Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1066: Prepare

Kevin Feige is a person who likes to be fully prepared before doing things, even over-prepared, especially the Marvel Universe projects he has come into contact with. He has always faced the challenge of satisfying the comic book party and not letting passers-by feel untouched. Adaptation is difficult, so it is more necessary for him to have sufficient and comprehensive considerations before the project enters the execution stage. This is also because he is not the most knowledgeable about Marvel or filmmaking, but he is the manager who best meets the boundary between the two conditions.

Robert Iger commented in a previous life, "Kevin defined the new era of superheroes, expanding their relevance - setting a new standard for film narrative. This creative success is not accidental; it\'s talent , The crystallization of vision - in Marvel Studios, the hero of creation is Stan Lee, and the hero of expansion is Kevin Feige."

In the future, after Sony\'s little spider joined the Marvel Universe, the family also publicly praised: "He (Kevin) doesn\'t have those superhuman abilities in the movie, but I suspect that he has spider-like telepathy. This may be his every time They can all hit the key to the market.”

In Lehman\'s view, in addition to being a fan\'s perspective and mature as a businessman, Kevin served as Marvel\'s adaptation work, but the reason why his personal career is so successful is inseparable from his work attitude and hard work.


Anyone who is working on a specific project every day has not forgotten to think hard about how to satisfy the audience for the follow-up plan, and how can it not be successful.

As far as Lehman himself saw, during the filming of "Reunion", he had to take time out to discuss the script of the second stage with the screenwriters, discuss the characters, and discuss the arrangement of the scenes.

No doubt. Due to the characteristics of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which is "moving the whole body", coupled with the decision to release three movies a year, each movie must consider the relevant settings of the follow-up works during the production process, otherwise the continuity will be lost. There was already a problem.

Take Thor 2, for example.

The setting of the timeline is that after the Great War in New York, Thor escorted Loki back to the realm of the gods, and then introduced it into the Tiangong for a final review.

As we all know, a qualified commercial blockbuster needs some contradictions. To be more popular, you have to let the protagonist have a conflicting and expressive environment.

In order to arrange a reasonable "conflict", people from Marvel Studios decided to join a villain Malekith after many discussion meetings during the time when they were assisting in the filming of "Avengers".

Is it enough to have a villain? Not enough, there is also integration into Marvel\'s existing force system.

What does Marvel already have? According to the comics, the force value is too exaggerated, it is not easy to shoot at all, and some characters are easy to play soy sauce.

It is weakened so that everyone can have a specific performance of the lens.

This is the point that the comic party likes to complain about, but it is the basis for the changes of Marvel\'s global sales.

If it is divided according to the comics, what is the surface level, the universe level, the **** level, the single universe level, the multiverse level, the almighty universe level... There is still a gap between each level, and the drama is not easy to arrange.

For example, your Hulk can hover at the level of the universe and the **** of creation. It is not impossible for an Iron Man to play a thousand marks in the start-up series. Is it necessary to form a group?

Do elephants need to stand with ants?

This is the same as playing a game. The balance between the characters is best to be relatively opposite. For this reason, adding restrictions or weakening and degrading the Marvel characters is where Kevin pays the most.

In the scripts he and his team came up with, there were never invincible characters, and there were always weaknesses to defeat.

Back to Thor 2.

Malekith first appeared in the 344th issue of "Thor". With a specific image foundation, he retained the setting of the dark elf leader and the monarch of the dark world Walter Alheim, and successfully introduced the concept of nine worlds, but the force of force On, down to the general cosmic level, and set an external cause, the plot unfolds.

What are the external reasons? ether particles.

As for why the connection between the alien domain and the earth is so great, and some forced passages in order to add drama to Thor\'s girlfriend, under the cooperation of Thor and Loki, they are all small flaws that can be ignored.

Kevin knows what the audience wants to see, so under the market feedback that Loki\'s popularity is increasing, the most exciting point of the whole "Thor 2" still revolves around the two brothers.

To be honest, with such a well-thought-out arrangement of scenes and the audience\'s favor as the basis for the adaptation, when Loki and Thor work together to save the earth, Lehman doesn\'t know how to lose. , can not attract a large number of audience to enter the support, it can only be a problem in the market.

Secondly, the improvement of Marvel characters in "Reunion" is quite large, plus the audience\'s preferences, the market foundation of the first "Thor" and the many modeling data and data left in the first part. Ready-made sets, props, and a lot of preparation work have been figured out. As long as the script is determined, the workload itself is not large.

"What about the schedule? They are very popular now, have they been arranged in advance?" Lehmann asked.

"Don\'t worry, their agent promised me that next year\'s schedule will only pick up other shows after our show ends." Kevin Feige said naturally: "The more you cater to the market, the easier it will be to succeed. Even if their movie contracts are favored by many filmmakers, they will definitely give priority to us."

"It\'s just that if I shoot "Thor" and "Captain America" ​​first this year, I won\'t stay on Downey\'s schedule. His agent called me a few days ago to ask about the shooting plan, and I said a few things at the time. God will answer."

"It seems that he is very popular." Lyman smiled.

"Well, a lot of people like his Iron Man, which is a clear sign."

"Haha, this kind of popularity is a good thing for us." Laiman said indifferently: "Hurry up and set up a group, you have worked hard for this."

Kevin waved his hand and said nothing.

Like Ryman, he enjoys filming.

Then, Lehman added: "As long as "Thor 2" is successful, Thor\'s popularity will definitely rise again. In the future, we will find ways to integrate resources and it will be more efficient."

Sighing, Lyman stood up and left.


At this point, Marvel Entertainment has already turned into a dragon in the face of the storm. "Reunion" continues to rise, and the valuation of the entire Marvel\'s role economic market has almost doubled in the eyes of many investment institutions.

No way~www.novelhall.com~ The concept of the Marvel universe, or the story is too well told, many people find that the characters that Marvel seems to be able to realize is really broad, even if some characters do not have 1 in the first 100 people shooting I know it personally, but driven by the system structure, it also has a certain popularity.

In other words, there are nearly 5,000 comic characters in Marvel, and what they have developed now is only the tip of the iceberg. Can you not be optimistic about its prospects?

Furthermore, Marvel\'s cash flow is too healthy, it can not only support itself, but also create huge profits to feed other business layouts. Under such a strong background, the conversion rate of value-added derivatives is relatively good, and the future cash flow will only be It will get better and better. Under this circumstance, Mann Media really has a ladder to promotion.

Not to mention anything else, according to Marvel\'s current cash inflow rate and the future income capabilities of the copyright market based on the high box office, it is really difficult for the company to be short of money.

It is even said that Lehman is ready to replicate Disney\'s feat of the year, making profits for several years in a row, and then continuing to acquire and grow.

After all, having money and the ability to make continuous money is necessary to become the Big Six.

Only now, many media and professionals in the industry have already rated Mann Media very high. The box office gross value of more than 6 billion created last year, in addition to making the movie theater business not so hot in the past 10 years. So sluggish, it is the first time that it broke the monopoly of the Hollywood market by established manufacturers such as Warner and Paramount, and its total box office value is more than that of Universal, Columbia, and Fox combined, which is also highly praised by many people.

Counting it down, it is also a sigh: DreamWorks collapsed, but independent manufacturers took a more rapid attitude to the mainstream stage of Hollywood...


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