Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 879

The Cavs' lineup defects are not easy to make up for. If they continue to use double guards, they will not be able to defend the Hawks by using the swing as the core.

Brown's response is to replace Pavlovic, the ball right to focus on James and the Suns to fight attack.

Pavlovic is 203cm tall and weighs 100kg. He is similar to hill in body shape and won't suffer from single defense. His role is relatively single, is to open the opportunity to catch and shoot, the regular season has 41% of the three-point shooting rate, but not many.

James used the impact to hit Roy and hill in the counterattack, and soon found the offensive feeling and led the team to attack. After Pau Gasol's exit, the Suns' defense in the restricted area is much worse. James can score points, and he can also break into assists.

Guo Xu's playing method is similar to that of James. He breaks through time after time to find opportunities, passes the ball to the right position, assists his teammates, and throws one when he is sure.

In the first quarter, the Suns were 31-33 behind.

Guo Xu made 2-for-2 shots with 5 points and 7 assists. Xiaosi made 4-for-8 shots, 2-2 free throws and 10 points and 4 rebounds. The comparison of the two figures shows that Guo Xu's tactical role is more important. Even if he wants to let fmvp go, he may not be able to let it out.

Cavaliers more flowers, the first five all scored points, James 10 points 1 rebounds 4 assists 1 steals 1 block.

In the second quarter, James continued to take the substitutes without rest, and the coaching team was ready to let him play as much as possible. The Cavaliers in the last three finals have an experience. James has little significance in saving his physical strength. The Suns may enter garbage time in the next three-point rain, and have time to rest at the end.

Guo Xu and Xiaosi had a rest in the first half of the second festival as usual. The sun sent a substitute. Gasol and Lori played pick and roll. The other three were Haslem, morrow and green.

James opened the score in a row, d'antony was forced to replace the poor performance of green, hill against James, is still in the underdog.

Against James, the light weight of green, moon is not able to carry, hill is the speed of the loss, and so on the two suns back to the field to stabilize the situation.

The Suns were 60-63 behind in the half-time, Guo Xu had 6 points and 3 assists in the second half, and Xiaosi had 8 points, 2 rebounds and 1 auxiliary attack, which helped the team seize the score. Guo Xu cut two doubles at half-time, Xiaosi 18 points and 6 rebounds were also good.

James made a big break in this quarter, making 7-out of 8 shots, 2-out of 3 free throws and 16 points and 2 rebounds. He scored 26 points in half-time.

The third quarter James, Boozer two people's attack, the sun or defense is not good. James had 13 points, 2 rebounds and 2 assists, while Boozer had 14 points and 2 rebounds.

The Suns are mainly single defense, so that the Cavaliers completely dumbed down a point, but the Cavaliers only rely on two stars and Valerio's 4 points to get 31 points in a single quarter.

Suns side is multi-point flowering, Xiaosi 8 points 4 rebounds, three quarters cut 26 points 10 rebounds double.

Guo Xu made 3 of 4 shots, 1 of 2 3-pointer, 1 of 1 free throw, 8 points, 3 assists, 19 points, 13 assists and 1 steals in three quarters, which completely suppressed Mo Williams and Gibson two point guards.

Like the point guards of other teams, Guo Xu, who is serious about the two of them, is also very depressed and can't play his specialty. Especially like Gibson this kind of organization ability is bad, relies on the shooting to play the guard, after Guo Xu intimate has no way.

The difference is still not open, the sun is 90-94 behind.

Yu Jia said: "the final Cavaliers can finally compete with the sun, James played a personal finals of the best single performance, today he is expected to score more than 50 points, already 39 points."

"Guo Xu should be able to cut down two doubles of tuba. He played selflessly and didn't feel strong yet," Zhang said. Cavaliers want to win the ball must limit him, the first three quarters he did not shoot, Xiaosi is the first scoring point

"He had a magic performance of 20 assists per game in the finals, and it's time to test the Cavaliers' overall defense in the last quarter," Yu said

Everyone guessed that the sun would arrange tactics for Guo Xu, and d'antony did, letting Guo Xu direct the battle and giving him unlimited right to shoot. He needs cover to give his teammates a signal, if he wants to single, the others pull away.

In addition to a simple offensive tactical arrangements, D'Antoni also made a small adjustment to the lineup, that is to let Millsap guest play as a small forward.

Before a few small forwards have tried to defend James alone, the effect is not good. James used to rely too much on breakthroughs, this playoff is different, his performance in the middle and long distance has been very stable.

D'antony and teaching assistant sibodu discussed, decided to let Millsap try, he and James body similar, a little shorter, James can play small forward, why not he?

Although Millsap's offensive side is the standard power forward, receiving and shooting, low back, but the sun does not need him to hold the ball, his offensive task can be as usual. Smalls is a face frame based player and does not overlap with his position.

Sun five: Guo Xu, Roy, Millsap, stadamier, little Gasol.

Five Knights: Mo Williams, West, James, Boozer, biderlins.Sun first attack, milsapra out, Cavaliers defense is very difficult, can only man to man, James followed him.

Guo Xu points the ball to Roy, the latter against West, left 60 degrees face frame three threats, after the probe step dry pull mid shot. This is unreasonable play, there is no cooperation, play the star's singles ability. 92 to 94.

Cavaliers attack, Millsap close defense James, he will not be pushed away. James used the same trick as before, breaking the layup with rhythm change and going out under the interference.

Pau Gasol took the backboard pass, Guo Xu quickly pushed forward to the front court to pass to Roy on the left. Roy took the ball and ran one step and shot three points.

Roy's dry pull shot point is very high, Westgate can't reach, two people close, Roy can break through by force.

Roy, who knew his opponent couldn't reach, was relaxed and prepared well. The ball was hollow into the net.

95 to 94. Guo Xu's 15th assist.

Zhang reasonable calls: "it is Guo Xu and Roy's connection again, the sun succeeded in getting the score over."

Yu Jia said: "let Millsap play small forward is a strange move, he led James away, Roy has a good chance to single. James can not continue to prevent Roy, let West against Millsap is a serious dislocation

Cavaliers attack, James breakthrough in the forbidden area was wrapped, points out the ball, biderlins empty space to cast iron. James got a lot of points at the same time, the character player's hand is a bit cold, biderlins is lack of range, close to the forbidden area line of the shot is not sure.

Valerio couldn't be on the court all the time. Brown asked biderlins to head for a while, and Pau Gasol was waiting for him to attack near the penalty area.

Pau Gasol got the rebound, Guo Xu in positional warfare passed the ball to the little Gasol who had pulled to the high position. He went to the bottom corner of the left side first, then slipped the baseline to the right side, and Xiaosi blocked him.

Guo Xu ran to the right corner and received a pass from Pau Gasol, who had been looking for opportunities to pass to his teammates. Mo Williams has developed a habit, feeling that this time he will also choose to divide the ball, because Pau Gasol led away the high center, in theory, it is an opportunity for him to play Boozer.

Results Guo Xu took the ball without any fake action, immediately jump shot three points, Mo Williams reaction slow half beat, failed to jump up the cover, just reached for a slight interference.

Guo Xu's 22 th, 98-94.

Brown asked for a time-out. They were hit 8-0 by the sun

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