Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1148: Li is still very ambitious

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Interstellar and deep sea are places that most ordinary people can\'t reach. As long as the quality of film and television works related to these two directions is decent, it is easier to be recognized by the market when the overall number of works is relatively scarce and not badly shot. .

After all, the unknown and exploration are psychological drives rooted in human genes.

Of course, Lyman couldn\'t tell Kevin that Namor was an outdated Surprise character in the 1950s. It didn\'t really matter. He was just an artist that could involve the deep sea and create art based on it. The source belongs to the appropriate means that the Marvel copyright library can develop.

Who would have thought when the previous life was just filmed that the return on investment of a DC Aquaman would be so high, it not only brought up the topic of related characters, but even with a quick glance, it was just a terrifying mirror-moving episode of the Trench tribe that was discussed by the audience for a long time, and then Warner saw the opportunity and set up the project.

You see, isn’t that how a solid audience base is accumulated? Warners, they are too superstitious about the adaptation of popular projects. The layout of the entire DC is also first selected from the top traffic characters, and then from the second-class traffic characters. These are all After picking, you can pay attention to the next level, instead of having a good inspiration, a good idea, a good story, and a good script, and then choosing a suitable role for adaptation.

However, after the new millennium, the entire Hollywood blockbuster budget is like this. The cost of investment is as little as 1.2 billion. Everyone is afraid that the topic of the finale will not be able to stir up public opinion, so their first consideration is not how much the screening can produce. The results, but first full of publicity topics, thinking about the first weekend to bring up the flow of fans.

In the concept of the market is very simple, a high-level A-class masterpiece, the first week of North America does not have 50 million, basically to hell, and the higher the popularity in the first week, the lower the possibility of hitting the street, you can also understand that in In today\'s increasingly fierce competition, it is unrealistic and unrealistic for the producers to wait for word of mouth to ferment, because even the opponent will not give you time.

Just look at the diabolical schedules in the movie market. For blockbusters in the prime schedule, you can harvest the box office with a maximum of two weeks\' window of screening, and generally you will face diversion after more than a week.

It is said that the big ship is a miracle, that is because the screening period spans more than half a year, and countless fans have become repeat customers. There are two, three, five or six reviews. Times have changed, isn\'t "Deathly Hallows: Part 2" not good-looking? It\'s good-looking, but the audience still has to consider "Transformers: The Black Moon"; it also has to consider other interesting works. With more choices, the chance of repeat viewing is greatly reduced.

Of course, this is not a bad thing for the audience, nor is it so unfriendly to the studio. After all, the movie market in 1997 was not comparable to the current market. There were more screens, more formal theater chains, and more levels of projection specifications. Divided, ticket prices at all levels will follow. From the perspective of the general environment, the market can tolerate competition, even if it is more intense, it is profitable. Otherwise, the hot money on Wall Street will not be so willing to lead to Hollywood.

In terms of return on investment, making a movie is no less than the interest rate from private equity funds speculating on the stock market, provided that it is successful.

There is a character who has proven successful and is helpful to the subsequent major events of the civil war. It is really sorry for Warner\'s slightly sensible move if you don\'t start a single work to improve the character\'s popularity.

Namor is hot enough, is there always more benefits?

"Seeing this character, I have some ideas for shooting..." Lyman looked at Kevin, he had subconsciously pulled out a small notebook, "retracing its past to find "Trident" Raiders of the Lost Ark”-style questing clue design, plus several major elements of the battle for the throne and the strange deep-sea race, supplemented by the tune that Wang Daoman likes like growth and love, at least guarantees that the story structure is not boring. , there will be a relatively wide acceptance, and it is also in line with the viewing type of our core audience, as long as you find a suitable director to control the rhythm of the narrative, the chances of gaining market recognition are quite high."

"Treasure hunt? This idea is good."

"Raiders of the Lost Ark", a series of films that pioneered the type of treasure hunting, is still very influential. It is clear that "National Treasure" and "The Da Vinci Code" are movies with a treasure hunting tone. Yes, this makes Kevin feel that Namor\'s solo work has a lot to do.

And as Lehman explained the mainline of DC Aquaman\'s story in more detail, Kevin finally felt relieved.

Stimulating growth, ocean perception, there are girls, adventures, battles, and the justice of the war. The plot portrayed in this way is too Marvelous, and even the sense of drama is much stronger than "Iron Man 2", at least "Iron Man" The conflict setting and development of 2" is not as brilliant and creative as Namor\'s.

In other words, Namor no longer has the market popularity of Iron Man, at least the story is here, with a more mature development idea, and if there is a scene from "The Incredible Hulk 2" first, it will not lose money. .


The framework of the project was initially determined, and Kevin’s unnecessary worries were gone after he had a plan in his heart. He was still more afraid that the MCU would suddenly collapse at a certain point, causing the audience to lose the goodwill of the rising audience.

"Then...what about the director of "The Incredible Hulk 2"? Li Zhang is not tinkering with another project recently, he must have hit the schedule."

"I\'ll call and ask first."

If people do a good job, it’s easy to make a rift if they change people for no reason. If there is no problem with a Hollywood series, they usually don’t change the director. Just like Justin Lin in his previous life filming the "Fast and Furious" series, Universal respected his opinion very much, and only let Director Wen take over until he made it clear that he would not be filming.

After dialing the phone and saying a few words of greetings, Ryman threw him the problem of choosing, "...the company is planning to launch a Hulk sequel with Universal in the second half of the year. How is your situation?"

"Okay, you can\'t get away, right?"

"It\'s okay, you are busy with your ~www.novelhall.com~ Hang up the phone, Lyman shrugged.

Kevin said with a smile: "It seems that "The Fantastic Drifting of Pi" is more attractive than "The Incredible Hulk", especially for a director like him who pursues film reputation."

"Just do what you like better. After you have known him for a long time, you will know that he is such a person." Lehman continued: "Forget it, let\'s not talk about this. Li Zhao is busy casting roles in Mumbai, the director\'s business. Check it out."

Having said that, when an international director like Li Press went to India to cast a role, the momentum was quite huge. Listen to what he said on the phone-the man who led the team for more than half a month selected more than 1,000 local people of appropriate age. , and as a result, none of them have been seen so far. The question of who to send is still far away.

Grind it slowly, Lehmann doesn\'t rush at all, even though it\'s spending his money...

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