Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 958

Guo Xu called all three rookies and talked least with Jimmy Butler. The new man's personality is relatively dull, uh huh, ah, no topic.

In Guo Xu's previous life, Butler's EQ was very low. He was not only like Jordan, but also like his arrogance.

He didn't respect his teammates enough after playing the standard. In the most difficult moment of Ross, Butler said, "point guard is nothing special. I think I can be the team's point guard." He also publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with Ross and Noah.

After Ross left, the Bulls' dressing room was in chaos, mainly due to the contradiction between Butler and Rondo. They had a verbal battle in front of the media and criticized each other. As a result, the bulls were forced to leave and Butler began to rebuild.

He lacks the leadership that he should have as a core, but he has the ambition to be the boss, so he can't handle the dressing room relationship well.

After joining Timberwolves, he immediately regarded himself as a leader. At the beginning of the new season in 2017, after the game between the Timberwolves and the jazz, Rubio, the former captain of the Timberwolves for seven years, wanted to visit his old friends in the dressing room. Butler, who played for Timberwolves for a month and a half (including pre-season), stopped him from saying that this was his place. Since then, Rubio has always looked at him with the eyes of caring for the mentally handicapped.

That season, Butler sat on the sidelines for a minute after being selected as the all star, and made it clear that he didn't want to play when he wanted to rest. This has angered a group of stars and fans who feel that people with this attitude do not deserve to be selected as All-Star, and several players who are sorry to lose the All-Star election may want to strangle the goods.

Of course, Butler, as a 13-year-old player who did not know who his father was, was abandoned by his mother for "too ugly" and grew up in the slums, he has a unique way of life. His success depends on his tenacity and hard work, and even his inhuman character.

How long Butler stays in the Suns depends on his performance. If he shows signs of becoming an unstable factor in the team's dressing room, he will be sent away at most for four years. During his four-year rookie contract, he is a valuable low-income high-energy player.

When Guo Xu called clay Thompson, he joked and asked him to practice more three-point ball and physical fitness. In the new season, he didn't have to do anything else. If he practiced the skills without the ball, he might become a starter.

Thompson immediately promised to exercise during the holiday, put down marijuana and become a Buddha.

Guo Xu and little Thomas talked the most, because little Thomas was excited to cry when he received the phone call. No exaggeration. He really cried.

Young Thomas is a man of temperament and an iron fan of Guo Xu. Because he is only 175cm tall, he has been discriminated against since he played in middle school.

When Thomas Jr. took part in the NCAA game last season, the other fans sang and ridiculed him. The song, called "little world", is the theme song of Disney, which is used to ridicule the height of little Thomas.

As a child, he fought against the ridicule of the outside world. Whenever someone looks down on him and says that he can't succeed, Guo Xu is his spiritual pillar, which makes him firmly believe that the small man can play well in the NBA and support him to move forward.

Guo Xu said that the new season will be with him to practice, help him become "the surface of the strongest 175", little Thomas grateful. "Big brother! From today on, I have contracted the title of your brother... "

After finishing the draft, Guo Xu and his girlfriends went out to attend the premiere of teddy bear in Los Angeles on the same day as the draft convention. Jason stanson and Rosie Whitley walked the red carpet together, and their relationship had been made public.

The R-rated movie, featuring CG animated characters, was finally released in the summer season and released by universal.

There's always a lot of competition for blockbusters in summer. Teddy bear has the lowest investment and costs less than 50 million to produce. There are no big stars, but tomorrow's company is very confident about the film.

It's a good time to choose. The green lantern, which was just released on June 17, has already hit the streets. Auto Story 2, which was released on the same day, is an animated film that attracts young audiences. The audience is different.

The rise of the apes, which was originally planned to be released on this day, was postponed directly. They counseled that it didn't look like it could rise. On July 1, "Transformers 3," starring Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts, "lark law," was released, and the main creator was afraid of being hit back and forth and went straight into the street.

Because Guo Xu didn't take part in the film, the marijuana element can be involved in the film. At the beginning, when the man is lonely, it shows how irresponsible his parents are.

At Christmas, the man asked his mother, "Mom, how was I born?"

Mother showed a kind smile: "before, your father and I had a wonderful relationship, so we decided to plant a small seed. Your father planted the seeds in the soil, and I took care of them very carefully every day. It grew up slowly and flourished after a few months. It grew healthy and beautiful

The innocent man was shocked. "Am I a vegetable?"

Mother shook her head. "Of course not. We cut this plant down and dry it. We took it without a cover when we smoked it."

When Teddy was just given life by a wish, the parents thought it was their new species of grass, and they were hallucinating.

After confirming that Teddy was alive, the news host pointed to Teddy's picture and yelled, "look at the miracle of Jesus!" Important things have been said three times. Teddy was also invited to the chicken feather showTeddy was raised by the parents, learned a skill with the protagonist, and began to plant seeds in the soil and smoke marijuana.

The plot of the film is funny and unruly, especially when the cheap bear interacts with Roxie's guest actress No. 2 in the supermarket, the audience laughs wildly with the provocative action of sexual cues.

These plots were added by Guo Xu, who was involved in the script creation, and some of the jokes that he was deeply impressed with in the original version were added.

It includes some classic Dialogues: "shit! You and she are only two years old, I have been with you for 27 years! What about my ring? Where's my ring? "

Chris parrat also performed well. He had an extraordinary talent for comedy, and his figure was more like a marijuana hanger than the original mark Walberg. It was a fat house. Mark often works out and his muscles are very strong, and his acting skill is to wrinkle his brow into a "Chuan" character all the time.

Two men are responsible for the crime, and the woman is responsible for the beauty.

Important female characters were chosen successfully. Dario and Rosie are excellent vases. They don't need any acting skills. They just show their body in the movie.

Stanson's hoarse voice would make people feel funny, and the contrast was too big. But it's not a transition. This year he's dubbed two animated characters. In Kung Fu Panda 2, he also continued to play the role of panda's bad friend, big brother AHU.

In the cinema, there was a lot of laughter. At last, the cheap bear was torn into two because of the wish of the female owner. It was a happy ending. We don't have to look at the box office statistics, just look at the reaction of the audience, the creators will know that this is another successful high box office movie, and the disc will definitely make a fortune.

The film has won a good reputation, and the theme song "everybody needs a best friend" has also been highly praised. This time, Guo Xu made a jazz style and asked Nora Jones to sing.

The song is very short, the lyrics are simple, and the song is easy to remember. Guo xuneng has not written many songs. Even if it is very simple, he has been pondering over the lyrics for a long time, and there are still people who can help.

On that night, while discussing cheap bear, online fans also began to wonder about the action movie "extremely stolen car God", which was officially released in July. This time, Guo Xu had time to be the first male host. They believed it would be very interesting.

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