Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1003: The daily life of the Avengers crew (Part 2)

"All departments pay attention, turn on the machine after 10 minutes."

Kevin shouted with a loudspeaker. Every time he called a unit leader, he got a positive answer before calling the field to enter the field.

"Act 22, first shot,—"

The camera is focused, the scene is quiet, and it is convenient for the radio. Of course, if the radio is not good, it can be matched in the later stage, which is also easy.

Today is the 8th day of the group shooting. The line on the US team has come to the time of assembly, so Lehman is personally responsible for it.

in a basement.

A veteran who has been lying alone in the cold and hard ice for 70 years, after being rescued, he stood at a strange street in a daze and lamented that the hero who missed an important date turned and became a fitness coach. I have to say that there is enough contrast.

The sandbags that flew left and right were finally punched away by the man, but he just breathed heavily and put on new sandbags in silence.

"Can\'t sleep?"

Samuel L. Jackson came out with the familiar blindfold.

"Seventy years of sleep, sir. I think I slept enough." Evans continued hitting the sandbag. Don\'t say, during this preparation time, Evans maintained a good body shape, wearing a white short-sleeved, very powerful, only literary drama was his weakness.

Compared with Jackson\'s ease, Lehmann watched the two of them play against each other, and it was obvious that the American team that should have behaved - that kind of temperament that was not suitable for the times was not reflected.

However, Lehman\'s requirements for "Reunion" are not very high, and he does not pursue the most natural performance. It\'s okay. Evans is an actor who is a **** to eat, and he has a comic-like face. I am willing to work hard to maintain my figure, and I have already met the needs of the role. The audience is not here for acting skills, is it?

Immediately afterwards, after a scene was shot, Lehmann signaled to the field manager and handed over the props.

A document about the Cosmic Rubik\'s Cube.

"Is this Hydra\'s secret weapon?" Evans recognized it at a glance. It was there when he fought the Red Skull on the plane.

"This is what Howard Stark found in the sea when he searched and rescued you, and after our research, this Rubik\'s cube is likely to be the key to discovering eternal energy."

"Who took it away?" Evans asked simply.

"Rocky, an outsider. If you are willing to join us, you will have to make up your lessons." Jackson sighed a little: "The world is changing too fast, it has exceeded people\'s imagination."


Another shot was taken.


In the blink of an eye, two days have passed, a new Monday.

And last weekend, the action thriller "Sprint Agent" starring Angelina Jolie won 20.4 million in one fell swoop, rushing into the second place in the weekly list, and in the audience group portrait, the proportion of female audiences was as high as 55%, becoming the This summer, the first film to eat female bonuses.

This kind of situation is even rarer in the field of action. In contrast, the proportion of female audiences in the "Kill Bill" series, which is supported by the same female star, is less than 40%.

However, it is also a new film. The family light comedy "The Ramona Sisters" produced by Fox is not so lucky. It started with less than 9 million US dollars in the first week, revealing the temperament of cannon fodder. Fortunately, the investment in this film is not high. High, even if the box office can\'t make a return, it won\'t be a big loss if it works well.


Lyman, who was taking a lunch break, also got an email from Liam with box office data.

After 60.4 million in the first week, the market of "Inception" fell by less than 30% in the second week, and it recorded 42.33 million in the next weekend. After 10 days of screening, the total North American box office was 148 million.

Such a strong trend has seen a lot of theater operators have mixed feelings. In any case, this year\'s summer vacation is not too dull, and there is a lively taste.

With the background of winning the weekly North American box office chart for two consecutive weeks, fans flocked to IMDB frantically, with a score of 9.3 points, ranking second only to "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Godfather".

In addition, compared to the North American market, "Inception" is not subject to too many regional restrictions overseas, and it hangs high at the forefront of the box office charts in various countries.

Perhaps it is because of the high-quality, somewhat brain-burning, well-thought-out science fiction films that everyone loves to watch. According to the feedback from overseas ticket warehouses such as the United Kingdom, Spain, and Australia, which were screened simultaneously, the film has won 124 million. This is still not shown in the mainland. In the case of the extension, the global market recorded 272 million yuan in 10 days. As an original project, this achievement is remarkable.

It is even said that for the sequels of some well-known series, 272 million in 10 days is quite good.

Relying on the steady performance, the popularity of the main creator of the crew has greatly increased, and he has frequently entered the Yahoo hot search list. A related report can attract a lot of clicks, which is enough to show the enthusiasm of the audience.

After all, in the 7 months that have passed since 10 years, except for an "Avatar", an "Alice in Wonderland", an animation of "How to Train Your Dragon", etc., the number of projects that detonated the movie market was missing compared to previous years. a lot.

The self-produced projects like Sony, Warner, Fox, and Universal didn\'t make any big moves in the first half of the year. It can be said that it was all supported by Paramount and Mann Media, so that they would not be too pale. But even so, compared with the box office market in previous years, This year has been declining for several months~www.novelhall.com~ The life of the cinema chain is not comfortable, especially under the premise of aggravating the replacement of projection equipment, the operating expenses will increase, and the income will inevitably be affected. Now that the studios are not good enough, they can\'t tell the hardships.

Very simple infinite loop.

Audiences do not buy tickets - sales of beverages, retail instant food decrease - theater revenue plummets;

There is no iamx theater - the audience will not come - the lack of passenger flow, forcing the theater to increase investment - the greater the financial burden, and the ugly debt ratio - investors retreat.

You know, in addition to "Inception" continuing to maintain its lead over the second weekend, old films like "Toy Story 3" are still at the top of the list, and the reason for not moving at all is that the level of competition is not high.

It can be said that this week\'s Top 12 market as a whole is only 135 million, which is still a summer bonus. Compared with last year, it has dropped by about 22%. Compared with this year, the trend is also deserted.

After experiencing the continuous boom in 2008 and 2009, and relying on "Avatar" for 10 years, the theater chain dealers have been pouring cold water on reality when they imagined that this year\'s performance will be better.

The film industry is like this, full of unknowns. Even if the Hollywood market just broke records last year, it will cool down this year.

However, this kind of thing is an opportunity for Firefly. The overall cold market does not affect the enthusiasm of their production business.

The oppression of the general environment on individuals is still declining. It is even said that because life is difficult, the publicity resources of major studios can be poured into Firefly. For example, Sony is now concentrating on the operation of the "Inception" project.

As an extra point, "The Witcher\'s Apprentice" has dropped to No. 5, with a total of 28.7 million...


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