Legendary Guardian

Chapter 482 - 482: Master vs student

Looking at Blink, Cyrus noticed he lost an arm and sustained many fist-sized wounds which led to the total destruction of his organs in that section of their body. It looked like their insides were set ablaze the moment they received the injury, reducing their organs to ashes. Meanwhile, Clovis had only one fatal injury and that was the massive hole at the center of his c.h.e.s.t with the inside scorched just like that of Blink. Gazing at it, Cyrus couldn't help but imagine the kind of pain these people had to endure in that battle!

As much as Cyrus would love to claim that they survived that battle thanks to their strength as the successors of the two most powerful gods of all time, he couldn't deny the fact that they only survived that long because of the seals placed on them, containing their power. It was meant to be used as their trump card and seeing how they survived, he was pretty sure it worked.

"At least they didn't die at a foreign land… It would have been troublesome" Cyrus muttered under his breath as he gazed at their mutilated bodies.

He couldn't help but wonder if these two were killed in the other world, there would be no way of retrieving their souls! Even Derik won't be able to summon their souls with his death magic since the influence of his power is limited to this world! That's why he felt extremely bad for the ten bronze realm warriors and mages who didn't make it alive, there is no hope for them.

"We thought it would be a good experience for them! They were the best of their generation and that's why we sent them there hoping we can train a new batch of elite warriors and mages and now they are gone, for good!" Cyrus muttered with a frustrated look on his face.

He turned his fierce gaze towards the spatial wheel and instantly Tanatos understood what was going through his mind.

"No way! You can't!" Tanatos stepped in front of his invention as he spoke.

"We true gods are restricted the moment we step foot into a foreign god vein! Why do you think the new gods and guardian spirits could hold their own against us? Why do you think, Derik didn't dare go over to the other side and secure the power source for himself? You are yet to recover your true strength so it's not advisable to start a war in a foreign land when there are more powerful enemies at home! If you go in there, I can assure you that the same beast emperor who defeated your heirs will kill you as well!" Tanatos said fearlessly.

"What do you suggest I do then?" Cyrus growled and clenched his fists tight but Tanatos showed no fear, instead, he took a bold step forward.

"Put your petty grudge aside for now and focus on saving the lives of those two, even though they failed to complete the mission, they still fought bravely and deserve our respect! Second! Chill out till Derik returns… By the way, life and death are two sides of the same coin… they are more powerful together… Both of you made me understand that" Tanatos said firmly.

"This…." Cyrus wanted to say more but he knew Tanatos was right so he silently focused on healing Blink and Clovis.



Bright green bugs swarmed out of the body of the blazing green skeleton, spreading across the gray hall.

"Everything my children touch is reduced to dust…. Tell me how you intend to deal with it, now their movements are not hindered!" Derik's temperament had changed along with his appearance.

Knowing how strong these cosmic beings are, Derik didn't wait to see the outcome of his attack, instead, he pointed his bony finger at the ceiling of the room, and slowly, a green firestorm slowly appeared into existence.


The blazing green storm slowly took the shape of five blazing green skulls that kept letting out loud shrieks of laughter.

"Fall!" he screamed as the five blazing green skulls collapsed on him, spreading hell flames across the entire hall, leaving no spot untouched.


Following the explosion, the entire hall was filled with bright green flames making it hard to see.

Life magic: Divine Judgement spear!

Suddenly a golden light pierced through the green flames and struck the green skeleton's c.h.e.s.t, causing green flames to erupt from the wound, sending shivers down Derik's spine. His gaze turned murderous as he tried to free himself but he was greeted by another spear, causing him to stagger back.

'How can his life magic be so pure? In normal circ.u.mstances, I should be able to shrug it off but now I am actually getting hurt!' Derik screamed in his mind as his body twitched due to the intense pain from the purifying aura spreading across his body.


The raging green fire slowly died down and Derik saw all the true gods placing channeling their power into Blake while standing behind him. At first he wonders how they survived the pestilence and the raging green flames but now he finally understood why. He couldn't help but commend their quick thinking because it saved their lives just now.

"Putting all your hopes on a fake? How low have the cosmic beings fallen! Even the great Beyond has no choice but to rely on the strength of my student to face me!" Derik shattered the two golden spears as he spoke.

Black blood flowed down his boney body but he didn't seem to mind.

"The victor writes history! We don't need to worry about this getting out since we can decide to tell the world whatever we wish after your death!" Blake hissed as he clasped his hands and his golden aura surged out furiously.

"Guardian path: Divine guardian Broadsword!" He growled as a mighty golden sword appeared above his head, releasing its divine aura which clashed with Derik's death aura!

"Impudent child! You dare challenge me? Amusing!!" Derik growled as his aura erupted as well!