Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1111: role-deepening economy

The reason Lehmann made the call was to express that he knew the casting results of "Guardians of the Galaxy", which Kevin was in charge of.

In terms of candidate selection, it is consistent with Marvel\'s consistent standards. Experienced but low-value cost-effective actors are preferred, followed by veteran actors acting as villains to enhance the performance.

Star Lord Chris Pratt, Raccoon Bradley Cooper, Gamora Zoe Saldana... Except for the actor who tree Groot was replaced by Jason Statham, other of no change.

Moreover, after James Gunn became the director, he seldom intervened in the actors, and generally only spoke more in the field of screenwriting and directing that he could play. Kevin likes such an interesting director.

And on the other side.

After the end of the second day of the release, the North American box office data obtained by Fox Films is: "Thor 2" once again recorded 30.16 million, an increase of 0.6%.

This increase is actually very general, but the starting point cannot be held too high. With a wide range of exposure, the number of moviegoers on Friday will be enough, not decreasing but increasing. Maintaining the same base number of screenings also belongs to Fox Pictures and Blue Butterfly Pictures. Within the range of expectations, if the buying momentum can be maintained tomorrow, it will be able to receive more than 90 million box office in the North American market alone in three days.

Of course, the box office is good, which is good news for the copyright market.

In addition to the original soundtrack license signed with Sony early and a part of the DVD order, Perlman dragged his exhausted body back home and lay in the bathtub, and scenes of market positives could not help but emerge...

This is a profit distribution conference with no suspense. With the momentum of the movie\'s head effect, Marvel easily affects the partners around the content market.

The brand is satisfied, and the Marvel series of toys specially developed by Hasbro, Mattel, and Lego continue to be promoted, and it is not difficult to harvest the wallets of fans and the public.

At present, the copyright peripheral output value created by the entire Thor\'s second volume is as high as 620 million, a year-on-year increase of nearly 40%. More importantly, the more IP is accumulated, the more valuable it is, which makes people imagine the height of the third volume.

Moreover, after this time, many people have once again seen another major benefit of the mesh narrative, namely: tolerance for split characters, expansion in space, and even the basis for better operation brought about by faction bonuses .

Is the quality of "Thor 2: The Dark World" really much higher than the first one? No, but its value added is so unreasonable.

In other words, it shows the people of Marvel that the upper limit of this system is very high, and maybe those characters who were originally of little value in the comics can be realized beyond the common sense.

At that time, the copyrights of these characters were packaged and sold without anyone using them, and the ones who were picked were the top cards. Now they have become a treasure with potential.

No, the publishing department of Marvel Entertainment is also very motivated to play with imagination and creativity in the original system, giving screenwriters and painters room to open their minds. Anyway, Marvel Studios has the bottom line, and this part of the assets is no longer important source of cash.

On the third day, the global movie market became clearer.

"Thor 2: The Dark World" opened its first weekend at 158 ​​million, including 91.04 million in North America.

Among them, the top 20 works have created a total market value of 320 million, which is 27% higher than that of the same period in 10 years. It can be seen that this year\'s production environment has improved. The top 5 data are as follows:

1. "Thor 2: The Dark World" produced by Marvel has a total of 91.04 million in North America, and 4,020 theaters, with an average of 22,000 per theater;

2. The comedy "Mada\'s Happy Family" produced by Lionsgate has a total of 25.08 million in North America, 2,288 theaters, and an average of 10,900 per theater;

3. The love movie "Elephant Water" produced by Searchlight has a total of 10.02 million in North America, 2,817 theaters, and an average of 3,556 US dollars per theater;

4. The suspense film "Never Ending" produced by Relativity Entertainment has a total of 28.4 million in North America, but only 7.82 million in this weekend, with 2,100 theaters, with an average of $3,723 per theater;

5. The horror film "Scream 4" produced by Dimension Film has a total of 33.78 million in North America, but only 6.72 million in this week, with 3,020 theaters, with an average of 2,225 US dollars per theater.


The North American opening score of 91.04 million, plus the cumulative box office of overseas regions, a total of 158 million in the first weekend value also put "Thor 2: The Dark World" on the fourth place in the comics list - ranking in the top three Yes, of course "The Avengers", "Spider-Man 2", "Spider-Man 3", as for "The Dark Knight", it is a typical long-term operation project, the opening value is affected by the first one, in fact It\'s not high, but the subsequent decline was too stable, leading all the way to the upper limit. In addition, "Iron Man 2" was not as good as "Thor 2" in the first week for the same reason. At that time, Warner\'s method of operating overseas markets Not as active as Fox, it may be that Fox has been holding back for a long time, eager to prove itself in the distribution market.

In short, the high opening of the film does not necessarily mean the total box office total. The opening results of "Titanic" may not be in the top 100, but it does not prevent it from creating a long-running record, and it is still ranked in the box office of film history. second position.

This result really shocked a large number of film companies. They never thought that behind the miracle of the Avengers, the first part of the sequel planned by Marvel was still so attractive to fans. Basically, Those with a high amount in the first week are all traffic bodies, and only traffic bodies can take the lead in opening the show without waiting for further word-of-mouth fermentation, and can win huge box office.

why? The audience is anxious to wait. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is too dependent. In other words, once this mode of chasing and watching is formed, a high conversion rate is inevitable.

Many people can see the truth of these market analysis, but many people cannot.

Anyway, all Fox Pictures can\'t help laughing now. As far as the box office situation in the first week is concerned, they have not only made a magnificent battle in the operation of the publicity market, proving that they are very good, but also It has already started to make money.

More importantly, the super potential shown by "Thor 2: The Dark World" is basically rushing to 600 million around the world, let alone earn 40, 50 million from the box office distribution. For the advertising resources of the left-handed and right-handed, the home entertainment market belongs to a part of the publisher. In this project alone, it is not a problem to earn the shooting funds of a class A masterpiece.

No matter how you look at it, this transaction is naturally very rewarding. Of course, Marvel is not at a loss. Without Fox, it is inevitable that the scale of publicity and distribution will not be able to support it. Moreover, as a copyright owner, the expansion of influence and the expansion of public opinion index It is the most important thing in the IP market.

These things are all at the moment, only to win the favor of more people is the long-term future.

Of course, for Lehmann, there is a more promising thing waiting for him to complete.

On April 25th, a new week, Jayden Bryan, the manager of HBO\'s film department, is here...


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