Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 940

In the second half, thunder's weakness was completely exposed in the Christmas War.

The Suns have taught a vivid lesson to all teams. The simplest way to clean up thunder is to slow down the pace, play steadily in positional warfare, ensure the players' defense speed after shooting, and limit the thunder's counterattack.

The attack defense conversion speed slows down, the thunder trident attack efficiency reduces, the star frequently in the middle distance singles.

Sun is famous for fast attack, but doesn't rely on fast attack. Guo Xu can still control the rhythm perfectly in positional warfare, switching freely between playing with and without the ball.

Wesbrook and Derozan can only attack with the ball, and the threat of running without the ball is very small. The defenders don't have to follow because they lack range. In positional combat, they also have a low percentage of hits in the presence of interference.

This is the lack of ability, the coach can not solve it. Brooks's adjustment method is to force up the speed, let Wei Shao take the charge to fight.

Thunder was forced to compete with the sun, which led the era of small balls. How could the victory or defeat still be in suspense?

As D'Antoni made adjustments, O'Neill and Pau Gasol were both in the field, and the inside line was rotated by gotat, Ibaka and Haslem. The flesh shield center does not appear, the sun interior player's speed is not inferior to any team.

Wei Shao, who is eager to pursue points, began to take more responsibilities consciously. His fans called this crazy running, domineering and extreme show talent as "leader temperament".

Wei Shao counterattack in this section, Guo Xu used his height advantage to break through several times, stopped jumping shot and sent Ibaka two big caps. He shot 2 out of 8 in a single quarter, 3 out of 4 free throws, 7 points, 1 assists and 3 mistakes, leading the Suns to 28 points ahead of the thunder in the three quarters, making the game into garbage time.

Guo Xu was beaten down by Wei Shao and went to guard the water dispenser. The fourth quarter will not go on again. This makes him feel very depressed. The only consolation is that other starters of the sun are also accompanying him to guard the water dispenser.

Well, Wei Shao increased his hand, that is suicide attack.

In the third quarter, Durant reduced his shots and increased his passing. He knew that if he had been playing singles all the time, his data was beautiful and he couldn't beat the suns. He hopes to be able to drive teammates, become a better core, but ordinary points is difficult to form an auxiliary, he is not good at sudden points like Guo Xu.

Durant's main advantages are height and arm length. He has a wide field of vision when organizing, and his passing is not easy to be disturbed. His most suitable partner is Curie and Thompson, who can catch the ball and shoot immediately, but not Vito.

In Guo Xu's previous life, there is a saying that "only Wei Shao can prevent Durant from dying", which is not an empty word. Weishao can not only reduce Durant's shooting times, reduce thunder's scoring efficiency, but also often transform Durant's assists into iron. Their chemical reaction is very poor, 1 + 1 is absolutely less than 2.

For Victor, Durant is the most suitable teammate. Because Durant is a selfless core, the ball right is not very high, can play without the ball, which is an important reason why he can get along well with Victoria.

If Victoria and curry swap now, thunder will impact the championship this season, and warriors in the dressing room must fight, a white camel mountain can not accommodate two Ouyang forward.

Of course, even if thunder doesn't have Victor, the coach can't let Durant attack all the time. He doesn't have the physical strength to support the whole game. Parallel world by 2018, his highest single game score in 11 seasons of his career was only 54 points.

At the end of the day, the two sides sent substitutes to exercise, and Lin Shuhao and Whiteside, who were on the edge of the sun, were given performance opportunities.

Kobayashi played very bad, responsible for the ball attack is Dragic, Kobayashi guest shooting guard can not find good rhythm.

Whiteside played well. He covered first at the offensive end and then cut through the air, catching the ball and hitting the basket to get 6 points. His inside partner gotat got 8 points, two people against thunder substitute inside the upper hand.

"Polish hammer" this season began to gain power, average 16 minutes, can cut 7.3 points, 5.1 rebounds, 0.5 assists, shooting percentage of 56.3%. He didn't play long, he was efficient.

Gotat's mid-range shooting percentage reached 50%, but rarely shot, only 1.4 times per field, more than 70% of the offensive were completed in the low post and under the basket.

Whiteside defense slowly practice, he is a cold headed youth, often a little fly, always want to block the opponent. Offensive side of his performance is good, empty cut to catch the ball is a sudden smash, opponents inside the line was led away by the guard is very difficult to prevent this move.

Whiteside is much better than when he joined the kings. There is a super veteran like O'Neal in the team, who can teach him the game experience. He grew up watching O'Neal play and listened to idols very much. He changed from a prick with low EQ to an honest little brother.

His fate began to change. As long as he didn't do stupid things that offended Guo Xu, he didn't need to accept socialist transformation.

NBA has a lot of talented players, and there are only a few super stars who are really successful, because in addition to talent, personality is also an important factor in determining the fate.

Whiteside in good times, everything seems very good, less time on the court, no complaints, honest practice of high pick and roll after the middle shot and low catch turn to shoot two moves, have some results.But in Guo Xu's previous life, Whiteside played in China's NBL, and there were contradictions with Jiangsu Tongxi. According to Jiangsu media, the club has reservations about his professional attitude and believes that he has not worked hard.

When he first returned to the NBA, Whiteside was the worst tempered guy in the heat. He played NBA games for more than three months, and had seven technical fouls and two deportations. According to NBA rules, each item was fined, and the total amount of fines he was fined during the season amounted to $37000.

At that time, some reporters joked that Whiteside would owe the League money this season, because he was only the base salary, could he pay the fine?

Now Whiteside has restrained his bad temper and has become O'Neill's little brother, carrying bags behind his butt every day. In training, O'Neill is willing to give him some practical tips.

Shaquille O'Neal's low position footwork, Whiteside as long as the practice of both sides of the turn technology, the future is not worried about no ball. Although he does not have the strength of O'Neill, is a tall and thin player, but the explosive force is very strong, relying on the speed and arm length of the general interior line is not able to block his shot.

Guo Xu will also teach new players the experience of how to run and how to cooperate when attacking.

Whiteside was open-minded and focused. In the face of two NBA historical stars, he dares not to make a mistake. Besides, many people say Guo Xu is the first person in NBA history?

Both sides substitute played the last quarter, the Suns 124-89 away victory thunder 35 points.

This is the Suns because Christmas to the thunder save face, the last quarter of the body is full of energy, the first three quarters play time is very short veteran hill did not play, D'Antoni is mainly to train inexperienced young people.

However, the people on the edge of the thunder are even worse, and they can't withstand it.

Sun's six men scored in double. Guo Xu made 8 of 14 shots, 3 of 6 of 3, 4 of 4 of 4 free throws, and scored 23 points and 11 assists. He cut two doubles without much effort.

Before the game, thunder fans who are expected to win this season are all shut up and the Suns have found a way to deal with them.

There was a big gap between the two sides in the No.1 position. Wesbrook made 5-of-18 shots, 20-of-3-pointer, 6-of-7-free throw, 16 points, 7 rebounds, 7 assists and 5 errors. His shots were more than the scores.

The Suns play less in the middle and long distance. He tries to play the role player in the last interior defense. He's going crazy

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