Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1081: communication process

The box office revenue created by "Breaking Dawn" in overseas countries, after deducting the cost of the theater chain and the cost of publicity, can probably leave a profit ranging from 38% to 42%.

In terms of box office alone, Firefly can get 113 million, Lionsgate is more than 43.2 million, and the copyright author is 20.35 million. Of course, the big head is eaten by fireflies.

Of course, the specific calculation method is not so simple. Deducting the state tax and other taxes that should have been paid from the project\'s income, according to the meaning of PricewaterhouseCoopers: about 86 million can be left.

"The accounts are fine," the accounting team representative whispered to Ryman.

When Lehman heard it, he happily signed the document.

If nothing else, with the level of money that the "Twilight" series attracts, it would be trivial to make another 100 million when the home entertainment market and the licensing market are split up in stages.

This kind of output makes several parties feel very happy.


Jon asked someone to pour a few glasses of champagne and handed it to the Lyman and Stephanie team in person, "It\'s a pleasure to work together."

"Haha, happy cooperation."

"In the future, the bill will be settled every three months."

"Yes, many movie fans are willing to collect a "Dawn" CD, and the original soundtrack is also selling well." Lionsgate has made a very considerable profit from the operation of the "Twilight" series, and their distribution staff salary expenses It is basically included in the operating costs, it is nothing more than using channels and energy to help promote it. He drank the wine in his glass with a smile and continued: "Wait until November this year, the last one will be launched on the market, we continue to be successful.”

"Cinema fans are obviously getting fatigued, and it\'s good for all of us to finish as soon as possible." Lehmann put the wine glass on the table and pointed out: "After so many years of filming, the loss of core audiences has increased. The attractiveness of this series has not been strong, and it is all supported by the female market.”

"We\'re leaving. Your affairs will be finished when the film comes out. I\'ll help you find out."

The review of "Escape Plan Golden Cicada" is estimated to be no problem, but if the introduction index of 2011 is too popular, Lehmann will not sacrifice his main business to help Lionsgate pass the border.

With this thought in mind, the firefly meeting room was brightly lit the next night.

The Fox production team sat down with the team on their side.

A staff member handed out the final printed script to the crowd, which quickly amazed Fox\'s hearts.

Without him, Fox\'s "Planet of the Apes" is that the orangutan already has a regime model, and humans live like inferior citizens, but in the version written by Lehman called the screenwriter, it has captured "how the orangutan evolves and rises". Part of it is a big fuss, but it is relatively fresh in general, and it can even be said to be the prequel part of "Planet of the Apes".

Fox\'s people secretly exchanged opinions and nodded frequently. They also understand the benefits of doing so: the audience will not stand on the opposite side of the orangutan when watching, but there is a process of foreshadowing, and the transition between conflicts and conflicts is very smooth - this After all, from the perspective of an orangutan, it depicts the growth history of "Caesar". The script carries a cautionary note.

The theme is clear, namely: Comparing the consequences of conforming to man\'s insane ambition against a population of orangutans trapped in an urban jungle.

As environmental problems have become more and more serious in recent years, the human consequences theory has been called for coverage by various media. It is conceivable that such a theme has hit the forefront of the trend of public opinion. Fox\'s producers can already imagine The movie is presented according to the script, how much market heat can be gained during the promotion, and how much audience\'s attention can be attracted.

It’s a pity that, limited by the limitation of thinking, such a little innovation is beyond Fox’s imagination. Although everyone knows that small stories are contradictory, giving the audience some thinking in addition to entertainment is a rare and correct script creation direction. But I didn\'t expect it.

"I now know why Firefly always succeeds." Evel, who was dispatched by Fox to be the co-signed executive producer, admired in his heart, clapped his body honestly, and congratulated his mouth: "After reading the script, we Now I believe more that the film will achieve good results, amazing, amazing.”

In short, clearly knowing what the script wants to say, Fox\'s people suddenly have a lot of confidence, and they all feel that there is potential to be tapped.

Facing Fox\'s flattery, Lehmann responded with a smile and took over the leadership of the meeting, "Okay, I believe everyone here knows the direction of the filming. Today, we are simply meeting to sort out the work of the two parties. What do you think? Let\'s talk about it."

Everyone got serious.

"Let me talk about it first." Fox\'s people pointed to the heroine in the script and asked, "Is there any consideration for this? She seems to have a poor sense of existence."

"Caesar, the survivor of the cruel experiment, in the process of its cost, the male protagonist took in and fed him out of compassion for a while, and met the female protagonist of the zoologist, and then fell in love with each other... Isn\'t it a switch to compare this way? Do you think it\'s dramatic because an orangutan gets to know a related character. As for her part, the real protagonist of this play is only Caesar, and it\'s okay to have less footage."

Firefly\'s screenwriter answered.

"It\'s not bad. The emotional scenes of the male and female protagonists serve as the embellishment of the warm side of the first half. This contrasts with the different cognitions and standpoints caused by the growth of Caesar\'s intelligence later, as well as the so-called goodwill in human rights." Another person The white man of the Fox delegation put his hand to his mouth and praised, "The less understood, the more reasonable it is to challenge the order of the steel jungle. Their love is more like an irony. Caesar is a pet, and they know each other because of pets. Lover, how wonderful."

The other nodded, "Yes, their elements are just embellishments and foreshadowing. The warmer they are, the more cruel they are. Can people empathize with orangutans in cages? Isn\'t this a joke. It echoes before and after."

"Well, my doubts are mainly in terms of position." Someone continued to put forward opinions and discussions: "This design, completely standing from the perspective of the orangutan, will the negative perception be too strong."

"Intense is better. Intense, movie-watching emotions can be better mobilized. "District 9" stands in the perspective of aliens and depicts prawns as interstellar refugees, which is not very popular. Just a little alert, the society is willing to see this A wake-up call." Someone else stood up and said.

Lyman nodded in agreement.

Setting the background of the position is a very deep knowledge. Shooting a thing well or badly depends on the direction of creation. For example, it is also an alien invasion. Watching "Independence Day", the two sides confronted each other. The audience will only be on the human side, and the depiction of aliens slaughtering human beings will produce discomfort and the same hatred, but most of the "Ninth District" is that the prawns can fall to that point more or less. Compassion, especially in the violent demolition section, is absolutely unacceptable.

Similarly, in "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", the orangutans who lived in the steel jungle had a difficult life, which made people feel unbearable, and then waited for Caesar to raise his arms, which would make the audience emotionally excited and right. The uprising of the orangutans does not raise too much disgust.

It’s actually very difficult to grasp this degree well. It’s too fake after filming. If it’s not filmed enough, it’s not in place, and the audience can’t get in. The original movie is set relatively balanced, so fans who have seen it can still accept the cautionary tale reflected in the film. thinking.

"What do you think about casting?" Fox\'s man suddenly asked.

"Those orangutans must be combined with motion capture + CG. I plan to give this to Serkis\' team, and the schedule has been contacted in advance." Lehman said: "As for the male and female protagonists, based on the consideration of budget returns, no big name is needed. Movie stars support the scene, and the selection criteria are very loose. I only have one premise, I have to sign multiple film contracts in the series and limit variable pay."

"If that\'s the case, I can suggest some people and they\'ll be a good fit." Ewell hurried to fight for his own interests, "What about Michael Fassbender or James McAvoy, one is 34, the other is 32 , with rich acting experience, it will not be difficult to support Will Rodman. Lyman, have you heard of these two?"

"Of course I\'ve heard of it, and, you forgot to mention one point, they are all appointed role actors in "X-Men"." Lyman smiled: "However, do they have a schedule? I remember your play. It was only revealed last year that the casting was over and it was about to start. This drama is waiting for no one."

"I don\'t hide it from you." Evil still had his own reason when Xiaosi was pierced: "There are only some supplementary shots left, which will definitely not delay the next filming work, and they are indeed suitable, and the remuneration is really suitable. It’s not expensive, and with this arrangement, the topics that can be stirred up will be larger.”

Lehman shook his head, "Let\'s go into the audition process normally, I still need to compare other actors\' comparison reference"

"The performances of the two of them will certainly handle the protagonist of this template..."

Fox\'s people still wanted to win, but Lehman waved his hand to interrupt, "There are so many people who can handle this role~www.novelhall.com~ Are you afraid that you won\'t be able to find an actor?"

"Well, you are the ones who invest." Evel shrugged.

The first sponsor of the project did not nod, so how could Fox\'s producer have any other opinions, but he still felt that it was a pity. After he read the script, he estimated the schedule a little, and the bundled marketing plan he immediately thought of was not immediately available. implement.

Even Lehman can think that no matter which one he chooses, it can form a certain degree of continuous popularity, and he can directly use the actors to drive other sales business.

Especially from the standpoint of the "X-Men" series, Fox\'s expectations for the two who have signed long-term contracts are not enough, and there are not enough fans.

The discussion around the script didn\'t last long, and after the filming process had a rough execution plan, Fox\'s people left first.

Joseph took his coat. "When is this film going to start?" he asked.

"The end of March at the latest, otherwise I\'m afraid I won\'t be able to catch up with the appropriate schedule, so I have to postpone it until next year." Song Ya replied casually.

"Well, the script is good, and we have confidence in the screening."

The two walked out of the conference room and walked towards the elevator, "Is Miss Eva working as a producer in this play. I saw she brought some people there from the studio recently?"

Lyman nodded, "Well, let\'s build the interior of the room where the protagonist lives first, and the street scene can be shot close by. Burbank has a suitable place for framing."

"Why don\'t you agree with Fox\'s proposal? Our drama can also take advantage of the popularity of "X-Men"."

"The most essential selling point of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" is not that. I personally don\'t care who will act." Lehmann walked into the elevator, "Let\'s see the situation, don\'t worry, we haven\'t got the props or anything."



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