Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1063: The changing trend of the pattern

"In order to maintain our competitiveness in the theme park and licensing markets, we need to find new growth points of interest."

"Isn\'t Katherine Kennedy willing to cooperate? You proposed to the board of directors to poach the copyright of the "Star Wars" series from Lucasfilm in a stock + cash transaction, and we agreed."

Robert Iger is Jewish, George Lucas is an old friend of Spielberg, and in recent years, as the filmmakers have grown older, they have become less and less able to manage this mess .

The emergence of "Reunion" has basically accelerated the process of Disney\'s acquisition of Lucasfilm. After all, without Marvel, Disney does need an additional source of high-quality content.

However, the stock + cash is also a bit of a gamble. The gamble is that after Disney gets "Star Wars", it can complete the integration of resources and expand the means of profit based on copyright.

How to say it, it\'s just that Disney thinks "Star Wars" can be more valuable in their hands.

You know, stock + cash, and if you promise to let Katherine continue to run Lucasfilm, it means that Disney is the party that helps to share the value of the acquisition. For this, they have to give priority to a lot of money investment.

As we all know, the biggest source of income of Lucasfilm is the "Star Wars" business, but Lucasfilm is a bit like Firefly. Its derivatives market is mainly completed by distributors and channel dealers, even if the total brand revenue depends on It’s scary to look at, but only a small part of it can really be shared, and the total revenue of “Star Wars” accounts for 60% of the total revenue from the United States.

According to Disney\'s analysis, Lucasfilm has no independent sales channels, and has always handed over the "Star Wars" image to many manufacturers, and these manufacturers have a high commission rate, and everyone has to make money.

However, Disney has its own sales network in most regions. Once "Star Wars" becomes a key project of the company, whether it is self-selling or introducing the construction and development of theme parks, as long as the value generated is greater than the operating channel cost + acquisition cost + Dividing the cost, Disney made a good deal. On the contrary, this kind of harsh acquisition is a failure. This is also the reason why Lehman has never played the "Star Wars" series. The project that has been extremely successful, the asking price is too harsh. , no conditions can not play at all.

If it was before, Disney may have hesitated, but being urged by the combination of Universal + Marvel, for the market share of theme parks and derivatives, it did not want to look ahead and miss the opportunity to compete.


At the end of 2010, some good people recorded that when the "Reunion" came out, the war in the high-quality content market gradually reached a climax. In the same year, Disney, Sony, Universal, Paramount, and Warner accelerated the integration of their own resources...

Just when the earth-shaking changes happened outside, some of them were known to Lehman, for example, Kevin Tsujihara made a special call to greet the third part of "Batman" in a friendly way. , such as Robert - Iger eyeing "Star Wars", and got the support of the board.

However, whether he knew it or not, he didn\'t panic.

Just when the film was very popular at the box office and continued to hang high on the daily box office charts of each box office, on December 20, the fifth day after the film was released, Perlman called him and reported the situation of the derivatives market:

The sales of Iron Man and related products officially exceeded 2 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 510%;

The cumulative sales of Captain America and related products reached 1.57 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 360%;

Raytheon and related merchandise sales reached 1.24 billion, a year-on-year increase of 240%;


Hulk and related merchandise sales were 1.32 billion, a year-on-year increase of 330 percent.

From this series of data, we can also see how much the "Reunion" grouping has increased the character\'s economy. It\'s still the same sentence. Fans who only liked Iron Man or Hulk will gradually like other heroes because of the sense of belonging to the camp. This kind of The market ability to create stars and break the ceiling is what everyone pays attention to.

Not to mention, the general increase of nearly 300%, which is fed back to the copyright market, also means that Marvel\'s overall value and popularity have expanded, and there are many hidden benefits. At the same time, it also adds favorable basic conditions for future development work.

The realization of popularity and traffic, everyone understands.

This wave, this wave directly made the IP valuation of the Marvel Universe cross the threshold of 10 billion from 6 billion, ranking 47th, ranking first in "Star Trek" ($10.1 billion) founded in 1966, "World of Warcraft" (total value of 10.7 billion US dollars) is the latter - purely based on content valuation, excluding tangible assets such as toy factories, Marvel stores, and publishing houses.

The reason why there is still no set number is also because the process of generating revenue for "Reunion" may be halfway through. For a long time after the peak, although the ability to stimulate market consumption has weakened, it has accumulated a considerable amount. Anyway, according to a big data analysis by an agency, the conversion rate of ~www.novelhall.com~ Marvel fans is very impressive, and the potential for future growth is far from reaching the growth point.

At the same time, due to the special head-draining effect of the film, the publishing business of Marvel Entertainment has started a wave of sales hotspots. Many passers-by after watching the special effects masterpiece with no threshold, must be willing to deepen their view of the Marvel world. know.

In addition, the actor and the main creator are really popular. During this time, wherever they go to promote, they have been greatly sought after by fans. It can be seen that after the establishment of the Marvel Universe, fans\' dependence and label favor.

And all this in just three years.

After three years of operation and a single gathering, such energy erupted, allowing Mann Media to gain both fame and fortune, and the interweaving of the interest network became more and more extensive and thick.

For example, Universal is asking when the Hulk\'s personal series will be established, and Sony\'s rejection of Spider-Man\'s joining the Marvel Universe is not so firm.

At least, "Reunion" allows everyone to see how much money Marvel\'s operating methods attract. In the face of real interests, a little exchange is not worth doing.

Of course, Lyman knew in his heart that the value of Spider-Man was still higher than that of the existing Marvel Universe, but after the end of Spider-Man for 2 years, the profit growth suddenly dropped, but there must still be many people inside Sony who believe in the new As soon as the project came out, it can still make a lot of money. When this expectation still exists, no matter how you talk about it, you can\'t get a lot of support.

Everyone is very realistic. It was Sony who used its own channel resources to raise a god-level IP spider. You have great production skills and excellent operation methods. Am I bad?

Wait, wait, Sony is still a very profitable company...


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