Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 900

ADA likes the Texas style country music very much. In Guo Xu's opinion, their playing and singing are too poor to be compared with professional singers. All the singers Guo Xu knows are those who frequently board billboards and nominate Grammy Awards.

As soon as he listened to country music, he thought of Tyler swift. If Tyler was here, he would probably be tempted to spray on her, asking her what was on her mind and what kind of breakup song she was going to write to Hayes in the future.

Guo Xu is really curious, because none of his dozens of boyfriends in his previous life was black, so it is difficult to fall in love for more than three months.

He thinks more. In the impetuous entertainment circle of earth four, although many people take drugs, come out of the closet, cheat, and engage in mischief every day, the bad luck of "other gods" is that they can never break up after death, even if the niggers are on two sides. She is like the rheumatic bone disease of old people, she can't be thrown away.

In the evening, Guo Xu and ADA changed to stay in a high-class hotel with special sentiment, and their feelings warmed up again. If Guo Xu took the initiative, the other side would give up.

He fell asleep in the middle of the night, closed his eyes and went back to six o'clock in the morning of January 4.

When he was on earth, his two girlfriends at home were very miserable. He often had a pair of dead fish eyes during the day. Now he has found his confidence again. It is really easy to fight alone.

Guo Xu also has a sense of achievement. He thinks that he has done good deeds. He has a close relationship with ADA in the cycle. After the cycle, IDA should dream about him. The clumsy and introverted original body will have a chance. If Guo Xu doesn't do these things, he will have to wait for the girl to chase him.

Guo Xu got up to wash, and then turned on the computer to check the news. Yesterday, it was not detailed enough.

He still paid attention to the NBA first, and found that Hayes, the reborn, is now in Dallas. There will be a game at the American air stadium this evening. Guo Xu immediately decided to ask ADA out in the morning and watch the game together in the evening.

Like yesterday, he made a successful appointment with IDA, changed entertainment items and tasted delicious food, and went to the American Airlines Center, which is famous for its calf and sun.

The scene is one-sided, Mavericks home 71-125 to Bobcats 54 points.

The reason why the Mavericks are so bad is that the team has suffered from serious injuries, and there are few people who can play.

Terry, Nowitzki two important scorers absence, some famous players only Marion and Kidd, they are still in the decline period, scoring ability is insufficient, one focuses on defense, the other focuses on organization.

Just last week, the Mavericks sent out Josh Howard, drew Gooden, Quinton Ross, and James singleton, and got the Wizards' carlon Butler, Brandon Haywood, dershawn Stevenson and some cash.

Dallas general manager Tony Downey said it was a very painful choice to send Howard away, but they couldn't miss the chance to get two time all star forward Butler.

The pain is strange. The management only saw Howard's stupidity in smoking marijuana and his condition was in a serious decline, so they traded him to the wizard. Unfortunately, the wizard management also concealed Butler's injury hidden danger. Butler only played two games after joining, then he was injured and stopped cooking. How can a wizard trade him if there's no hidden danger? And two great character players.

Guo Xu thinks that it is normal for the Mavericks to lose miserably, Bobcats are strong, and Hayes' personal ability is very strong, which is beyond his expectation, which is not felt by reading the data on the Internet.

Hayes can break through the front frame with the ball, hit the low back with his feet, and shake out the space like Scola. He has a precise small throwing both in the frame and in the back.

Hayes can also play without the ball, run to catch the ball, jump shot three-point, shot faster, can rely on rhythm to avoid blocking.

This is a rhythm player, very comprehensive, full back technique, inside strength. He can eat opponents who are about the same height or shorter as his own, and can also break through the inner line that is bigger than himself. The Mavericks can't defend him one on one, and he will pass the ball to find his teammates.

In the past, NBA also had such a short power forward, that is the famous Charles Buckley. The difference between the two is that Buckley's body is more powerful, known as flying pig, offensive sharp, defensive attitude is general.

Hayes is more defensive. He has a wide range of defense, not only can resist the opponent's power forward, but also can change the defense, judge the direction of rebounding is very accurate, and can get the rebounds by strength.

His defense style is like the warrior's Raymond Green, and when he responds to the attack, he also looks like green, but he doesn't know whether he will chase eggs.

His comprehensive strength should be able to surpass Buckley, become MVP is not strange, brush a brush on three pairs. Even LeBron James is not as good as him in many aspects in this period, shooting is not as accurate as he is, and his back ability is poor.

Mavericks power forward nahula was abused by Hayes, all kinds of low position show footwork, Shanghai wood main defense, he withdrew to the periphery to give teammates cover, catch the ball to throw three points. If the dislocation on the guard, he can rely on the strength advantage, relying on the opponent's one or two turn back step shot, a little Pierce, Joe Johnson feeling.

If Guo Xu takes the video and takes it to earth one, he will definitely blind many people's eyes. Hayes can really play five positions.

Guo Xu guessed that he wanted to leave the time cycle, and 80% of them had to work hard on the basketball court. Maybe the hidden condition is that he has to beat Hayes, and he doesn't know whether to win by himself or by team.If single, two people should be unable to prevent each other, a draw. Guo Xu is much faster than Hayes and can easily break through. His strength is a big difference, because of his height and weight, it is impossible to resist the power forward even if he has practiced for 100 years in the cycle of time. What's more, he is a player famous for his strength and can play as a center.

If it is to lead a team to beat Bobcats, Guo Xu seems to have no chance. He has only one day, even if the earth four pairs of short-term signing players are relatively loose, he can play for the Mavericks, and the lineup is much worse than Bobcats.

This is the gap between NBA and CBA. Who are Bobcats, who are they? If it wasn't for half-time garbage time, Hayes, Lopez, Durant, curry had a rest, bobcats won the Mavericks 80 points is not surprising.

Guo Xu has no plans to PK with Hayes for the time being. It's easy to find out their training time and go to the stadium.

In the cycle of time, he is equal to an extra period of life. This time, he doesn't know what the conditions are for breaking the cycle. If he can get out of the cycle by talking to the same person who is a reborn, his vacation will be over.

In the past, Guo Xu had the goal of becoming stronger, but this time he was too lazy to practice. He came in because he thought the regular season was too boring. How could he be willing to go out earlier?

Another day later, Guo Xu and the four people went to the cabin in the woods. There was no water or animals nearby. Fishing and hunting were out of the question. It was really boring. Five people got together to chat and play cards.

Guo Xu met Martin's girlfriend Polly, a very unattractive white man. He was thin and had no meat at all. Martin was a good match for her, for she was also thin and not tall.

Chris is a fat 185cm tall man with big ears and thick lips. His butt seems to have Kardashian genes. He chatted is constantly boasting, how powerful my parents are, how powerful my relatives are, how powerful my friends are.

Guo Xu directly changed back to his predecessor's state, and had nothing to say. In the face of this kind of person, he is tired of wasting time and is vulgar from head to toe. This is not a girl. Even if he is really rich, he can only attract those snobbish women to cheat on his family property.

He won't take part in group activities any more

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