad something is. Therefore, when you want to make decisions that have a major impact on the interests of users, guidance becomes particularly important. Try to make users stand on the same front as the platform, and the last time is to push the blame to others.

The morning of September 10th.

Lyman came to Amber Video again and walked straight to the conference room.

"Boss, how is the situation?" As soon as he entered the conference room, Blake rushed over very quickly or impatiently, and asked carefully while helping him pull out the chair. The technical managers next to him, headed by Ron, also looked more nervous.

"Ha. They stipulated that the best dramas produced by each company should not be broadcast on streaming media within two years, which means that we can only broadcast old dramas, and the temptation to the audience has weakened." Bryan of CAA learned about the issue plan, and Lehman\'s emotions are gone, he has accepted it - there is no way to not accept it, everyone has risen to the problem of TV network retention, and it is a matter of interest between the two parties. , what else?

Lehman carelessly put down the terms of the agreement that the company clerks helped him print and organize, and said: "Fortunately, they can\'t control the film, and the theaters and film producers have no competition with us. After the release, they can still enter the streaming media. play."

However, if I want to understand, I want to understand that this move has indeed put a lot of pressure on the streaming media industry.

In these years, users have a great demand for content, and the resources of episodes are very important - the content duration is there, and it will not flow into streaming media for 2 years, which means that the audience can only watch new dramas in front of the TV. Almost broke the arm of the streaming media user stock.

Sure enough, after the document was sent, not to mention the price increase of the old drama, this alone made Blake, the content officer, frown.

What kind of variables and influences this kind of restriction of one industry on another industry will bring to the external environment of streaming media, and how it will develop in the future, requires their management to discuss and make decisions as soon as possible.

"In addition, I took a look. According to some copyright owners, they also require us to crack down on pirated resources flowing out of the Internet every year. According to them, online piracy has seriously embezzled the interests of the copyright owners. We It shouldn\'t be left unchecked or even condoned." Ron was upset when he read this article~www.novelhall.com~, but he didn\'t have anything to refute.

Everyone knows how rampant online piracy is, and the key is not too many technical barriers. As for connivance, it is not enough, but if you don\'t deal with it, if users are used to using network players to find resources, they belong to streaming media users. Qun, it\'s true that they didn\'t take the blow too seriously, unless they violated Amber\'s interests, such as Firefly\'s self-made content.

"This...the DVD piracy problem cannot be solved. They have caught many cases of unauthorized distribution just at the US-Mexico border, and they haven\'t seen them particularly conscientious. Isn\'t it all killing chickens to show the monkeys?" Black said angrily. The price of old dramas has risen, and new dramas will not be broadcast, which also means that the 10 million stable paying people he originally envisaged (6 million domestic and 4 million international) will be able to achieve net profit residual value. . Whether it can stabilize new additions and reduce the churn rate is a problem.

"Just do it and keep an eye on it." Laiman tapped on the table, "Immediately set up a legal department to catch up on the circulation of film sources on the Internet, and give them an explanation."

The issue of money bags still needs to be paid attention to. Besides, fighting piracy is to maintain the genuine environment, and it is still necessary to spend money and manpower.