Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1095: Strategic exchange, each has its own abacus

In order to prevent some fanatical fans, the Lincoln Memorial was negotiated by the government and handed over to the crew for filming from 5:00 to 8:00 in the morning, and during the filming time every day, there would be no outsiders inside, for fear of accidents.

In this way, the general manager of WanD Cinemas and the head of Wanying\'s US branch, Louis, followed the staff who led the way in, and turned a blind eye to the various booms and rails all the way, thinking about meeting Lehmann all the way.

No way, AMC\'s acquisition went very smoothly. When the acquisition is over, WanD Cinemas will expand into the world\'s second largest cinema group in one fell swoop. At that time, their demand for content will only increase, not shrink. What\'s more, their think-tank analysts also all believe that AMC wants to turn losses into profits and stop falling into financial crisis and become a drag on the real estate group. After the just need to transform the theater is solved, it must also have a certain amount of money on the film production side. The right to speak can better coordinate the projection business, and it is not only limited to the United States, but also has such a desire in the mainland.

There are only a few companies that have the most achievements and the most stable output in film production. Among them, Disney has not shown other high-quality live-action film series except "Pirates of the Caribbean". Instead, in the direction of commercial real estate transformation, the two overlap. ;

Needless to say, Colombia was recruited by Sony long ago, and even the copyright library of MGM fell into the hands of Sony. "007" completely changed the owner. Wan D is so strong and ambitious that it wants to become the dominant player in the offline market, monopolizing CD-ROM, A company that integrates original soundtrack specifications, production, production and sales, and content has reached a strategic cooperation, and I don’t think there is any cheapness to take. Similarly, Warner, Paramount, and Fox have already operated very comprehensively, and they can also Indirectly intervene in the cinema market, the laying problem is almost non-existent for them, and if they join up, it is the conscience of the capitalists to not be pitted.

From this point of view, after Wan D’s previous life entered Hollywood, in addition to actively operating AMC, making it financially good, operating the listing, and buying, buying, and buying, after having the foundation of copying, production, and distribution, the most wanted contact It\'s Lionsgate.

Of course, there was a lot of interest in Lionsgate at that time, and some of the money from Wall Street went in. WanD had no way to buy it, so Comrade Wang Jianlin made a public statement: "My goal is to buy Hollywood companies and sell them. technology and capabilities are applied to the Chinese market. If Paramount Pictures, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros., Disney, Universal Pictures, Columbia, one of the six major film companies or a sub-label with sound assets Willing to sell to Wan D, Wan D is interested."

He even further emphasized: "Only these six are truly global film companies, and the rest are not at this level. If we are to build a true film empire, it is necessary to have some of them. step."

The purpose of the talk is that on the one hand, he really has an urgent need for production and sales, and borrowing financing can take over the business of any producer. On the other hand, it is also to portray an image of a lot of money and continue to pursue other second-tier labels.

You can see what Wan D did. Lionsgate ignored him, and immediately hooked up with Legendary Pictures, and finally ate... And before buying Legendary Entertainment, some international project investment Wan D started early, and they did not pin all their hopes on acquisitions to supplement their competitiveness.

For now, although the Lions\' business is relatively good, they are not eye-catching enough. Naturally, WanD, apart from the top five live-action movies, strives to be able to connect with Firefly. They also want to connect with Marvel. During the trip, I didn’t let go at all in this regard, obviously it’s impossible – just like the honeymoon period of the cooperation between Legendary Pictures and Warner, the entire series of “Harry Potter” has nothing to do with Legendary Pictures, and Lyman doesn’t want to D\'s funds entered Marvel, and he didn\'t want to involve a dime.

The two sides have their own abacus, so how can they communicate with each other.


Lewis followed the high-level officials from the headquarters and met Lehmann up close for the first time outside the premiere.

There are some tabloids outside that have myths about his wealth experience, but from the point of view of those who have truly entered the wealthy class, it is just that the ladder is hard to find, and other aspects are not exaggerated.

Applying Wang Jianlin\'s theory of 100 million retrospectively, it is also possible to put it here. It is difficult for a self-made person to make 100 million, but it is relatively simple enough to earn 1 billion on the basis of 100 million.

Ancient and modern, all over the world, how to accumulate the first pot of gold has always required some thought, but with the means of production, as long as you follow the path of success and make your judgments clearly, it will be different.

Of course, the general manager of Wan D also felt that Laiman was more "imposing" than last time. Perhaps "Reunion" was too successful, and he always unconsciously brought one of the only two "1.5 billion" directors in the world. Aura of one.

Some courtesy.

He said respectfully, "I\'ve been very busy ahead, and I haven\'t officially come here to visit you. I\'m really sorry."

"It\'s okay." Lyman smiled.

After shaking hands, he said again: "The Avengers has reached 1.517 billion, a very good result, and audiences all over the world like it."

"Haha, it can\'t be sold anymore. It will be sold in large quantities around this Friday."

The atmosphere of the conversation began to be harmonious, and Lewis also complimented: "Super Body is also good, it should be able to exceed 400 million."

"Hmm." Lyman took the initiative to say, "Let\'s talk about business, it\'s not easy for us to meet."

"Lehmann, we have no intention of entering the international market too much, but now we don\'t even have a solid foundation, so..."

"Well, where did you get to acquire AMC?" Lehmann asked rhetorically.

Seeing that Lehmann had read through their minds, the two spoke more directly: "At least no one will stop the acquisition, but we still need some time to raise cash and other management plans."

"Oh, do you have a more accurate timetable? It won\'t take long to digest AMC, right? You have a cinema chain yourself."

"There will be an accurate answer early next year..."

The two sides chatted for about ten minutes, and Lehman roughly understood the other party\'s attitude. It was nothing more than the fact that the theater chain was about to be implemented, but the matter of platter investment and participation in the project was still vague.

At the beginning, Lehman had promised to start a strategic cooperation between the two on the basis of schedule and screen needs. People came to remind him that he was a little impatient, which was normal.

Lehmann smiled and said, "The conditions remain unchanged. I can provide a project now. Let\'s try to cultivate some tacit understanding first."

"No problem, Louis can make the decision in terms of funding~www.novelhall.com~ The manager asked eagerly, "I don\'t know what the project is? "

"Maybe you also know that the remake of "Planet of the Apes" that Firefly and Fox cooperated with has a budget of 100 million US dollars, and 70% of the investment share is in my hands. I can share a part of it. If you want to send I can guarantee that if the staff is stationed in the crew, there is an associate producer, three studio directors, and no more than 5 filming staff in various departments."

Firefly has a great influence on "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", and this little thing is very good to cooperate with. I didn\'t mention it before because WanD has no guarantees in the North American theater market. Now it is different. He also hopes to play in North American theaters. The alliance has a greater voice and the ability to adjust the schedule screen.

"How much relaxation?"

"10 million US dollars, and the investment share will not be less than 10% each time. This is our sincerity. Similarly, for other producers\' income based on the project itself, you can assign personnel to carefully evaluate and calculate the financial affairs."

Lehman waved to a producer, "Maybe I can introduce Ryan to you, and you can talk about the specific shooting arrangements." After that, he looked at the tool man, "Call the executive director and ask Let him deal with it and exchange contact information."

At this time, the actor had just finished filming a scene, and Lehman used to care about it.

These are Marvel\'s cash cows, of course they should be more enthusiastic.


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