Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1018: "Gone Lover"

The meeting atmosphere between Scarlett and director Luc Besson can be described as relaxed.

The two have known each other from the beginning. When Luc Besson was filming this film in his previous life, he was talking about "fighting at a glance" just to promote and create a topic. You must know that Luc Besson helped arrange when Sophia went to France to shoot the scene.

You see, the circle is so small, and cooperation can basically find relationships.

Furthermore, Scarlett is completely competent even if it is out of the requirements of appearance and performance. "Super Body" is a custom work.

Then, when the main creators are in place, and the preliminary preparations are almost done, within three days, the group officially entered the shooting stage.


Unlike last year and the year before, when there were many outstanding works in the fierce struggle, the film market in September 2010 continued to be sluggish.

Of course, although the heat of summer is waning, the residual temperature of the summer is about to cool down.

But most of the movies released before the last minute of students returning to school are still ambitious but limited in strength.

This "strength" does not necessarily refer only to the cast or the block factor of the movie, but more likely to be attributed to the betting of the overall resource.

Regarding the schedule of these non-key investments, the studios at the top are quite desolate, but those second- and third-rate studios that rely on word-of-mouth and emerge suddenly are rejuvenated.

Among them, "The Robber", which hangs at the top of the box office list, can be regarded as one of the more eye-catching works. Although its premiere data is only 12.96 million, it has won the championship of the weekly list after all, and has gained a group of audiences. of favor.

And the identity of the film\'s producer, the screen gem, is even more surprising.

Of course, audiences don\'t care about the background of a suddenly emerging studio. The reason for its success is not so much because of its "first film that received financing from the Futures Trading Commission", but because of its light mature female killer-level lineup and With exciting action scenes, he has become the tallest man among the short ones, and has been the focus of attention.

In terms of the starring lineup of the film, bad guy professional Matt Dillon and Jay Hernandez, who escaped from "Humanskin Inn", have become hot-blooded police detectives this time, and the long-lost Star Wars "Skywalker" Hayden K. Ristenson, along with Paul Walker, a handsome male star who relied on "The Fast and the Furious", and others became villains, but they also completed the killing of young mature women around 30 years old.

In other words, these models can always hit a certain heart.

It can also be seen from the distribution data of the group portraits in the first week of the film. Although this film relies on many passionate actions and explosive scenes, many male audiences can sit down and watch it, but the main players who are well-behaved and really contribute to the box office are still women, of which 30 Female fans around the age of 23 percent of the total crowd. The group of young mature women accounted for a quarter.

Of course, similar police and bandit themes have been dug up by Hollywood in all feasible models. The outline of this movie is not too new, so 12.96 million is basically the weekly box office ceiling of this film. Definitely can\'t be surpassed.

In addition, "Despicable Me" fell to No. 7, with a daily box office of less than 500,000, but the cumulative global box office has reached 386 million.

It is also under such a market background that "Gone Lover" is about to land in theaters.

When those audiences saw related film information from various media channels, they quickly attracted the interest of some people.

After all, David Fincher, a person with a unique style and even an alternative, can easily screen out core fans. Furthermore, the slogan "Verify Love" is just interesting to hear.

Looking at the haggard figure of Ben Affleck on the poster, many people subconsciously think that this is a love movie with redemption and search as the core.

It is probably how sweet the two people are in the first half, creating a sweet atmosphere, and then what happened in the second half, the fragmentation of life?

It should be a tearjerker or something, so I can just show it to my girlfriend.

If you only look at the announcement, Blue Butterfly Pictures has created a typical couple-oriented choice, which is also a kind of screening.

Yes, the two-way thinking between couples is generally towards the woman. If only the film list is considered, romance films and dramas are almost very safe subjects, especially when the two sides do not know that much.

But when "Gone Lover" was released on September 2 in more than a dozen theaters in the city ticket warehouses on the east and west coasts, and after the opening of the early stage, a pair of lovers were in a pile of horror, animation, police and bandit action movies. Li walked into the movie hall with longing, only to find that he had been deceived.

We can\'t say cheating, we can only say: people can\'t be too "wishful thinking", many things are not what you think or what you think.

On the contrary, "The Missing Lover" is not sad at all, and it does tell the story of the lover, but it is somewhat dark, ironic and sharp.

Maybe this night, many boys who watched the movie and took advantage of the atmosphere to consolidate their relationship will be disappointed, but it is indeed a masterpiece to verify love.

If after watching "Gone Lover", you still want to go on with your other half and enter the marriage hall firmly, then this work only serves as a wake-up call.

It is like the wind, the wind blowing towards the flame, whether it extinguishes or the wind helps the fire, and it emits a scorching heat, which is beyond the control of the film itself.

It\'s there, telling you: what love can be.


on the screen.

Nick, played by Ben Affleck, and Amy, played by Rosamund Pike, are actually quite a couple. If it weren\'t for such a **** story setting, this is an 18-year-old boy who was asked by a girl of the same age. I feel that there will be no drama in the future, and I am very melancholy walking on the street in a trance.

To be honest, David Fincher\'s lens movement and aesthetics are shrouding this cold story with a layer of seduction enough to magnify the lead of indifference.

Without him, this script can only be said to be quite satisfactory, the sense of drama is not enough, but mixed with nonlinear narrative and a sense of contrasting pictures, everything is different.

What is this movie about?

It\'s Amy\'s supremely elegant and cruel possessiveness, not exactly, all the characters serve: a shudder expressed in a very unique aesthetic.

It\'s right to look nervous.

It\'s a normal emotion to watch Gone Girl.

From the perspective of substitution, most of the time in the film, the audience is following the perspective of the hero Nick.

The existence of this character represents the perspective of the general audience, the perspective of a "normal person". Through the eyes of Nick\'s "normal person", the negative side constructs the "very human" heart of the heroine Amy. Under the elegant but hypocritical appearance ~www.novelhall.com~ hides a pervert.

And how did this adult dark fairy tale come to be?

The film does not directly portray the two lovers who torture each other, but it provides many clues and clues (such as notes, a few childhood shots, interspersed with Amy’s memories and moods, this blank-type construction. , is to trace the source of Amy\'s entire psychology, which makes "Gone Lover" directly open to the general film and television works about feelings, and enrich the image).

Take Amy as an example. Compared with "ordinary children", Amy has enjoyed incomparable material performance since childhood, but she also lacks love like many neglected children.

Her mother never loved her in a "mother" way.

From birth, she was just a character written by her mother, a three-dimensional body carefully crafted by her mother, which entrusted her mother\'s sense of achievement.

It can be said that only from Amy\'s sculpted portrait reveals the taste of David Fincher\'s favorite character.

Zodiac killers, murderers in the Seven Deadly Sins, are all characters of this type.

While others see their behavior as unbelievable, they themselves have a set of individualized internal logic.

If you have to make a cynical comment, it means that you have not experienced the suffering of others, and do not persuade others to be kind.

Many times, without experiencing or understanding a person\'s heart, but directly seeing the **** and cruel results caused by this process, it is no different from the irony in the play to just stand on the moral high ground and accuse.

If they are willing to understand, they may find that this inner logic is not inconceivable.

And these are precisely the flowers that are born from the seeds of human nature. When they bloom, they carry a cruel and coquettish beauty with thorns.


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